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Tania's program after 6 month


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Ainterol Pueraria Mirifica: 3x500mg (morning and night)= 1500mg/day
Reishi root: 2x500mg (in the morning) = 1000mg/day
Evening Primrose Oil: 1x1000 mg (morning) = 1000mg/day
Progresterone Cream: every 2 or 3 days


Since I've been taking Ainterol, everything is changing in an amazing way. Remember that before Ainterol, I've been taking PM from other brands for almost 1 year.

I stopped taking Medroxyprogesterone and MSM, and only took Reishi and Evening Primrose Oil. I bought Biovea progesterone cream and use it every 2 or 3 days in the morning.

During the first two months with Ainterol, I noticed how the fat in my breasts was slowly growing (finally!). I'm also noticing changes in the rest of my body: a more defined waist, bigger buttocks, body hair is growing more slowly...

In the last month, I'm noticing the birth of the mammary gland (the globules), as well as the nipple is growing.

Am I going in the right direction? Should I take any other supplements (vitamins, calcium,...)?

Kisses to all

PD: Please, can an administrator change the title of this thread to "Tania's program"?

Tania, very impressive growth, especially considering you are on a PM regime, its vlearly working well gor you.
My only suggestion is adding a topical regime, there's a few of us doing our own version of it, but it does work.
Keep up the good work.

Tania your regime looks to be working very well you have gained some impressive growth, mammary gland development is exciting shows you are on the right track. Topical is a good Idea and breast pumping will also help. Must say your breasts, areola and nipples look lovely keep up the good work Smile

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