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Fourth day without cinnamon oil and I think I've found the culprit. Skin dryness isn't all gone yet and dermarolling + alcohol in cayenne extract are causing some dryness but that is to be expected. All allergy symptoms keep going away and I haven't even take allergy medicine today. Its kinda sad, I liked the effects of cinnamon, the warmth and swelling, it worked. But either I have to dilute it quite a bit or find some other use for it. I have plenty left as I bought four discounted bottles and I rather not waste it.

I had no idea as spice cinnamon causes nothing, but its nowhere near as strong.

Lower body fat distribution is quite a beast to tame and definitely a subject for a lot of discussion here on BN. I have found glandular therapy and the topical concoction being hugely beneficial, also Pioglitazone is like rocket fuel for thighs + hips + butt. But that medicine comes with its own set of problems and side effects and I do not recommend taking it lightly and without preparation! Its not to be toyed with.

But anyway, topicals work on hips and butt just as well as on boobs it seems and I believe PPAR-y activation topically along with absorbtion enhancer could be helpful. The change is likely subtle and slow, but it definitely works. One thing to note about anything that deals with exciting fat cell division, be on caloric surplus! You need fuel and building blocks or nothing will happen. So plenty of protein and healthy fats is key to this, and keeping growth hormone and growth factors boosted.

Sounds like you are going to have to be a bit inventive in using up the cinnamon oil, or just try re-introducing it but in a much smaller quantity, see how that goes then increase it a bit at a time.
I've switched my topicals to down below concentrating on butt, thighs and hips, but just using prog cream / oestrogel with 100mg of DHEA mixed in. It feels like its doing something, but it is a slow process. Need to look more into the other tips you have suggested to.
Thank you for all your continued suggestions tips and tricks  Hug

I was fine as long as I was using five drops in total. Going up to eight and then ten seemed to be too much. I might try it on lower dose at some point, right now I'm off and allergy issues keep going away, also skin problems are healing well. Its strange how allergy can bring up all skin problems I have which HRT has almost completely removed. But its all about my immune system overreacting, so one over reaction from allergy bringing up other problems isn't that surprising.

Mixing DHEA powder with the creams and or absorbtion enhancers truly does the trick. I just ordered two more jars of DMSO and need to stock up on Prog & Estriol creams when I can. I want to build up a bit of stock for topicals as I'm planning on staying on current program for at least few months more, along with adding RC extract to try.

I'm in a big growth spurt right now, I'm not sure if its actually speeding up, it definitely feels like it. I think Bica is starting to build up quite well as I keep feeling better. Its day before next injection and zero mood problems and such so I think I'm good to drop cypro quite soon. I'll go on for another week and half with both I think. Cypro is on very low dose, 12,5mg twice a week so its 2/7 of my usual dosing, it should be going down nicely and Bica likely is reaching +50% efficiency by now.

Lara  Hug

Too bad you are allergic to cinnamon. Maybe the dose was really just too high.

How true that lower fat distribution is a beast. Fat doesn't really want to accumulate, especially on the hips. Pioglitazone is too unsafe for me. I'm not confident about it yet. After more than 6 months I would now like to take a break from BO to detox and only do topical applications. Let's see if it slows down the progress. And yes, I also try to eat a fair amount of protein and fats.

I will try mixing the DHEA cream with the progesterone cream. I am curious to see if this has any effect. Thanks for the idea.
Wee2er  Hug 

I can't wait to see what effect the topicals will have on your bottom, thighs and hips.

(22-09-2024, 10:21 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  I was fine as long as I was using five drops in total. Going up to eight and then ten seemed to be too much. I might try it on lower dose at some point, right now I'm off and allergy issues keep going away, also skin problems are healing well. Its strange how allergy can bring up all skin problems I have which HRT has almost completely removed. But its all about my immune system overreacting, so one over reaction from allergy bringing up other problems isn't that surprising.

Mixing DHEA powder with the creams and or absorbtion enhancers truly does the trick. I just ordered two more jars of DMSO and need to stock up on Prog & Estriol creams when I can.


After reading Lotus' topical info and your related posts I have some thoughts snd questions. What do you think of DHEA and Progesterone in a carrier oil and adding DMSO? Could one mix the three into a topical solution to be applied once or twice a day? The extracts in a carrier oil would provide better concentration and be aided by the addition of DMSO if my thoughts are correct. I realize one would have to be careful of the dosage of each ingredient. 


(22-09-2024, 03:36 PM)Nadi Wrote:  Lara  Hug

Too bad you are allergic to cinnamon. Maybe the dose was really just too high.

How true that lower fat distribution is a beast. Fat doesn't really want to accumulate, especially on the hips. Pioglitazone is too unsafe for me. I'm not confident about it yet. After more than 6 months I would now like to take a break from BO to detox and only do topical applications. Let's see if it slows down the progress. And yes, I also try to eat a fair amount of protein and fats.

I will try mixing the DHEA cream with the progesterone cream. I am curious to see if this has any effect. Thanks for the idea.

Bad luck I guess, the 100% oil is really super strong so its not surprising. Kinda sad because I'm convinced it has a direct effect on breast growth. So anyone who can do it and can stand the scent, go for it.

For me Pioglitazone has been ok, but I rather keep dose low and take it periodically, say 2-4 months at once and not more. I have sensitive heart so I rather not take stuff which might mess up with my ticker. Otherwise the only problem was to keep my blood sugar from crashing. If there's any health concern about it, stay off of it, Pio is one of the hard core methods of crazy high PPAR-y activation, it does work, but its harsh. Other stuff that worked for lower body are BO + uterine + pituitary and topicals. And eating enough, there's a peculiar fact about trans women, I've read about it and noted it myself, those who have got the most dramatic fat distribution changes are the ones who either lost or gained most weight during first several years of transition. So weight cycles are really a thing, there's obvious correlation there and I'm one more proof of that. I've gained almost 30kg since before starting HRT and a lot of that has hit exactly where I want it. Only problem is that I gain weight too easily, I have to keep my eating habits in check or I'll get too heavy for active lifestyle.

I mix all topicals except cayenne on a small plate at first, then apply them and add cayenne last after about ten to fifteen minutes. It seems that allows DMSO and other absorbing agents to do their thing first and then cayenne extract and BO in it absorb quickly.

(22-09-2024, 03:38 PM)Brianna Wrote:  DiDi,

After reading Lotus' topical info and your related posts I have some thoughts snd questions. What do you think of DHEA and Progesterone in a carrier oil and adding DMSO? Could one mix the three into a topical solution to be applied once or twice a day? The extracts in a carrier oil would provide better concentration and be aided by the addition of DMSO if my thoughts are correct. I realize one would have to be careful of the dosage of each ingredient. 


Hi. ^_^

Its a good idea, its similar thing what I do with the topical program. I mix them all together first except for cayenne. I think its easiest to do it daily, I mean to mix a daily dose of each so the dosing is spot on correct. It could work to make more of it and then split, but that can't be as accurate unless you're really careful. I guess twice a day would be probably better? I do it only before sleep for simplicity, and allowing everything to absorb overnight. I wear a top so I wont mess up the bed completely. Big Grin

Extracts like cayenne, cinnamon, red clover etc., can be easily mixed to a great effect with other topicals. Addition of DMSO is amazingly good, but be careful with dosing. It seems that low concentration and moderate dosing is what to aim for. Do not use pure DMSO, that's just too much. Either use a cream or mix it to 10% -20% concentration. For dosing I can't say anything for a fact, except that I use approximately 1g 20% DMSO cream which is working really well, I don't see the need to use more and too much could be problematic. From what I've read, too high concentration or megadosing might end up killing fat cells, but that happens only when its overdone quite badly.

I'm back home after a restful week at girlfirends' cottage. Likely last time before spring. Next time I'm seeing her it'll be on the other side of the fields in the house. Big Grin Summer cottage becomes a bit awkward when weather gets cold... So home and daily life ahead with some challenges. I'm in a rush to get firewood sorted. My mother was supposed to help buy some but she didn't keep that promise, so I had to quickly come up with something as we're running out of time to arrange it. So four and half cubic meters of firewood coming up thursday morning and following that, several days of rain. I have to cover them and wait the rain out. And I have to start waking up the fireplaces which takes quite a lot of work after months of not needing them. I'm going to do that in a minute once I finish this post.

So a picture update, I'm a week past 39 months today. No measurements and timeline update yet, that's for 40th month. But I've got some new development. My bra is absolutely stuffed and it gets annoying quite quickly. Breasts feel really heavy and there's ton of new sensations with them being more on the way. Going down stairs has gotten a new jiggly twist to it.

I really like the latest changes to my program. I'm feeling quite good on Bica already, soon I'll be able to drop cypro completely. I'm sure Bica has reached 50% efficiency by now. According to the usual timeline it definitely should have. Topical program is working fantastically, I'm not sure how useful topical D3 oil is, but I'll keep going on with it for at least month more to assess the situation. Cayenne with BO seems mind blowingly good addition and I'll definitely keep that going. Micronised DHEA at 75mg is really amazing, I tested 100mg too but it doesn't seem to matter much which one it is so I'll keep 75mg for now. Dermarolling helps a ton with absorbtion, I tested it by taking a break and keeping topicals going, cayenne tells it right away when ever its absorbing well and the difference is night and day.

I'm lactating much more than a while back, I wonder if switching to Bica has to do with it as the progestin effect of cypro is slowly going away? I wonder if progesterone will start working better as there's soon no progestins "stealing" receptors? I don't know yet, but I'm confident prog will work better soon. I've never done it before without being on Cypro so this is very interesting experiment.

As you can see my bra is so stuffed I'll soon grow out of it. The pace has been nuts, I never thought this could happen this far. Cup size difference by volume at this stage is a LOT, so growing from space in depth to painfully snug in three months is quite a feat. I'm definitely in a big growth spurt now, perhaps rivalling last years records.
 [Image: 24-9-24-1.jpg][Image: 24-9-24-2.jpg]
And yet some space at bottom of the cups keeps lingering. This I think is more about cup shape, I noted this same issue on the model who was showcasing this bra on Ewa Michalak website so I think this is a feature of this bra. Slightly shallower cups would make it perfect.

[Image: 24-9-24-12.jpg]

There's quite a bit of new development. See for yourself. Left breast has been catching up right in projection. I've been giving it extra attention with massage and dermarolling, seems to be evening them out nicely. Sorry for nipples looking like that, its some dry skin, I keep moisturising them but pumping takes its toll. Seems that my skin regrows so fast now I wont get blisters with three hours pumping per day most of the time. This I think is a direct result of locally boosting growth hormone and growth factors. And the size change from a while ago is testament to my program working wonders. I hope Lotus comes up with her information on cayenne soon, I'm already showing that it works, its her job to explaing the science of it next. Wink

This picture is so funny I have to post it. Big Grin My sideboob fullness is becoming so much its visible from front when I push them together like this. I really like how they look from below in general, but this is really something cool. xD Features of super wide breast root. Cool 

[Image: 24-9-24-12.jpg]

Glad you had a good time with your girlfriend.  Your breasts look awesome and projection is great also.

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