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blood in urine


I finally went to have a yearly physical.  It has been several years.  I am 47. not over weight.  For discount on insurance each year I have to give blood to get cholesterol and stuff checked.  This year I had them check everything. The doctor called me back a few days later and said wow, we really checked alot, everything looks great. He said I had very small amount of blood in my urine though.  Probably nothing to worry about. He said let's check it again a month. He said maybe kidney stones forming from drinking way too many energy drinks over the years.  So a month later I go back in he says you still have blood in urine and to schedule a cat scan.  He didn't give me any details or theories, but he thinks i'll fine.   During that month I noticed I am having to urinate all the time.  

I haven't schedule my cat scan yet.  To be honest I am never I have cancer, even though there are probably alot of other more likely causes.  Kidney stones seems very likely. I drink way too many energy drinks everyday and not enough water.  I thought maybe enlarged prostate, possible due to high doses of PM. Other than that I don't know.  I am little nervous.  I haven't talked to anyone other than wife about it. I don't want to show her I am nervous though.  so i figured I would see if any of you have had blood in your urine.

I never have had a kidney stone and I hope that I never do.

Dr. Berg has a lot of information about them and maybe this will be of a help to you.

Best of luck to you.

I have had trace amount of blood in my urine for many years.   They did every test in the book, even a camera in my bladder to have a look.   They never found anything.   

If you do alot of running, trace amount of blood in the urine is not unusual.

I've had blood in my urine a few times. 

I've had kidney stones a few times. 

Twice of those times I was given a CT scan to confirm the obvious- the obvious being blood in the urine and thinking I was dying/wanted to be dead. 

Not enough water and lots of caffeine are a great way to get them. A urologist told me Sweet Tea keeps his bills paid. Despite knowing all this I still don't drink enough water and too much caffeine.

I expect you'll be told kidney stones, and my condolences in advance. They ain't fatal but you might wish they were if they get to moving. 

Ain't gonna sugar coat it. The only time I've:
-Thrown up
-Assumed a fetal position
-Begged for drugs
-Did not care if I lived or died

from pain. All at the same time.

On the bright side, say you then break a bone. You're almost blasé about it to the ER nurse when she asks you to rate your pain 0-10: ah hell I've had kidney stones, this is maybe a six? The nurses appreciate someone who knows when not to say 10...

They ain't the end of the world. They just feel like it.

(29-09-2024, 11:20 PM)Stevenator_ Wrote:  I never have had a kidney stone and I hope that I never do.

Dr. Berg has a lot of information about them and maybe this will be of a help to you.

Best of luck to you.
I watched a couple of his videos. They are very helpful. thank you!

(01-10-2024, 02:08 AM)Jessi Wrote:  I've had blood in my urine a few times. 

I've had kidney stones a few times. 

Twice of those times I was given a CT scan to confirm the obvious- the obvious being blood in the urine and thinking I was dying/wanted to be dead. 

Not enough water and lots of caffeine are a great way to get them. A urologist told me Sweet Tea keeps his bills paid. Despite knowing all this I still don't drink enough water and too much caffeine.

I expect you'll be told kidney stones, and my condolences in advance. They ain't fatal but you might wish they were if they get to moving. 

Ain't gonna sugar coat it. The only time I've:
-Thrown up
-Assumed a fetal position
-Begged for drugs
-Did not care if I lived or died

from pain. All at the same time.

On the bright side, say you then break a bone. You're almost blasé about it to the ER nurse when she asks you to rate your pain 0-10: ah hell I've had kidney stones, this is maybe a six? The nurses appreciate someone who knows when not to say 10...

They ain't the end of the world. They just feel like it
I was a weekend warrior, amateur motocross racer for a while. I have broken a few bones.  I always hated the pain on a scale of 1-10. I am thinking 10 I must be dying. So 8 and 9 must extreme excruciating pain.  7 must awful. So I always say a really low number.  
I haven't had the cat scan yet. It may not be kidney stones, but with my sweet tea and monsters all day for god knows how long I am asking for trouble.  I need to do better.

So I have more than a dozen kidney stones, most likely caused by my Chemo after having cancer. What i do is to try to drink  several liter bottles of water every day. My late wife struggled with stones, she had kidney failure due to diabetics.

I used to fight in a dojo (mma) getting kicked in the kidneys will cause that as well.

Hi, A few years ago I had the same problem, blood in my urine, I was tested at the doctors using the test strips and I had signs of kidney issues.

Was sent for scans and it showed a 3 stones, whilst waiting to see a consultant I passed one, oh hell it hurt, worst pain I have ever had.

Stones are sharp and look like coral and as my doctor said it is the sharpness of the stone that cuts the kidney hence only small amounts of blood.

May I also suggest the you get your prostate checked, it is a quick simple procedure a PSA blood test and a digital rectal examination, the digital exam is just uncomfortable not painful at all.

I know I lost my dad to prostate cancer so I have mine done every year.

Hope this helps

PerkyAcups, I understand your concern. About 14 years ago I occasionally had blood in my urine, but I chose to attribute it to prostatitis and did not see a urologist. Four years later the blood became too ffequrnt and too copious to ignore. I got a ct-scan and it showed a tumor in my bladder, confirmed a few weeks later by a cystoscopy, followed by surgery, an outpatient procedure. Although it had been growing for four years it had not reached the muscle, where it could metastasize, so I was cured, and no follow-up treatment was required, except for regular cystoscopies. 
I have also had major kidney stones, which I just had removed by laser lithotripsy, also an outpatient procedure. And, yes, these can also cause blood in the urine. A ct- scan should provide clarity.

I wish you a good outcome!

PerkyAcups, I understand your concern. About 14 years ago I occasionally had blood in my urine, but I chose to attribute it to prostatitis and did not see a urologist. Four years later the blood became too ffequrnt and too copious to ignore. I got a ct-scan and it showed a tumor in my bladder, confirmed a few weeks later by a cystoscopy, followed by surgery, an outpatient procedure. Although it had been growing for four years it had not reached the muscle, where it could metastasize, so I was cured, and no follow-up treatment was required, except for regular cystoscopies. 
I have also had major kidney stones, which I just had removed by laser lithotripsy, also an outpatient procedure. And, yes, these can also cause blood in the urine. A ct- scan should provide clarity.

I wish you a good outcome!

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