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Hello all. I figured I'd finally make an account and introduce myself after lurking for some time.
I have a complicated history with my chest and I'm looking to move in a direction that feels right. I hope that the resources and community here will be a good fit for me as I go on this journey.
I'm a 29 year old cis male. For more of my teenage and adult life, I was very self conscious about my chest. I grew up with gynecomastia, unilateral gynecomastia to be specific. I had general body image issues which clouded some of it at first, but as I worked on those I realized that my main issue was the one-sidedness of it. I hated the uneven feeling in my body, the uneven appearance, the way that one side of my chest would poke out of my shirt and the other wouldn't. I grew extremely self conscious of it, although it was relatively under control... That was until I entered a relationship. My boyfriend really likes large chests, and long story short our intimacy often involved nipple play and suction. I absolutely loved it, and through that I really grew to appreciate my chest in a new way. In the first few years we were dating, however, I believe the constant nipple sucking had an effect on my chest and it caused my right breast to grow pretty dramatically. As it grew, I was conflicted- I both loved and hated my chest. I loved the look and sensation of it, but I despised the unilateral nature of it. We tried to focus more on the other one to get it to grow, but there were no results. Eventually, I grew so uncomfortable with my large growth and contrast between breasts that I got gynecomastia surgery to remove my breast tissue. At first, I felt relieved... But I quickly came to realize that I missed the feeling in my chest, especially since the feeling is so muted now and my nipples are a lot smaller.
It's been about 3 years since the surgery. In a way, I regret it. I despised having unilateral gynecomastia, but I really wish the solution I was able to take was to have gynecomastia on both breasts equally rather than none. After a long conversation with my boyfriend discussing this issue, we came to the conclusion that it might be best for me to look into ways to grow my breasts once more. The big thing I want to try and achieve, however, is gynecomastia on my left side to match my right so that both of my breasts can grow together. I would really love to have bilateral gynecomastia and grow my breast tissue again, but I am terrified of entering into the same predicament as last time. I'd much rather not develop my breasts at all than have only one develop and the other stay small.
I am generally a very anxious person when it comes to the body, so I was hoping to find baby steps into breast growth that aren't too intense or extreme. As I feel things out, I hope to grow more comfortable and learn more. More than anything, I'm hoping I can find a way to grow one breast if it lags behind. Even after the surgery (I've gained some weight since then and my chest has grown a bit as a result), my left side is still a bit smaller than my right. I do believe a small amount of breast tissue remains on the right as well, but not the left.
My goals are:
- Breast tissue development and growth
- Larger/puffier areola and nipples
- Increased sensitivity in the breasts
Finally, I am a cis man who otherwise had pretty masculine bodily features. If there is a way to work on the above goals while not feminizing the rest of the body too much (some is fine though), that would be preferable too.
If anyone could point me in the right direction based on my history above, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you for reading. Smile

Welcome aboard Ekocham,

I'd suggest a topical regime where you can apply it locally to both breasts, then if one side starts lagging just concentrate on that side. Which should allow you in theory to even out the growth, on the presumption that it is possible to grow breasts after gynecomastia surgery.

By doing topical you avoid any overall body effects that you may get via oral administration and you get the chance to focus on one particular area if needed.

There's a few of us doing topical regime, each one slightly different. As I already have my desired B cups, my focus is on enlarging my areolas and feminising my lower half. Therefore, I only apply my topical to my areolas, butt, hips and thighs.

Lotus, she is our science Yoda queen has done lots of research and trials and has proven that topical regimes DO work, mine certainly is and have a read of HH's thread as well.

Good luck with your journey and hope that helps, do post more as we are a friendly bunch Smile

It is  a shame you came to regret your surgery to remove your one breast must have been a big step to take .   Probably would have been easier to have breast augmentation on the one side to even them out. If your boyfriend likes big breasts it may still   be an option. Lotus would be the expert on how successful  regrowth would be after having breast tissue removed  Good luck in your quest for regaining your  breasts. Smile

Howdy wee2er and Ninja, and thank you for the kind replies.

I was looking into topical regimens earlier online, it seems like there are so many conflicting accounts on them! Is there a thread you'd recommend to get started on that topic? Being able to focus on one side would be a very big relief for me. I'd love to focus on one side's growth as it will bring me great peace of mind and allow a bit of a catchup. I think in terms of the gynecomastia surgery, I heard it is possible to regrow breast tissue but rare. I do still feel some on my right side, but not on my left at the moment. The surgeon said he kept a little bit on the right side so that my nipple wouldn't crater.

And yes, it was definitely a big step to take, and a scary one too. First time I ever went under the knife with full anesthesia... If I could go back in time and try to focus on developing my left breast instead of trimming down my right, I would do it in a heartbeat... I just didn't really think it'd be an option. There are so few places out there where I felt I could explore an option of breast growth as a man. I'm glad I know this forum exists now though. It's nice to see that it's possible and there are many different options.

Check out the topical thread on here thatotus started.

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