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Want To Look Like Barbie? Here's How . . .


Well said, DiDi. I don't know much about lipo sculpting and fat grafts, but I have seen what botox does to people. I even almost lost my mother to it. You shouldn't do it, even if you take just a small dose. They always give into the "Just a little bit here and there". But even a miniscule amount of that stuff is bad. You look fine or even better for a few years, but it almost follows a exponential curve. It only gets worse over time and you'll have to take some hefty procedures to make up for it. And when your body is finally back to normal. You are now just a fraction of what you could have been. You may be 10 years older, but you look like you aged 30 instead. My experience may just be the worst it has to offer. But I would never want anyone to suffer like that.
So you can kind of just say that if it's too good to be true, then it probably is. It's not good to always take the easy way out.

I completely agree. I feel everything has a time and a place as long as it's not misused and that it is used for what it's intended to do. Most people like mentioned before will always give in and do just a little bit more here or there or same with plastic surgery they get addicted to it and just one more thing here or just a little bit there. 

I know firsthand what the body is capable of. And it is capable of some amazing things. In my experience granted it was for bodybuilding and gaining muscle and size it took 24 years of my life of consistently going to the gym and training and making a lifestyle change of eating healthy and making the right choices in terms of nutrition and everything else I did, but that got me to where I am today. I have accomplished a lot and I have changed my body and physique tremendously from what my body could have naturally done on its own. 

To make a long story short I had been weight training and bodybuilding for 14 years and I did everything I could to put on weight and size and muscle and my body naturally plateaued at 160 lbs. Nothing I did would help me put on size and muscle that I thought I needed to be competitive in bodybuilding. Chasing a dream that is probably unrealistic for my genetics I decided to use steroids and I had used steroids for 10 years. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. All that did was allow me to change my body's new normal weight that it likes to sit at to about 190 to 200 lb. And then again that's where my body plateaued. 

I went as far as I could naturally and then I pushed it and tried to go as far as I could using performance enhancing drugs and I was still nowhere close to be competitive at a national level to earn a pro card and bodybuilding. Granted I thought I was in the best shape of my life I at least looked like it I was definitely above and beyond the average gym goer that's for sure but compared to the athletes that show up at these bodybuilding contests you couldn't pick me out of the crowd. 

Now here I am coming to the realization that my body was trying to tell me that I wasn't meant to be a huge mass monster that you see in pro bodybuilding and that I was meant for something else. Something that I knew all my life even as a child there's there was a reason why my body had limits as to how far I could go. And I push those limits now as I'm on the precipice of transitioning I have to try and undo everything I did trying to chase an unrealistic dream of becoming a huge bodybuilder. 

But I know for a fact what my body can do given enough time dedication and consistency with the right training and nutrition. It may take years but I know I can decrease in size and muscle mass to an extent, or to a happy medium that allows me to become more feminine and or more on the lines of a above average athletic cis female in physique. But like I'm saying and beating a dead horse about is that I know it's possible to do it the hard way just a different form of bodybuilding instead of trying to get big and put on a lot of muscle I'm now trying to take the muscle away in certain areas create a more feminine but and legs and it's all just going to be through nutrition and a different form of training style. 

Like I said everything has its place and time even steroids but the way I use steroids was not the way they were meant to be used. Even plastic surgery there's always a time and a place and plastic surgery does great things for people especially in the trans community or those dealing with gender dysphoric issues that can cause a lot of mental distress depression and even suicide if left unchecked. 

Ever since I started to embrace transitioning I found a renewed passion in trying to transform my body back to the version it was probably meant to be all along honestly. And I know with time I can go pretty far before I'll need any other form of assistance in getting the body and figure and feminization that I will want enough to at least stop or lessen dysphoria.

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