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Want To Look Like Barbie? Here's How . . .


I just recently discovered this new cosmetic procedure commonly known as "Barbie Botox".  It works like this:  Botox is injected into arm, leg, shoulder, neck, and other muscles.  This causes the muscles to partially atrophy and shrink in size.  Liposuction can then be introduced to strategically add fat, which smooths out your limbs and other body areas thus producing an ultra-feminine, "Barbie Doll" look. 

I found that I can really relate to this procedure.  If you read my thread "A Little More Backstory . . . On Me!", you know that I was anorexic in my late teens/early 20s, and down to 93 lbs. with slightly above average male height.  I lost almost all my body fat and muscle mass was greatly reduced.  My bones are also particularly thin.  After I recovered and began gaining weight, I then started feminizing with PM, FG, PG, Estriol, etc.  My muscles were already weakened and underdeveloped, and my new fat was now being distributed in a feminine pattern.  The present result is that my body does now have something of a smooth, highly feminine "Barbie Doll" appearance:


So I like the idea of this Barbie Botox procedure.  I think it could work very well for a male with an ectomorph body type who is well along in MTF feminization.  It is also non-invasive, and the effects are long-lasting but not permanent.  I would consider having it done myself, but I would want to be further along in my feminization and just use Barbie Botox for "finishing touches".  However, I would assume that injecting botox into muscles to shrink and weaken them will result in less physical strength.  I personally have very little upper body strength for a biological male, but I get along just fine.  Losing some strength in order to look even more like Barbie is a sacrifice I'd be willing to make.  I have included a screenshot and a link to an article.

I would be interested in knowing your opinion on this.

-Graceful Curves

"Barbie Botox: The Non-Invasive Method of Using Botox to Look Like Barbie"


Thank you for posting this! I bookmarked the site. I cannot do this now, things in my life are messy and I am trying to fix this. Maybe someday down the road!

(18-07-2024, 03:18 PM)Graceful Curves Wrote:  I just recently discovered this new cosmetic procedure commonly known as "Barbie Botox".  It works like this:  Botox is injected into arm, leg, shoulder, neck, and other muscles.  This causes the muscles to partially atrophy and shrink in size.  Liposuction can then be introduced to strategically add fat, which smooths out your limbs and other body areas thus producing an ultra-feminine, "Barbie Doll" look. 

I found that I can really relate to this procedure.  If you read my thread "A Little More Backstory . . . On Me!", you know that I was anorexic in my late teens/early 20s, and down to 93 lbs. with slightly above average male height.  I lost almost all my body fat and muscle mass was greatly reduced.  My bones are also particularly thin.  After I recovered and began gaining weight, I then started feminizing with PM, FG, PG, Estriol, etc.  My muscles were already weakened and underdeveloped, and my new fat was now being distributed in a feminine pattern.  The present result is that my body does now have something of a smooth, highly feminine "Barbie Doll" appearance:


So I like the idea of this Barbie Botox procedure.  I think it could work very well for a male with an ectomorph body type who is well along in MTF feminization.  It is also non-invasive, and the effects are long-lasting but not permanent.  I would consider having it done myself, but I would want to be further along in my feminization and just use Barbie Botox for "finishing touches".  However, I would assume that injecting botox into muscles to shrink and weaken them will result in less physical strength.  I personally have very little upper body strength for a biological male, but I get along just fine.  Losing some strength in order to look even more like Barbie is a sacrifice I'd be willing to make.  I have included a screenshot and a link to an article.

I would be interested in knowing your opinion on this.

-Graceful Curves

"Barbie Botox: The Non-Invasive Method of Using Botox to Look Like Barbie"

This certainly an amazing option for feminization wonder how much this costs. The third picture you posted it looks as though you have had so considerable boob growth. I don't think you need botox you have such a great feminine body to start with, some of the pictures you have posted can see your face a little also looks very feminine.  Heart Heart

Question is, who the hell wants to look like a barbie? Looking like a human would be nicer. Rolleyes 

About over all feminising plastic surgery, I say better go for lipo sculpting / contouring and fat grafts than fucktons of botox. When only thing injected and shaped is your own fat deposits, I'd think its far better than getting stuffed with foreign material that shouldn't really be inside our bodies. Then again, botox is fantastic for doing minor fixes when its done really well.

For anything bigger than shaping tiny stuff on face, I'd really rather consider lipo + fat transfers. Ofc I'll advocate for the thing I've done and going to get more of so I guess I'm biased.

Barbie is a kind of "feminine ideal" that you can strive for, but no woman can actually attain.  Her ultra-feminine looks are why the doll, the movie, and now "Barbie Botox" is so popular.  There are many female body types that are attractive in their own way.  Everyone's body is different, and we have to make the best of the body we're given.  I actually consider HelloDiDi to be the Queen of BN because of her amazingly large boobs and voluptuous feminine curves.  With my small frame, it would make no sense for me to try to achieve that kind of feminine body.

In my own case, I have tried to remain extremely thin while adding just enough new fat to produce boobs, curvy hips, thighs, and butt.  So my body is emulating some of the Barbie characteristics, including very smooth and slender limbs.  Which I like. Smile  This along with silky-smooth clear skin, new erogenous zones, etc.


(Below): They're getting bigger . . . I'm using Estriol now. Big Grin


-Graceful Curves

(30-07-2024, 03:46 PM)Graceful Curves Wrote:  Barbie is a kind of "feminine ideal" that you can strive for, but no woman can actually attain.  Her ultra-feminine looks are why the doll, the movie, and now "Barbie Botox" is so popular.  There are many female body types that are attractive in their own way.  Everyone's body is different, and we have to make the best of the body we're given.  I actually consider HelloDidi to be the Queen of BN because of her amazingly large boobs and voluptuous feminine curves.  With my small frame, it would make no sense for me to try to achieve that kind of feminine body.

In my own case, I have tried to remain extremely thin while adding just enough new fat to produce boobs, curvy hips, thighs, and butt.  So my body is emulating some of the Barbie characteristics, including very smooth and slender limbs.  Which I like. Smile  This along with silky-smooth clear skin, new erogenous zones, etc.


(Below): They're getting bigger . . . I'm using Estriol now. Big Grin

-Graceful Curves

There are no two females alike unless they are twins. Graceful Curves you have a very female  figure  and your boobs are starting to be very noticeable. Barbie is just one example of a female   figure and not everyone can or wants to look like that. In the one picture I see a hint of your face looks very feminine as does the rest of you. Yes Didi is the queen of BN a very beautiful woman Heart Heart Heart

Omg what can I say to that? Hug Blush Other than I've been very lucky with genetics and how my body responds to HRT and NBE treatments and that's quite a superlative praise which I'm not used to.

Having ideals is one thing as long as it doesn't go sour because unrealistic beauty standards cause so much damage. I'm a bit cautious about botox, I am planning to get some minor work done on my face which includes the stuff, but for health reasons, I would always recommend using as little or no foreign stuff put into our bodies just to stay safe... Then again, this stuff can make magic when its done right.

Right hormonal stimuli, exercise, weight cycles all work wonders and then there's plastic surgery that can do the extra mile. Lipo sculpting/contouring is definitely a thing to look into. Working on midsection can even avoid any need for a BBL.

This kind of reminds me of bodybuilders Injecting sythol oil into their muscles. And for those of you who don't know sythol is a synthetic oil that the body/muscle can't absorb and get rid of. If abused it will actually cause the muscle to rot and decay from the inside. 

I know Botox is not synthol and is used more commonly and is prob safer if administered by a professional. Not sure why but that's the first thing barbie Botox reminded me of is all. 

How new is this barbie Botox? Might be worth waiting awhile to see how people react to it before getting it done yourself lol.

This post may come come off as a bit rude, but I'll do my best to be as objective as possible. 

I would never, NEVER recommend botox or something similar to a healthy human being. The only times I can agree to these procedures is if they are benefitting those with scars or other natural deformities. When healthy, good looking people start taking botox, they experience the same as planned obsolescence. They will become ugly. One way or another. If you make your lips bigger, it might look good for 2, maybe 3 years. But your body will age. And it will adapt. And you will regret it. 
Be it boobs or butts. I've seen it all. I have Brazilian heritage, so believe me. Those Brazilian Butt Lifts has never done any good. Women who look like they have external butt modules attached to their body scares me to no end. I even know some older ladies that did their boobs. They now look like they have thin bags with one heavy weight each hanging from their chests. It's literally tragic to look at. 

Now take it from this angle. If you have ever gained weight before, have you ever taken into account why fat appears there? Why? If you're not morbidly obese, you'll probably notice that you gain weight in a extremely efficient manner. Your body wants you to be healthy, and it therefore allocates fat to the least impactful areas of your body. It wants you to function as optimally as possible, even while you are at your worst. It even helps you maintain balance by distributing fat to different parts of your body, so that you can walk with all that weight while still not falling flat on your stomach. So imagine what happens when you but something like botox in there. This is no ballast folks, this is literally dead weight. You cant distribute it if you lose weight. It's there. Forever. 

Lastly, lets try to elaborate some more on why botox is not worth it. 
Believe me or not. You can. If you are not born with any natural deformities, then you should be able to look good naturally. If you have ever seen beautiful children turn ugly when they get older, then it's highly likely that it's and environmental factor at play. If you were a healthy child, but started using drugs, smoking or drinking alcohol, then of course you won't look as good as before. But if you can become ugly, then you can also revert those changes (for the most part.) 
If you don't want to look like a disproportionate barbie doll, then I highly recommend going the natural route. Not only is it healthy, but it also compliments your own physique, making you look more attractive no matter the age. 

If you want a better jawline, then you can start mewing.

If you want to reduce acne (in most cases) and slow aging, you can remove sugar and seed / vegetable oils from your diet.

If you want a bigger butt, you can do butt exercises. (You can get really good results on this one if you give it a few years). Or you can use one of those butt enlargement creams.

If you want bigger lips, you can follow along the Lip Enlargement thread at Transgender. (If it works on lips, it might work on other areas as well.)

If you want to have better skin (especially on the face), I recommend looking into a skincare routine.

If you want to reduce wrinkles, you can use sunscreen every time you are exposed to the sun and add retinol serums where necessary.

If you want a more feminine figure overall, you can only do core and leg exerciese.

You can even increase your own height by inducing microfractures!!!
So what is stopping you from going the natural route?!
If you for some reason think that you can get better results on botox, then be my guest.
But if you do every thing listed above for, say, five years, I'll give you a 100% guarantee you'll look like one of the most attractive people your age. 
Does botox give you this guarantee? I sure don't think so.

Idk. Maybe I just have a different opinion compared to everyone else.
All I can really ask is: Do you really find this attractive?
Because I find this quite repulsive.

Gazillion good reasons there... Also, plastic surgery has become such magic that lipo sculpting and fat grafts are able to do amazing things, end up looking totally natural and have comparatible easy recovery. BBL is afaik the most dangerous fat grafting surgery there is, fat transfer to breasts is much less risky.

Also there's weight cycling which goes perfectly with fasting and exercise, do it on top of female hormone balance and there's almost a guarantee of way more feminine figure using nothing but our bodies own functions. I think I can advocate for this as I've done it quite a bit for the last over three years.

Thing with botox is moderation, its good for smoothing wrinkles and doing minor fixes, but those are obviously temporary. Healthy lifestyle and skincare alone does a lot, again something I can adivice everyone to do. Big Grin

But the pics there are filtered af and absolutely hideous anyway. Appealing to porn brained idiots who are all into some dumb ass bimbo fetish. Misogyny at its finest.

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