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Project X (hrt)

I hope you get well soon. It's good news that some of your health issues are becoming better or moving in the right direction, I am sorry to hear that there.more going on. 

We all love you and hope you have a fast recovery.

I found this interesting article about white matter relating to women who have had both of their ovaries removed and how they increase risk for white matter development in the brain of the long run. 

I found it interesting. I'm not sure if it really relates to your situation, but hopefully it may provide some insight/help if not also just be an interning read.

It's really good to hear from you again, Lotus, to see that you're still kicking. I really hope you can one day put these medical conditions at least somewhat behind you <3 you deserve it~

Get well soon,



As always, you are looking fantastic.  And it’s great to hear some improvement in regard to the leukemia.  But this white matter disease????!!! I’m sorry.  Keep us posted.

Hello Lotus,

I am happy that your leukemia is getting better, hoping for a reduction in your disease.
On the other hand, you didn't need another illness.
I am always impressed with your consistent breast augmentation.

I must say that I am stagnating and I ask you again, could you give us a summary of:

What works best with PM (NBE)
What works best with estrogen (HRT)

And in my case, I take:
    Estrogen (Estrodose)
    Progesterone 2x100mg

Take care of yourself.

Kisses Lotus. Kiss

Jennifer Hug

(16-08-2024, 08:35 AM)IanW55 Wrote:  Hi Lotus,

You are certainly having a tough time, there is not any words to say that have not already been said apart from we are right with you, may I send my best wishes to you.
Hug  Kiss

Hi Ian, thank you. Btw, congrats on you're recent progress.  Hug

(16-08-2024, 10:14 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  I'll write this anecdote here as there's talk about PM and possible DVT risk. 

Hi Lara, I'm glad your father is okay. I can relate because I had a stroke last year too. It happened when I was first diagnosed with CML leukemia. I started taking “Imatinib”( it's like a chemo med) then got sick (my immune was shot) with covid. The combination of leukemia plus covid and then side effects of the Imatinib i was having respiratory distress so I had to go to the Emergency Department… or called emergency room (ER) here in the states. An EKG (or referred as ECG electrocardiogram) was performed and it detected a stroke (@ myocardial infarction). As a result I developed facial droop (or peripheral lesions) to the left side of my face. A Masking mandate was still in place at the hospital, making it unlikely it would've been picked up at the time.

Omg even that.  Sad All these health struggles, I hope you'll get better, with everything. That's quite lucky with the stroke to even survive. My best friend died to his second stroke. Caused by blood clots which were a side effect of his cancer treatments. And wife of one of my uncles and so on. My dad got extremely lucky that he only had messed up memory one day and has been fine since.

I really wish you all the best, that you'd get better. Heart Our health is truly the most precious thing in life, nothing is more valuable.

(21-08-2024, 04:23 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Omg even that.  Sad All these health struggles, I hope you'll get better, with everything. That's quite lucky with the stroke to even survive. My best friend died to his second stroke. Caused by blood clots which were a side effect of his cancer treatments. And wife of one of my uncles and so on. My dad got extremely lucky that he only had messed up memory one day and has been fine since.

I really wish you all the best, that you'd get better. Heart Our health is truly the most precious thing in life, nothing is more valuable.

Thank you Lara  Hug the last few years have been a bumpy ride. I'm appreciating things in my life with renewed optimism, respect and love... that includes my health too..  Blush

(16-08-2024, 10:53 AM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I think one member here on BN actually had to have surgery for DVT because of PM.

I was one of the users who early on was taking 3,000mg of PM until I learned more better. I'd have excruciating leg cramps that'd literally made me fall off the couch. Thank goodness I lowered my daily dose in time. It's definitely not something to mess around with.

Thank God you changed up your dosage. I wanted to follow up to the posts about DVT with meaningful words... as in scientifically.  Big Grin I realize how different everyone's metabolism is different when dealing with NBE/HRT. I will detail how to tackle the issues that present as roadblocks that prevents us from reaching our breast growth goals. But for now it's late and I need sleep.  Blush Wink Hug

I'm trying to reply to everyone ASAP. Love to all.  Smile

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