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Sperm count


After comining clean with my partner what i was doing, which she wasnt happy but supportive. She asked a question which couldnt answer, as been on pm for three months which has decreased sex drive and sperm count. What im asking will this make it harder for me to get my parnter preg
nant in thw future?

Thank you for your help.

Sex drive decreases for most for it will come back after a while (for me it did). You will get a large loss of sperm count, but will return after stopping PM. So when she is ready to get pregnant you will need to stop PM a good month or more before. I hope that helps.

(06-12-2011, 10:50 AM)Arnold Wrote:  After comining clean with my partner what i was doing, which she wasnt happy but supportive. She asked a question which couldnt answer, as been on pm for three months which has decreased sex drive and sperm count. What im asking will this make it harder for me to get my parnter pregnant in the future?

Thank you for your help.

I think it will. If you want kids you need to think hard about this. PM is an estrogen mimic so reduces fertility, leading eventually, I believe to sterility.

I'm not an expert so this is mostly informed opinion:

I assume you know your sperm count is low due to a test. If you want kids, you ought to come off PM for a while, get retested, then when all is ok, get some sperm samples frozen.

More opinion, trying to be helpful:

Before you try to have kids, you need to be sure you know how far you are going to go and that your partner is fully on board with it. You need to think long and hard whether this means living full time as a woman, and if this would mean eventual genital surgery. That last is the most important, because your partner would need to be perfectly happy with lesbian sex for the foreseeable future. Another possibility: she may grow to prefer lesbian sex and leave you for someone "prettier".

I'm only painting worst-case scenarios, because sometimes s-it happens.
As someone married to an optimist for 35 years, I have first hand experience in knowing that my pessimism is better.

After all, having kids is a big commitment; I'm guessing you use the word "partner" instead of "wife" because you aren't married. I can't assume why this is, but if a lack of commitment is part of it that is a warning signal.

To ask a woman to (possibly marry and) have kids with a transsexual is quite an undertaking, and she would also need to think long and hard about it.

You need to then think about what would happen if the relationship didn't survive, and what kind of future the kids have. How easy would it be to find another partner? Would you be prepared to be alone, or be a single parent? All these things need a lot of thought.

Regarding Hormones:

PM is one thing, because it is herbal, safe, and most of the effects are reversible.

If you go for SRS/GRS, it means signing up with the medical orthodoxy and very risky pharmaceutical hormones. Risks include blood clotting, heart disease, and a shorter life in general (sometimes through suicide).

Even if you are starting out just wanting to grow breasts to express your feminity, please understand that it could be the start of a slippery slope to transition.

Even on PM, living as a woman with constant intake of PM can eventually persuade you that a sex change is what you really want. That has happened to at least one member of this forum in the recent past. She called it mental "re-programming" .

In my case, I wanted to see if I could grow small, disguisable breasts, but discovered that I was such a screwed up gender dysphoric that taking PM was the most wonderful thing in the world for gaining mental balance. So I'm kind of stuck taking it for the foreseeable future regardless of final breast size.

I am attempting to prevent the mental "re-programming" by taking a full weeks' break from PM every month. I've done this once so far, and it seems to clear out of my system in that time with no noticeable loss of breast growth. It certainly clears the mind!

Hope this helps. All only my opinion (except where factual).

Others reading, feel free to improve or demolish as appropriate!



Hi Bryony,

Oscar Wilde said "A pessimist is a well informed optimist" Wink

Well my wife and I are currently trying so I'm running the experiment myself. I've been on a constant dose of PM since July, so I'll let you know if it's possible soon enough :X If she doesn't get pregnant within a couple of months then I will more than likely stop taking PM and see if it makes a difference. Good luck to you as well!


Most important is this

Its not ony sperm count that degrades BUT the quality of the sperm,

There is is much written material about the increased possibillity of handicapped babies etc due to sperm damage by increased E

So be careful here,



I'm with Julie! For the same reason I would advise against alcohol and other drugs, I would not want to be on any herb or medication which wasn't absolutely necessary while trying to have children. Your children will have to live with the effects of your decisions for their entire lives. Get off the herbs that alter your body chemistry for a good length of time (not sure what is warranted, but maybe a month or two?) before fathering a child. You *cannot* say you know what the effects will be, but at least you have many millennium of evolution supporting having children without your body in a non-natural state due to at best poorly understood plants. Who knows what will transfer from your system to your child? Experiment on yourself if you want. Experiment with your relationships. But don't make an unborn child the subject of your experiments. I cannot think of anything more susceptible to adverse effects from tiny problems than a developing embryo. Especially just for the sake of your own personal happiness for a short time (the time it takes to get pregnant). Like Julie, I *urge* you to err on the side of caution in this.

I want you to have beautiful healthy children who are a joy to you and your wife!

I wish everyone here only the best, so, please don't construe these comments as anything other than my heartfelt observances and experiences.

1st, this being possibly your first post, welcome. Would you mind telling folks why you're doing this, and where you expect to go with it? It may make a huge difference in the advice you will be given.

Not having given your age, I, myself am going to "guess" that you are younger than quite a few of us here. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

2nd, I would offer, that in my 61 years, there have been damn few things that I felt I knew absolutely for sure would happen, that actually DID, and whatever plans I laid out usually were very modified by the time they actually played out. I'm trying to say that nothing goes as planned, and 95% of lifes' occurences are mostly out of your control. A large spectrum of life revolves around the pursuit of happiness, and not only yours. I'm not being the least bit bitter, but my first wife sounded like your "partner". Getting divorced after 3 children and 11 years of marriage had never been a consideration when I got married!! Just an example of how quickly and massively situations change. Could be anything, job loss, money problems, or a new love interest for your "partner", or even you. Trying to tell you that this will be one helluva big problem for her to deal with, and no possible way to predict how she will react, either now, or later. She may just decide later that she deserves a more "normal" relationship, and that she won't get it with you. Or simply get bored, and want something different At that point, I could only hope that no children will be involved.

If I'm wrong in "assuming" you're younger, then you should have enough experience to understand what I've just said. Tread very carefully, in either case. It's not only your sanity at stake here, but hers' as well.

Last, I'm going to refer you to an on-going thread here, called "T" going.. Going", and ask you to pay close attention to the information Bryony has given us there. She made reference to Androgen levels in the womb. I'm no endocrinologist, but It seems you should be concerned about this as much as your sperm count and quality. Your sperm count could be fine, and of worldclass quality, but if your androgen level is low, could you be creating another trans person?

I stand to be corrected, and if wrong, will be happy for the info. But, think this through very, very carefully. Patti

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