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BO by jess


Hey everyone.

I delved into the topic of BO and decided to start checking how it will work for me. I ordered a small supply that should last me at least a month or two. Since I don't know how it will work for me, after all, it works differently for everyone, I would like to ask a few questions to everyone and generally collect such things in one topic on the forum.

- How long did it take you to notice the first effects and what were they like?

- How long did it take for erection problems to appear?

- How long can I expect infertility to occur?

- If something suddenly changes in my head, can I stop at any time without consequences?

my plan is to take

500 mg BO for the first week or two and increase the dose from time to time until I reach 1250 mg BO

80 mg pituitary for the first week or two , then increase to 160 mg

1or 2 Bioperine capsule

2 or 3 cup peppermint tea


What do you think about this plan? Should I add something?

I am 25 years old, 185 cm tall, weigh 75 kg, rather slim figure. At the moment I have no breasts at all

of course I will try to update the forum with my progress

Hello Jessica, I'll try to give some answers accodring to my experience. I think currently I'm the one on the forum who has been on BO & other glandulars for longest (Thirthy three months without breaks currently.) and has dug into it the most. Which hasn't been easy as there's very little science done on it, Lotus just a while ago found out about the BO & estradiol connection which lifted the veil a bit. To your questions...

- How long did it take you to notice the first effects and what were they like?

It took about two to three weeks when the changes were already visually detectable. Mental change happened right away. Note that I had been nine and half months on conventional HRT by then. Mental change was a feeling of balance, that BO (+uterine) did something conventional HRT alone could not. I'm not sure what exactly did it, but it felt like it balanced everything, I felt great. I was already on EV injection, T blocker and progesterone by then. Within weeks I pushed from Tanner stage 3 to early Tanner4 and my breast development skyrocketed in coming months.

- How long did it take for erection problems to appear?

I don't know as I was already on HRT, but erection while on female hormone balance is largely about practice, use it or lose it and of cource there's pills to help if you need it. I'm fine without much function because I've became almost entirely asexual, or ace/demi in a way that I don't have the T dominance insanity any more. Its like being one tenth horny compared to before and its liberating.

- How long can I expect infertility to occur?

I don't know what BO does on fertility, other than it likely will do damage as it too, just like conventional HRT will cause testicle athropy. Meaning that you junk wont take much space which can be lovely. I do not know really, other than if fertility is important to you, you shouldn't be playing with your hormone balance like this in first place. I don't think NBE program alone would cause you to get entirely infertile though if you've had normal function before. Not unless its very extensive and you're on it for a long time. But this is such YMMV situation, there is no obvious answer other than either stay as fertile as you are, or don't play with fire. Then again, you're so young your function likely wont be wrecked very easily for a long time to time. For me this wasn't much of an issue, I started transitioning at thirty seven, I'm almost forty one right now, I never had kids and at this age, I'm fine without. Also possibly due to an intersex condition and having already damaged goods from fifteen years back, I was likely infertile all my life anyway.

- If something suddenly changes in my head, can I stop at any time without consequences?

Yes you can stop at any time. People talk about magical "point of no return" with BO, and there might be something to it. A good friend of mine did digging on studies on glandulars and found something very peculiar, one talked about how Uterine glandular probably mimics relaxin and or E4 and thus can open my pelvis as if during pregnancy. Other very interesting thing was that Bovine Ovary somehow could "switch" cells to only react to estrogens, I'm quoting from memory so don't take this as any absolute fact, I don't have the study stating that saved. Anyway, the point being that BO does something to how sex hormone receptors work which pointed towards it possibly "flipping the switch" permanently like some people talk about. Almost as if causing a situation similar to complete androgen insensitivbity syndrome.

But this is all speculation, anecdotes and a study I have never read myself. Likely the "point of no return" is a myth. Even if it isn't, you're planning on dramatically changing your hormone balance to that of a woman to achieve body feminisation which can become very much visible and obvious. You're already swimming with the sharks with this. What I see repeating on the forum a lot is men who do this for the wrong reasons, then they do everything either wrong or pick up stuff that doesn't really do much anything because they're too scared to get ACTUAL changes. For me and other trans women here its so much easier, just do everything and never slow down as all changes are welcome.

You're better off knowing what you're going into. Wink

Your program seems ok, as a simple addition that has health benefits and also makes boobs grow would be MSM, vitamin D3 and Calcium citrate taken together. Another huge huge deal is the topical cream protocol which Lotus came up with and I expanded, while back we started to cooperate on testing it and bringing in new ideas, that thread has been very active and helpful if you're interested. The core of this program is very simple and it can be expanded upon quite a lot with room to mix and match things. Lastest has been topical Bovine Ovary added on top of the existing program.

Thank you very much for your answer, but I am counting on descriptions of the experiences of people without HRT.I absolutely do not plan to have children, so purely and simply I wanted to know if anyone has researched the subject of fertility
I will read into the add-ons you mentioned. I will probably add them to the program
I know that what I plan to do is already a serious interference with hormones. At the moment I do not know if I will enter HRT. I want to see how my strange psyche will react to the HRT substitute in the form of a program with BO

Thank you very much for all the advice. I wonder if I should describe potential photos here on the forum or on another site, adding only a link here (this site works a bit poorly with photos)

Hi Jessica,
Welcome to the forum.

How long does it take to notice changes?
We are all different, it took me about 6 to 9 months before I noticed any physical changes and 12 months to really see changes in breasts. The biggest thing I noticed was it was extremely difficult to keep from gaining weight.

Erection problems?
That took about 3 months to develop. Help from viagra and or cialis worked well for that.

I don't know, I haven't checked. On E now so I am probably infertile now.

Stopping BO?
I was on BO for 2 years and I didn't want to stop, but I did when I switched to estradiol (HRT). The E may have helped stopping BO, besides I was on a maintenance program of low dose BO. Bottom line, stopping was difficult. It does seem there is a point where a switch is flipped, mine was before a year was up.

Your plan seems reasonable.

Greetings, Jessica

This is what I have experienced after about a little over a year of using BO.

- How long did it take you to notice the first effects and what were they like?
I first noticed the effects after taking BO for a few weeks. My skin started to become a lot softer than before. I experienced a lot more bruising and bleeding all over my body than I could ever have imagined before. I'm getting cuts A LOT more often, where papercuts are no longer just a myth. It has even gotten to the point where I might get some small bruises on my finger after just chopping vegetables for half an hour. That's CRAZY! Or at least to me, since I've done it for years without getting anything close to that. I might have gotten some redness if I was chopping for hours, but that was it. Now, I sometimes have to wear a glove just to keep my index finger from getting worse. A truly saddening change.

- How long did it take for erection problems to appear?
Haven't happened yet. I'm still in my twenties, so that might be a reason why. The fifth hand is still going strong, but not for long. I believe the saying "use it or lose it" sums it up pretty well. And if you have the same experience as me, then you'll know when you'll lose it too. I can confidently say that it works for now, but I am almost certain that will change in the future. Because I'm not using it. In simple terms, would you still use it if you could get more pleasurable orgasms from other parts of your body? And if you for some reason did use it, that it would make you feel regret for not using the method that gives you more pleasure. To me, at least, it's become a part that serves no purpose. Except for peeing while standing of course. That one is a solid 10/10. Other than that, it's baggage And baggage will eventually be discarded.

- How long can I expect infertility to occur?
I have no idea about this one. There are simply way too many factors at play, but I'd imagine age and dosage to play a significant role in this. All I can say is that I'm still a stretch away from reaching infertility. And to make an educated guess, I'd say it's still at about 40% of what it used to be. 

- If something suddenly changes in my head, can I stop at any time without consequences?
Oh my oh my. I could easily ramble about the neurological changes of the nucleus accumbens, but I'll try to keep it direct and simple. If you do anything for a long enough period of time, you'll adapt. In a sense, no matter what you do, as long as you've done it, you've adapted. So, to answer your question, no. All actions have consequences. Some bigger than others. And the longer you do something the more you'll get to see them for yourself.

What do you think about this plan? Should I add something?
The regimen looks like a solid start. Maybe add a cream or some massage oil once you start to see some breast development. Just remember to experiment once in a while and see what fits you the best. You might be surprised by what benefits you can get. For example, I recently discovered that taking my second dosage before I go to bed seem to have increased my speed of progress by a lot. So do what you like with that information.

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions. We're all happy to help. 


hey, the first week has passed so I'll write my first impressions. Hmm, I think most of what I feel so far is placebo but:
I see a lower libido
Erections happen less often but the expected ones are strong
My back hurts but that may be normal in my case.
I don't see anything alarming so I'm increasing the dose to 1000 mg BO

I'm just a beginner with BO myself, and I should add that I didn't start BO necessarily for the boobs, I did so to fight balding.
But I don't mind the feminizing effects.

However, I have done years of PM before, which I'd like to include in the answers, since a lot can be related.
And no, I am not on HRT.

- How long did it take you to notice the first effects and what were they like?
PM: when it comes to breasts, I saw it in 2 weeks when my nipples got dark brown and hard for a few days.
That went over a few days later, but since I was dangerously obese throughout my entire PM usage, it was very difficult to notice any changes.
But then I went on a carnivore diet, and stopped PM at the same time, which slimmed me down a lot, and noticed that the years of PM did in fact give lasting feminizing effects, which are still there to this day.
My pelvis widened, breasts got to a small A-cup, got a kinda hourglass shape, slim arms and fat thighs, and so on.

BO: currently a bit under a month in, but I felt a sensation in my breasts only 2 days later like a kind of signal of my body saying "prepare for breast development!", and I feel like they have grown by maybe a few millimeters.
But not much else I can report on so far.

- How long did it take for erection problems to appear?
PM: I didn't pay attention to that, but I did notice that eventually I stopped getting random erections, which I was really happy about.
The only time I would get an erection under PM was when I were to look at pornographic images.
Erectional functioning were one of the only 2 things that returned after quitting PM and going carnivore (the only other thing that came back as well was balding).

BO: I'm noticing a similar effect as under PM with erections being significantly less frequent.
They do still happen though.

- How long can I expect infertility to occur?
Both in the case of PM and BO: I have no clue.

- If something suddenly changes in my head, can I stop at any time without consequences?
Neither PM no BO are Big Pharma products, so quitting them anytime will give no consequences.
PM is really just a yam in pill form, and BO is really just a cow uterus in pill form.
Much like removing all fiber from your diet immediately eliminates any poop related issues, and much like removing all animal fat from your diet immediately starts aging your skin at higher speeds.

Hey, it's been 35 days since I started, I've been taking 1500 mg of BO since day 25. Do I feel anything? Hmm... Others tell me I'm much calmer. My weight doesn't change
My nipples are harder more often and that's probably all of the physical changes. I have very big mood swings, I'm often depressed and I've been spending a lot of time thinking about myself and who I am lately. 
next update? hmm possibly in two weeks. unless nothing changes in which case it will be later haha

Ok awesome.

Hi Jessica,

I did PM for a while then switched to BO, admittedly, I wasnt on it long but that initial period it didn't do much for me at all. I seemed to be one of the unlucky ones who had zero effect from it!

However, I'm back on it again, granted with HRT injections but this time around I'm using it in my topical regime and I find it is working much better, similar to the above responses you have already received.
Do remember though, everyone's mileage will be different.

I second Heavens Night's additions MSM, etc and the topical regime. 

Sounds like you are off to a great start, keep at it, stay consistent, use it if you don't want to lose it, listen to your body and enjoy the journey Smile

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