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Being an inquisitive sort of person, perhaps these questions below are what many of us would like too know about each other,

Before and after PM, or NBE,

Sexual function, better before or after NBE or just different, ?
Mental outlook, has it changed, ?
Physical strength, any difference ?
What are your wifes views or long term partner, ?
How long to Buds ?
Have any of us a tissue mass in breasts ?
Work issues, has it affected, anyone seen, what reasons did you provide ?
Fitness , better or worse after start ?
Have you ever taken synthetics ?
Are you on maintenance dose or still growing ?
Family , have they noticed, did you tell them or provide a cover ?
Were your TG feelings early on or did they develop much later ?
Do you have a label, ie crosdresser, TG , TS, ?
What are your Goals, partial, full, super stealth ?
Are you more content now or are there any regrets ?

Hope as many people participate in this thread as new and old knowlege
is important to us all and our partners,



(09-09-2011, 05:38 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Being an inquisitive sort of person, perhaps these questions below are what many of us would like too know about each other,

Before and after PM, or NBE,

Sexual function, better before or after NBE or just different, ? No different
Mental outlook, has it changed, ? No change
Physical strength, any difference ?No Change
What are your wifes views or long term partner, ? Supportive/encouraging
How long to Buds ? 3.5 months
Have any of us a tissue mass in breasts ? Not sure what this means
Work issues, has it affected, anyone seen, what reasons did you provide ? Nobody has said anything
Fitness , better or worse after start ? No change
Have you ever taken synthetics ? No
Are you on maintenance dose or still growing ? still growing
Family , have they noticed, did you tell them or provide a cover ? Not noticed
Were your TG feelings early on or did they develop much later ? Age about 4
Do you have a label, ie crosdresser, TG , TS, ?
What are your Goals, partial, full, super stealth ? No goals as such
Are you more content now or are there any regrets ? No regrets

OK, these are mine to start it off, however as it was your idea Julie, how about you answering??Tongue


Sexual function, better before or after NBE or just different, ? enhanced by adding boobies to the picture
Mental outlook, has it changed, ? i don't think so
Physical strength, any difference ? don't think so, but not sure
What are your wifes views or long term partner, ? whatever makes me happy, it's not for her benefit
How long to Buds ? don't remember
Have any of us a tissue mass in breasts ? yes
Work issues, has it affected, anyone seen, what reasons did you provide ? self-employed, my boss loves my boobs
Fitness , better or worse after start ? not related
Have you ever taken synthetics ? no
Are you on maintenance dose or still growing ? maintenance
Family , have they noticed, did you tell them or provide a cover ? they noticed,m no cover story, family hasn't asked
Were your TG feelings early on or did they develop much later ? very young
Do you have a label, ie crosdresser, TG , TS, ? my label reads "38b". does that help?
What are your Goals, partial, full, super stealth ? to have the boobs i have
Are you more content now or are there any regrets ? much more content, my regrets aren't related to my boobs

Sexual function, better before or after NBE or just different?
Less (hops is really bad for libido, but technically I'm still FF)
Mental outlook, has it changed?
Yes: this won't go away. Felt like a wheelchair in the beginning
Physical strength, any difference?
What are your wifes views or long term partner?
Divorced. She said: "What am I supposed to do with these? I'm straight!"
How long to Buds?
Years of trying soy, red clover, black cohosh, dong quai, etc.
Have any of us a tissue mass in breasts?
Ducts, alveolas, glands: the works.
Work issues, has it affected, anyone seen, what reasons did you provide?
Dumped in the first next big lay-off. But with enough compensation, so I'm not complaining.
Fitness, better or worse after start?
Much better after start, worse after 10 years.
Have you ever taken synthetics?
One box of bcp. Useless.
Are you on maintenance dose or still growing?
Not growing, because losing weight rapidly.
Family, have they noticed, did you tell them or provide a cover?
Tell them one by one.
Were your TG feelings early on or did they develop much later?
Early on.
Do you have a label, ie crosdresser, TG , TS?
Shemale. Fortunately, don't have to work in the sex industry.
What are your Goals, partial, full, super stealth?
Partial feminization, full time.
Are you more content now or are there any regrets?
This took a complete overhaul of my life: wrong job, wrong marriage. Now the work has been done, I lack direction and purpose for the future.

I do not like a tick box mentality; ask me where I am and I will try and tell you.
Simply, this is the best space I have ever inhabited. I now am a C cup, way less strong and a lot more emotional, than before. Mentaly, I inhabit a very different space; I am less aggresive, more easy going and at peace with myself. I was a very skilled DIY'r, now I find I can't be arsed. I do not, particularly, like the company of men, who I tend to find irritating, or worse. I have gone from being a very fast driver, to one, who is quite happy driving quite slowly and is irritated by those who drive too fast! My ability to parallel park has vanished.
Like most middle aged women, sex is not an issue. As a dear friend of mine says, of a good pudding: "that's better than sex".
I first recall being overwhelmed by a feeling of being born the wrong gender, about 6 1/2. I struggled with my transsexualism for all my life and was swayed by the deliberate missinformatiom, coming out of Charring Cross. How ironic, that I am now being reffered to that very hospital! For those, outside the UK, it is the leading clinic, for transgengered people, in the UK and will grant me my gender recognition certificate, which will make me, in law, a woman. That is, to me a much bigger step than the next, which will be SRS.
I m widowed, so the partener problem, does not come into then equaision.
I am self employed and my business is quite high profile. I have found people, by and large, very accepting. I was in Spa, today and the lady on the checkout, was talking to me, over other customers, about how good my food was. My staff reffer to me as "she" 99% of the time.
I have been on PM over 2 1/2 years and am still growing. Buds took around 4 months to appear and are still, very much, with me, which also means permanently sore boobs. My present cup size tells you all you need to know about boob developement.

Oh.. what the he**....

Sexual function, better before or after NBE or just different, ?

Mental outlook, has it changed, ?
Yes. I cry easily and my emotions are stronger than previously.

Physical strength, any difference ?
Not yet

What are your wifes views or long term partner, ?
So far, supportive and OK

How long to Buds ?
Still waiting but I get tingles. No soreness yet. I am tingling as I type this.

Have any of us a tissue mass in breasts ?
N/A (yet!)

Work issues, has it affected, anyone seen, what reasons did you provide ?

Fitness , better or worse after start ?
No change. I have lost 2 stones in weight since January but I do not think that is NBE related. My figure is MUCH closer to a womans now.

Have you ever taken synthetics ?

Are you on maintenance dose or still growing ?
Growing, I hope

Family , have they noticed, did you tell them or provide a cover ?
My kids are not bothered, my sister-in-law is suspicious of my plucked eyebrows and long hair and a close friend was concerned enough to call me up and discreetly chat about any 'problems' I was having.

Were your TG feelings early on or did they develop much later ?
I do not really know. There have been a number of instances through my life that could be viewed as precusors of being T*

Do you have a label, ie crosdresser, TG , TS, ?
A year ago I would have said TV/CD but now I feel more like TS

What are your Goals, partial, full, super stealth ?
Stealth. Nothing else makes any sense

Are you more content now or are there any regrets ?
I should have done this before my hairline receded. As for contentment, I am content when en femme but I get very resentful/irritable if I have to be male for any length of time. I recently disposed of almost all my male clothing. I spend almost all my time as Beverley now. "He" is almost non-existent and I will be happier when "he" has gone.


Irony, Irony. we had to shut the restaurant, tonight, due to a plumbing leak. Who had to roll up her sleeves [skirts, actually; cannot remember when I last wore trousers] and fix it. I had 2 lads, 1 of whom is supposed to be training as a motor mechanic and they had not a clue. At least it was a lot cheaper than calling out an emergency plumber and we are ready to go, tommorrow! I still resent, having to dig out the male side, of me!

Sexual function, better before or after NBE or just different, Harder erections before but i am maintaining enough for sex. Still feels great. I really feel like a woman when I am in the bed.
Mental outlook, has it changed, ? More emotional. Sometimes I notice if I do not take my PM now I tend to be cranky or unfocused. Before in the beginning I would be light headed and spacey now I am spacey without it.
Physical strength, any difference ? Definatly not as strong. I have lossed mass and such.
What are your wifes views or long term partner, ?My wife is happy as long as I am.
How long to Buds ? 3 months in on PM i have buds half dollar size.
Have any of us a tissue mass in breasts ? Yes
Work issues, has it affected, anyone seen, what reasons did you provide ?not yet Smile
Fitness , better or worse after start ?worse but do to job. Im still healthy though and in decent shape.
Have you ever taken synthetics ?no
Are you on maintenance dose or still growing ?Growing
Family , have they noticed, did you tell them or provide a cover ?Only wife can notice so far.
Were your TG feelings early on or did they develop much later ?Age 12-13
Do you have a label, ie crosdresser, TG , TS, ?
What are your Goals, partial, full, super stealth ?partial possibly full Smile
Are you more content now or are there any regrets ?no regrets I feel great



Before and after PM, or NBE,

Julies answers

Sexual function, better before or after NBE or just different, ?
Different and better at moment, more control and skin brushing, OMG

Mental outlook, has it changed, ?
umm, much calmer, patient, not flying off handle, focused,

Physical strength, any difference ?
Think so , although that was goind down a little, not sure yet, def muscle lost,

What are your wifes views or long term partner, ?
Fun and supportive, I had doubts first few weeks in , she seemed cool, ok with her,
How long to Buds ?
2.5 months tiny points inside, 3 months golfballs but cone shaped,

Have any of us a tissue mass in breasts ?
Feel strands of tissue round and underneath buds, like string rolled up ?

Work issues, has it affected, anyone seen, what reasons did you provide ?, nothing noticed, except my workforce think Ive been kidnapped by aliens and replaced as calm and understanding,

Fitness , better or worse after start ?
Have you ever taken synthetics ?

Are you on maintenance dose or still growing ?
Oh crikey growing, growing,

Family , have they noticed, did you tell them or provide a cover ?

Were your TG feelings early on or did they develop much later ?
Early excursions with Mums tights, then much later ie mid 20`s

Do you have a label, ie crosdresser, TG , TS, ?

What are your Goals, partial, full, super stealth ?
Partial-Super stealth in work and area,

Are you more content now or are there any regrets ?
Looking great at moment, booby fairie knocking hard , but keep ing very careful eye on her, Rolleyes



Before and after PM, or NBE,

Sexual function, better before or after NBE or just different, ? it was better before
Mental outlook, has it changed, ? yer i seem to be more relaxed now
Physical strength, any difference ? have become a bit weaker
What are your wifes views or long term partner, ?
How long to Buds ? small golf balls
Have any of us a tissue mass in breasts ? non before was flat now has a good amout
Work issues, has it affected, anyone seen, what reasons did you provide ? not as yet
Fitness , better or worse after start ? alot better now
Have you ever taken synthetics ? yes
Are you on maintenance dose or still growing ? still growning
Family , have they noticed, did you tell them or provide a cover ? not yet
Were your TG feelings early on or did they develop much later ? very early
Do you have a label, ie crosdresser, TG , TS, ? no
What are your Goals, partial, full, super stealth ? do not know yet
Are you more content now or are there any regrets ? no regrets

Hope as many people participate in this thread as new and old knowlege
is important to us all and our partners,


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