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Suggestion to herbal stack


Hi all,

i wanted to get your suggestion to the herbal stack i figured out.

- PM
- red clover
- wild yams
- peppermint oil
- Fenugreek
- licorice
- pygeum
- saw palmetto

So PM for obvious reason.
Red clover, because it is anti androgenic and it is blood thinning so it works against the clotting from PM.
Wild yams, because diosgenin is a herbal progesterone.
Peppermint Oil as an anti androgen.
Fenugreek ... growth?!
Licorice as a anti androgen.
Pygeum und Saw Palmetto to block DHT.

So might that be safe? 
What are the suggestions for the dosage?
Thank you for your input.

Might want to think about pairing it down to 3 maybe 4 at most, that's could be a lot of stress on the liver.

Maybe, PM, RC, SP. And/Or FG.

Just a suggestion. Remember it's a marathon not a sprint.

Couldn't agree more with Tomi, start slow on PM and RR and listen to your body.
Do your research on liquorice as large quantities can be dangerous and taking lots of herbs will put a hell of a stress on your liver!
Good luck with whatever you decide.

Thank you both.

I tried the combo of red reishi and PM before. It felt like red reishi took away what PM alone was doing.

For licorice I thought about the DGL version, which should be safer?!

Check out what Lotus wrote up on it. If you can't tolerate RR try WP.


RR itself is not an issue, it just feels like its blocking effects of PM.
White peony does upset my stomach.


i already have some boobs from trying around different herbs for the last year or so

starting from nearly flat my size is:

EU 100B
UK 44B
USA 44A 

I thought about wild yams cream, which has diosgenin, which is more or less progesterone.

Is it a good idea to use that right now?

That stuff is what bioidentical progesterone is made of? Plant stuff is never as potent in itself, I'm not sure about the effect of yam on its own, I know for a fact that bio identical progesterone made from that is exactly what it is, but the plant stuff likely doesn't do much. I would suggest to use progesterone cream instead. Check the label, it should contain Micronized USP Progesterone.

Red Reishi does not block PM from doing its thing, it curbs DHT which is something you absolutely do want to help breast development.

Well no medical stuff available without seeing a doctor in the region of Europe i am, so you have to take what you can get

Progesterone cream can be bought in Europe very easily, its typically not controlled substance as its dosed typically quite low. Same with estriol cream and bi-est which combines estriol and estradiol. Depends on your country though, but at least within EU these can be bought easily.

And grey market under the counter meds are just as easy to get too if you know where to look. There's no crazy horrible consequences from buying feminising HRT medications, they can't be used for doping or getting high so typically its very low risk.

Anyway, for prog cream, search for natural supplement stores which carry the stuff. It shouldn't be too difficult to find. And bioidentical stuff wins plant based ones hands down, there's no contest. But herbal stuffs can be good for supporting hormone balance. For progesterone levels, Vitex (Chasteberry) is excellent, especially combined with evenin primrose oil.

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