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And there are many girls also who take synthetics and only halfway transition
Female at home, male on outside work and friends


(11-12-2011, 01:15 PM)bryony Wrote:  1) If you want a full transition, doesn't that imply that you are a TS? Or is it extreme autogynephilia?
2) If you are FF and having fun, why would you want to have your penis removed? Won't your wife miss it? Don't you want fun anymore?
1. You're right, bryony. That should have read TS. I consider myself a TS lesbian trapped in a man's body.
2. My penis may be attached to me, but I can't honestly say I'm attached to it. I think sex lately has been more enjoyable than in the past because of the physical changes I'm going through. Yes, my wife might miss it, but that's still a long way off and there are plenty of other ways to have fun.


I've spent a lot of time lurking in the shadows here. Reading, absorbing, untangling the lines of drama from the lines of useful information. I enjoy the views and experiences that each of you have brought, and choose to share. Thank you.
That is why I choose to participate in this thread, as a semineutral introducton.

Sexual function, better before or after NBE or just different, ?
I'd have to say different. While difficult to describe, I suppose the most accurate would be: less lustful.
Mental outlook, has it changed, ?
Definitely! From clinical depression, with bouts of hyperagression, to a cheerful and balanced person.
Physical strength, any difference ?
There may have been a minor decrease in my physical strength, but it doesn't hinder my daily life or work.
What are your wifes views or long term partner, ?
The people who care most about me are supportive and encouraging.
How long to Buds ?
I could feel them about about 3 months after I began my program.
Have any of us a tissue mass in breasts ?
I don't quite understand the question. If it is about a malignant mass, then no. If it is about the redistribution of fats or growth of beneficial and functioning breat tissues, then yes.
Work issues, has it affected, anyone seen, what reasons did you provide ?
I occasionally receive inquisitive glances from coworkers but none say anything. The company I work for has very strict harassment and discrimination policies for both the associates and business guests.
Fitness, better or worse after start ?
I actually had to gain a bit of weight for my program to be effective, but I still maintain my tummy crunches and walk/jog 4+ miles each day.
Have you ever taken synthetics ?
Are you on maintenance dose or still growing ?
I'm still growing, and probably will continue for another 18 months, if my predisposition follows family trends.
Family , have they noticed, did you tell them or provide a cover ?
My family has known about my status for decades. Only more recently, when I had restarted therapy and was approved for synth, and the noticeable body changes developed, did we have a more in-depth conversation about it.
Were your TG feelings early on or did they develop much later ?
The earliest I recall is from when I was about 4 or 5 years old. It's not really a pleasant memory. Then when was a few years older, maybe 9 or 10, a therapist asked me and I had surpressed what I really felt because I didn't wish for a repeat performance of what happened years earlier.
Do you have a label, ie crosdresser, TG , TS, ?
I dislike labels, but TS is the one that fits closest.
What are your Goals, partial, full, super stealth ?
My personal goals are to be happy and to love myself. After all, it doesn't matter what you want to be accepted as if you cannot accept yourself first. After that, full-time.
Are you more content now or are there any regrets ?
Emotionally I am more content with who I am becoming than who I was. My only regret is that I didn't begin my journey earlier, but if I had then I wouldn't have met some of the important people in my life.

(11-12-2011, 06:50 PM)JMT Wrote:  Yes, my wife might miss it, but that's still a long way off and there are plenty of other ways to have fun.

Yes, that may be true, but you really need to be sure that she really doesn't mind, and not saying what she thinks you want to hear.

Glad to hear it's a long way off. However, part of the journey, if you want to go that far, will mean getting involved with the medical orthodoxy, and becoming part of "the system". That means estrogens which come with all sorts of huge risks - blood clotting, heart disease etc, not safe ones like PM.

Any major surgery comes with huge risks too. Would it really be so bad to be a lesbian with a penis? Particularly if it gives you pleasure? Who's to know? It's not like you'll get a snap inspection by your employer's gynecologist is it?

That's my piece... I won't say anymore!


Welcome saielle,

May I ask why you chose pm/herbs rather than synthetics

As bryony says , no one will be offended if you choose not too answer



I still use the sprio because of the additional benefits, but the 17β-oestradiol's side effects were a bit of a concern for me. The phyto route didn't have as many detrimental effects(published) and even some good benefits. Though growth is much slower on the herbal route than with the synth. It is a bit harder to estrogen overdose with herbs than the synth as well.
At the moment I also use massage and the NB to help promote bloodflow and tissue expansion.

Sexual function, better before or after NBE or just different, ?
Decreased a bit
Mental outlook, has it changed, ?
More focused and clear headed now.
Physical strength, any difference ?
A little weaker.
What are your wifes views or long term partner, ?
she still doesnt know.
How long to Buds ?
I had tiny buds since I was a teen, they started getting bigger after about a month.
Have any of us a tissue mass in breasts ?
Yes there is a mass.
Work issues, has it affected, anyone seen, what reasons did you provide ?
no issues except having to wear baggier shirts.
Fitness , better or worse after start ?
I've been dieting and eating better
Have you ever taken synthetics ?
Are you on maintenance dose or still growing ?
still growing
Family , have they noticed, did you tell them or provide a cover ?
no one has noticed yet
Were your TG feelings early on or did they develop much later ?
very early on. it's one of my first memories.
Do you have a label, ie crosdresser, TG , TS, ?
probably tg
What are your Goals, partial, full, super stealth ?
I'm planning on a full transition including grs
Are you more content now or are there any regrets ?
more content

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