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Finally jumping in!!


Hi everyone! I’ve been a lurker here for about 4 years now just soaking in all the great information from all you wonderful, beautiful people. A little about me:

I’m a 46 year old bisexual male, thin build, 5’10” 165lbs cross dresser from West Palm Beach, FL. I’m a born and raised Floridian, so I’ve spent about 99% of my life outdoors topless LOL but I’ve always wanted boobs. I was always jealous of girls and women for their bodies and ability to wear sexy bikinis on the beach and be left with those hot tan lines!

Like I said, I’ve been reading this site for a while now and feel I have enough information to start my own journey. So I’m starting with the Carlyle 1,000mg PM from Amazon twice a day. I know a lot of you say it doesn’t work, but I’ve been lucky to be on the low end of the testosterone scale all my life, including my “prime” 20’s, so I’m gonna take a chance. I also just ordered some BioLabs Pro Bi-Est 5.0 cream that I will be using daily, as well. I figure I’ll do this for a solid 2-3 months to see what happens. If nothing, I’ll add in some RR or SP. But I’m hoping just the first two things will work. If I really need to switch PM brands, Barlowe’s is literally a short 10 minute drive away from me. 

I have light leg and arm hair and no chest, back or stomach hair and still, at 46, have never been able to grow a full beard or goatee! So that gives you an idea of how low my T levels are. Oddly, it never affected my sex life. I’ve been able to be intimate with men and women all my life with no issues. I did have gynecomastia as a teen going through puberty, but those puffy boobs went away after about two years, sadly. 

So what do you all think of this starter pack? You think it’ll work? I’d love to hear your ideas, experiences and suggestions. My ultimate goal is boobs. Doesn’t matter how big or small, although big ones would probably look odd on my thin frame, so small ones is what I’m really after. I already have smooth skin, little body hair and full head of hair, so I’m not really focused on those things. 

Welcome aboard SlimSkatey Smile

Be careful with PM and look out for signs of DVT, with being a long time lurker (LOL) you'll know how many have had DVT problems when on PM.

It'll get you started, but personally, I'd jump straight onto BO, but either PM or BO, I'd highly recommend adding a decent topical regime too.

Good luck with starting your NBE journey.

Hey SlimSkater,
I have to agree to wee2er.
Have waisted my time with PM, have taken lt for 6 years, got a really great bubble butt but not the Breast development I wish to get.
I think you better try BO and the estrogen cream, but also the topical Regime.
It is a Key for success, two months ,two Cupzises... Celebrate

Thanks for the welcome! I must admit, I didn’t do much research on the BO after reading it dramatically changes everything. I’m not looking to fully transition, I just want boobs. The other feminization effects like fat redistribution and softer skin is fine, but I’m too scared to completely flip my hormones permanently like BO claims to do.

I have gained about 10 lbs in the last 5 years so my chest is noticeably bouncier. I notice it when I walk without a sports bra. Another 10 is fine, but I don’t want to gain much more than that.

I would suggest EEn injections as monotherapy plus TCP to the point you prefer going to,your ability to have a erection is not affected, only the ability to get children.
Think about it...

(17-01-2025, 01:52 PM)MEIK-E Wrote:  SlimSkatey,
I would suggest EEn injections as monotherapy plus TCP to the point you prefer going to,your ability to have a erection is not affected, only the ability to get children.
Think about it...

I have not heard anything about these things you mention. Please tell me more. I’m not concerned at all about having children. I don’t have any and never wanted any. As for erections, I am getting up there in age so some loss is expected eventually LOL

I’m actually planning on using my age as an excuse as to why my boobs are getting bigger…IF they ever do. 

Welcome to BN.

The TCP is topical cream protocol, developed by our resident science guru Lotus, I have expanded upon her ideas and came up with several ways how it can be done even more efficiently(Additional absorbtion, E2/E3 combo, BO etc.). This program is quite simple at its core, but it can be extended by mixing and matching ingredients. There's a thread for it here which keeps getting quite a lot of traffic, go have a read. Lotus can't be online as much due to her health problems, so I'm trying to help as best as I can with answering questions. Also Stevenator is frequently online and helping out newbies to right direction. Big Grin

If fertility and erections aren't much of an issue for you, then I advice you to go on combined program of conventional HRT and NBE together, that of course needs quite a bit of arranging and sourcing and then you have to be ready for a lot of feminising body changes, not only boobs but everything else. But don't worry, you wont turn into a woman overnight, people often think its dramatic and fast when its gradual and slow.

In my opinion PM is not worth it. The DVT risk isn't a joke, and PM isn't very efficient on growing boobs either, the development is often super slow and lacking. Bovine ovary can or can not be efficient, but the best you can do is some form of conventional HRT with some NBE supplements and topical protocol. This combination is by far the most efficient way there is, its been proven time again how well it workd.

Check out people like Lotus, Stenator, myself and several others who are doing similar programs and you'll soon notice a pattern. Who ever does these things has a tendency on growing some boobs or BIG boobs. Cool

I really love this community! All you guys are so nice and knowledgeable. I love you all! 

I don’t know how I missed all of this. And I’m really surprised to hear PM doesn’t really work. That’s contrary to a lot of what I’ve read on here and other websites.

As for this HRT/NBE combo, that really scares me. I never intended to see a doctor about HRT. Not many people in my life know I’m into this lifestyle, so I’d like to keep it down to just some “gynecomastia.” I don’t want “transitioning” to be on my permanent medical record.

I was just kind of hoping that, with my already low T combined with some natural herbs, for some budding and very small boobs that will definitely be noticeable, but can easily be explained away as aging or a medical condition. Especially since I already had gynecomastia as a teen.

It's me one more time...
I have had the same thoughts at the beginning of growing decend boobies...but later it has been not enough for me coming along with bcups on a broader ribcage.
I decided to begin a DIY HRT without any constructed Regiments from Gouvernements,
I am paiing for this myself, also the blood testings to get a picture If the direction IS right, Google it...
Is a way escpecially when your Testo is at the Low End... Blush

(17-01-2025, 02:54 PM)SlimSkatey Wrote:  I really love this community! All you guys are so nice and knowledgeable. I love you all! 

I don’t know how I missed all of this. And I’m really surprised to hear PM doesn’t really work. That’s contrary to a lot of what I’ve read on here and other websites.

As for this HRT/NBE combo, that really scares me. I never intended to see a doctor about HRT. Not many people in my life know I’m into this lifestyle, so I’d like to keep it down to just some “gynecomastia.” I don’t want “transitioning” to be on my permanent medical record.

I was just kind of hoping that, with my already low T combined with some natural herbs, for some budding and very small boobs that will definitely be noticeable, but can easily be explained away as aging or a medical condition. Especially since I already had gynecomastia as a teen.
BN is mostly very nice, its diverse and welcoming and there's some really cool knowledgeable people here. That's why I have stuck around, BN is easier for talking about NBE science than most trans communities and I like it how we're such mixed bunch and I'm here to catch any closeted trans women looking for support and help with hormone sorcery.

PM does work, but its slow and not really super duper awesome and it has blood clotting risk which has been unfortunately proven the dangerous way several times. I'm one of those who got DVT symptoms from it.

Not many are, to guys this is probably a life style, for me its a life and death, do or die situation and I'm very enthusiastic about what makes boobs happen. And full body feminisation in general, this obviously is a huge interest because I'm a transsexual (with build in weirdness of intersex condition.) woman and I'm not loaded with money so what ever I can do outside of plastic surgery is a huge win and that's where BN forum is invaluable information asset. Me and many others here are our own endocrinologists dictated by life situation, DIY hormone treatment is a viable path and very useful for men wanting to grow boobs and get feminine fat distribution. Its nothing to be scared of, there's plenty of information on how it works and how it can be cheaply and efficiently done. Finding a golden middle with dosages also allows the changes to be gradual and slow, I repeat that its never instant and never crazy dramatic. Anyway, worth looking into and considering depending on your needs.

Also don'tworry about growing boobs, you can have a LOT and it still can be played down as gynecomastia very easily. The condition is so typical for guys who wont get any kind of "suspicion" about their gender regardless of sporting quite a lot of boobs, you'll be fine. Ask Stevenator about that. Big Grin If that big tits fly under the radar when needed, you have nothing to worry about. You can have very androgynous body shape without it being weird.

When I was beginning my transition, I was already wearing was it 34F bra and people couldn't tell. And I've never been masculine looking much at all, except maybe for height and I was quite buffed out +5 years ago. But all that natural androgyny and quite a bit of boobs and wider than normal hips was completely invisible for quite some time. Its really crazy how peoples gender perception works. As long as they think they're dealing with a man, they see a man, even if there's a lot of obviously feminine traits.

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