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I'm looking forward into more info about Red Clover and what ideas there is for using it. I'm thinking about extract mixed with the rest, at least that would be cheap and easy. With Cayenne, Cinnamon and Volufiline its super easy as the amounts needed are small, 100% oils and extracts tend to be potent.

Cinnamon might be allergenic to some poeple from what I know, the usual powder one used in foods is fine, but its a different beast than 100% cinnamon leaf oil. I'm testing it for a bit if that's the culprit, but I get allergies and skin issues from plethora of things. I have diagnosis for a lot of allergies and atopic skin which is prone to all kinds of disease, dryness and infections. HRT has helped with all this a lot, but of course I wont ever be fully free of it.

For topical rotation I would just hips boobs/hips on alternating days if you wish to do it like that? I've been consistent and there doesn't seem to be any problem just keeping at it. I have taken some breaks, short ones, 1-3 days about twice a month and otherwise just keep doing it.

DMSO is quite interesting as it enables everything else to work better and it has interesting properties in itself. Just make sure the concentration and dose are moderate, we do not want to overdo this one. For example, approx 1000mg 20% DMSO cream works fine with no side effects and its effective. Absorbtion rate goes up by a huge margin with it. I can't give accurate numbers on this, but in the morning all I have left is tiny bit of oils and that's it. All creams and DHEA is gone, so it must be very effective.


Would you be able to give good examples of what brands are best for dhea, dmso, and other things you use in your topical program? Or what is the best thing to look for in a product in their ingredients etc?

Hi CM, I can, but it'll take a bit of digging. Here's what I'm on right now with links where I get which one. Most can be sourced elsewhere too so little searching might help. Only things that have something extra are Prog and Estriol creams, I wish I could find more simple solutions for them. Everything else is largely pure ingredients or diluted to usable concentration like the DMSO cream. 

TOSOWOONG Volufiline, 100% oil from Yesstyle. Afaik this is the French company licenced stuff as the name suggests. It some times has really awesome discounts. I don't know about delivery to USA as these ship from France.

Another Volufiline, 100% oil, 60ml bottle, from Amazon. Price is about the same as above one without discounts. Its just a bigger bottle but the stuff is same kind, this one doesn't feel as "oily" as Tosowoong brand.

DMSO From Germanys Amazon. 20% DMSO, 80% just basic cream base. Nothing extra in this. Price I think is affordable as one jar can easily last one to three months.

Progesterone cream from iHerb. Contains bunch of ingredients which I don't like, I would rather have something simpler than this. Contains USP bioidentical progesterone. Expensive.

Estriol cream from iHerb. Contains bunch of ingredients which I don't like, I would rather have something simpler than this. Contains USP bioidentical Estriol. Expensive.

Cayenne extract from iHerb. Contains cayenne + alcohol. Super simple, cheap as heck as bottle lasts for ages, over all awesome product.

Swanson Bovine Ovary from iHerb. You can get it from Swansons own shop or Walmart or what ever much easier and cheaper, this is the only non insane premium price source I know to get these to EU.

Cinnamon leaf oil 100% from iHerb. Its literally nothing but the oil itself, rather cheap as bottle lasts for a long time, super strong scent.

Micronised DHEA from iHerb. Easily the best source of Micronised DHEA I've found so far, cheap as bottle can effectively last for 1-2 months on a decent dose.

Vitamin D3 from iHerb, NOW brand which is their house brand over there, most of these products are fairly affordable.

Estradiol gel I'm on is called Divigel, 1mg estradiol hemihydrate each, these are from the pharmacy at the moment as my girlfriend still has prescription to these. Later if I need to get some, then its usual DIY source for them.

Thanks Lara, think we have similar skin problems!
But like you HRT has improved it to some extent, but guess we will never be rid of the allergies, oh well.

Also ta for the above list of products, all very helpful.

Lara  Hug

I really think your development is super exciting.

Bica is very promising, even if I am a little worried about the effects on the liver. But so far I feel wonderful. I also experience allergy problems, especially when I started taking BO, I got a slight rash. At the moment everything is fine and even my lifelong acne has almost completely disappeared.

I also find RC very interesting, especially since the cheap estrogen gel I used for a long time was mainly based on RC along with black cohosh, ginseng and green tea. I felt it made a difference and have added it back into my topical regimen.

I am aware that I have to take volufiline for longer. That's what I'm doing now.

I'm not sure if the topical program isn't starting to be too much:

Early in the morning:
Bi-Est 5.0 one stroke scrotal
on the hips and bottom: Volufiline cream

Spread until midday:
Progesterone cream on hips and buttocks
Estrogen gel with RC on hips and buttocks
DHEA on hips and bottom

Distributed in the afternoon and evening:
Bi-Est 5.0 one stroke scrotal
on the hips and bottom: Volufiline cream
Progesterone cream on hips and bottom
Estrogen gel with RC on hips and bottom

I am also aware that you need prolactin-boosting foods for lactation. But I don't want to overdo it now, although I do take milk thistle anyway.

Have fun pumping and good luck with the growth of your two sisters.  Kiss

Thank you Lara,

Always going above and beyond.

Today was the first day I felt like I'm out of balance somewhat. Felt really crappy waking up and rushed to get my injection and blockers. Interestingly within an hour my mood drastically improved. This reminds me of how it was to start out when my T wasn't completely under control. I react strongly to balance changes so this isn't very surprising. Mostly its annoying. So third dose of Bica taken now and cypro along with it. I will try to go off of cypro completely quite soon, Bica will take its time building up on such small dose but I'm willing to push through it.

My breasts keep aching quite a lot, I already pumped once today and will do second session soon. I'm so surprised how its working out so well now. I'm sure getting off cypro will be helpful on bunch of things.

Third day being off of cinnamom now and my skin issues are going away fast. I think I might be a bit allergic to the stuff as its super strong, 100% leaf oil is totally different beast than spice so I'm not surprised. I'm easily allergic to a lot of stuff, kinda sad if I can't use it as its been very beneficial. Perhaps I could on lower dose. Anyway I rather not suffer from ton of allergy issues and anything that makes my atopic skin issues go crazy. Its been so much easier on this since going on HRT so I rather keep it that way.

It could be the type of cinnamon that you're using, because there is a difference. Most cinnamon sold comes from China and true cinnamon comes from Ceylon. Both trees while of the same family, are different.

Both cinnamons contains the possible toxin Cassia, but the Chinese version is 250 times greater than Ceylon cinnamon. Both versions have known health benefits, but Ceylon cinnamon has a much milder flavor.

Because of this I put Ceylon cinnamon in many of my food recipes, because the taste is almost indistinguishable. It also has the neat factor of totally masking the heat of cayenne pepper.

This article linked here explains it much more better than I can.

Not that issue, mine is Ceylon Cinnamon so should be the right kind. I think the issue is just how insanely strong it is at 100%. I have allergies to bunch of food items which are fine on their own, but could become a problem if its some sort of extract, or uncooked. This might be the case with cinnamon too it seems, as the typical powder spice type is fine, but extract might be a problem. Last two days I've had less allergy issues and my skin problems seem to be improving so I think it might be the culprit.

If this is the case, then I either lower the dose or not use it at all. It has felt beneficial though as it incudes a lot of warmth and there's those anecdotes I've read about it and keep forgetting.

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