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Boob / moob sweat!


While I would sweat when it's hot it was never boob sweat. Now being on a BO regiment I get boob sweat before any other sweat. Is this normal and has anyone else had this happen? 

It's not terrible and it's not like dripping sweat like I may have in other areas. This is like a light sheen of sweat, in fact I would call it perspiration over sweat.

I guess you can say it's part of the business of growing boobs. I get underboob sweat as well...

Hi Brianna,
I have sweated like that my entire life lol, it might just be from hormone changes, it doesn't sound abnormal though.

boob sweat --yep have a lot more under boob sweat now price you have to pay for having boobs I guess

Whenever I'm wearing a bra, I lightly dust my breasts with baby powder. This helps a little. Yeah, boob sweat comes with the territory. Smile

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