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Red Clover or NOT to red clover


I have been using Red Clover and Hops along with Yucca for the last five or six years and have had great results. That's all the herbals I'm using except that I added Maca to enhance my tush today. But a little about me. I am a TS and have had actual hormone replacement therapy around 2003-2004 time frame. I had estrogen injections for 2 1/2 years, but then quit due to non availability of doctors in my area or access to prescriptions to continue the hrt. I panicked and considered getting back into NHRT and found this sight. I trolled around and learned what herbals to take which I have named. However I read somewhere the other day on this forum that Red Clover actually has a double edge sword effect on NHRT due to the fact that it has progesterone properties as well which can be limiting my feminization. This seems to be true since my 25 pound weight loss that I can now see all my muscles everywhere and they seem to look a little masculine. I am not used to that and it has become an insecurity which I haven't felt in years. I have gained a little body fat back intentionally to get a few curves back and feel more comfortable. I want to know if I should discontinue the RC and keep with my hops and Yucca along with the Maca. I tried saw palmetto a few times and it made me feel well, not right which is the best I can describe.

Why not try PM; it is the most powerful phyto oestrogen and has hugely femanising effects on breasts fat distribution, muscle mass and on the brain. Just as a result of me taking PM, my doctor has put me on the breast screening programe; can't be bad.

Thanks for the reply, but I've read alot about pm on other forums. It's seems that there are an even amount of folks who disagrees with it's effects as the folks who swear by it. I don't know exactly what I should do with pm since others will swear on other herbals just as well. ??????? omg, not sure what to think.

I just started nettle leaf and maca capsules since yesterday. I am currently using hops & yucca 3x per day at about 450-500 mg each.

Hi rosieli,

I wrote about the progestinic effect of red clover before:
If you follow the link in that post
you will notice that yucca is even more progestinic than red clover.

Wahaika commented several times that progestins stop growth. But when you've grown to your target size, other factors may become more important. Progestins in your program are also a choice, about the shape of your breasts:
My breasts are conical, and I like that "just budded" look, until they have been around for long enough to let them mature. Think about the stages in the development of a woman.

I have concluded that failure with PM has 2, linked, sources. Essentialy it is too small a dose, either from getting an inferior product or from failing to take a big enough dose. It really does work and, as such should be the choice of those wishing totruly femanise mind & body.

o.k. Thanks for all the advise. I have decided to go with p.m. The two biggest questions still for me, even though I've read in this forum- is, ainterol o.k? I've read many post saying no, but several saying yes. That's just causing me concerns & confusion but I like their pricing. I also read that I should only take p.m alone and not with other things like hops & yucca. I already have breast development from synthetic hormones, but lost most of the size due to extreme weight loss. I would however like to improve in their size and initiate feminization as close as I can to when I was on synthetics.

Just as a note, I was taking meal replacement supplements to loose weight for 7 months and it happened to contain soy as the primary protein. I noticed that even though I went down to an extremely low body fat %, my muscles looked to masculine. I stopped using these supplements and changed to the allergen free formula which doesn't have soy protein. I'm not sure if its the new doses of herbs along with adding nettle & maca, but I've noticed I am more emotional lately. Something is happening. I did notice before adding maca and nettle that my boobs filled out a little bit more. It's been a month since getting off of soy.

(11-07-2011, 01:29 AM)rosieli Wrote:  o.k. Thanks for all the advise. I have decided to go with p.m. The two biggest questions still for me, even though I've read in this forum- is, ainterol o.k? I've read many post saying no, but several saying yes.

The bottom line is that Ainterol works fine ( I've just this moment taken mine for this morning!) and in my experience needs nothing else apart from SP to keep the DHT at bay.

There was/is one person on here who continually runs this brand down through some vested interest in another brand. I don't think anyone who has actually used Ainterol ever says anything bad about it.

Hope this helps.

Pansy Mae

I've been using Ainterol for about a week now, and just ordered 3 more bottles of it to arrive well before this bottle runs out (2 week shipping time from Northern Thailand) and in the short amount of time that i have used it, I've noticed some small subtle changes. I also talked to a friend online who used Ainterol for ~3 months which is when he started to notice most of the biggest changes. It takes time to do its thing and it comes in stages: your boobs wont grow instantly, but rather you will start gaining weight in your love-handle region first (which is where I am at currently). I was also taking other herbs prior to PM and during the first couple of days but have stopped doing so and things seem to be just fine. Keep up with steady dosage and chi massage and be patient, you'll get there Smile

I talked to him more about his program:

PM was his first attempt at NBE
He didn't chi massage
He started off with 1x 500mg every 12 hours, and then increased to 2x 500mg every 12 hours.
Within a 3 month span he had the soreness and tenderness of breast growth, and "bulbs" underneath his nipples.

With diligence I'm sure it will work as most posts I read are of great success. I would still recommend doing the chi massage as I'm sure it helps the process along! Good luck to you Smile

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