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I'm New


Post: #1I'm New
I have been watching BreastNexus for the last 2 months. I am impressed by the support and comradely of the posting members. Decided after careful consideration to become a member. I have taken the suggestions offered seriously and have been on a regime since November 1. I am so pleased to have found a place where others have empathy and input to my attempt to grow breasts. I will be active and involved as much as possible. A little apprehensive about sharing, but expect I will become more comfortable after getting to know everyone.

Best wishes,


Would really like to hear from someone. I want to share details of my past desire to become more fem and my current attempts to do so. This is not only a resource for the afore mentioned, but an opportunity for me to share progress using various products and to report back on results from an early state.

Best wishes,


(21-12-2011, 05:29 AM)ZOE Wrote:  and to report back on results from an early state.

Hi Zoe and welcome.

The best tip anyone can give you at this stage is to keep a record of measurements at regular ( but not frequent) intervals, and also take photos in similar poses each time. Its the only real way to see what progress you are making over time, because this is a very slow and imperceptible process and you are quite likely to get discouraged for the first few months and then again at intervals subsequently.Rolleyes

Welcome aboard! If you've been lurking for a bit, you'll already know that there is a wealth of information available by reviewing past postings. We all wish you success in your efforts, and look forward to you sharing your experience with us. Regarding how quickly people may respond to posts, bear in mind this is a small but global community. People are in different timezones and all will come and go as their personal lives allow. Don't be discouraged if it takes up to a day or two to get replies. If there is any word that sums up the number one requirement for success in this, it is patience.

Welcome aboard Zoe,

I pretty much have to agree with everything Pansy-Mae and sfem said. Patience really is the key factor, both in your personal program and while waiting for replies. Good things come to those who wait. Smile

What's your regimen and how's it going so far? It's still pretty early but I'm curious to hear what you're trying.

Happy growing!

Patience up too about 6 months on pm
Then they really do start getting quite large

Julie Dodgy

Thank you all for the advise; Patience, patience, patience.

This is a listing of what I am currently taking:

PM 2X a day 500mg = 1000mg total
Saw Palmetto 2X a day 1000mg AM 2000mg PM = 3000mg total
Red Clover 2X a day 800mg =1600mg total
Wild Yam 2X a day 425mg = 850mg total
Funugreek 4X a day 610mg = 2440mg total

Also have ProgerR -5600 but I'm not using it because I have read conflicting reports on it's effectiveness for men.

Additionally I ordered PM spray because as I understand it, others are liver processed and it is a topical.

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.

Best wishes,


Hello Zoe and welcome to the forums and keep checking your progress :-)

Hello and welcome! I would suggest kicking the rc and wy except gor 1 week each month to simulate progesterone ramp. also i find that wy boiled to extract and added in a non greasy lotion is a great progest cream for thighs and hands but dont apply to breasts. good luckSmile

Thank you for the advice Dragona. I am still educating myself about the various herbs suggested. If you would be so kind, what are the elements of WY and RC that may be counter productive? You also recommend 1 week use each month. Is there a reason?

You are an inspiration as to what is attainable using herbs for breast development and I value your experience.

Best wishes,


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