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No Apologies


Hi folks.

There are a number of forums/boards around supporting M2F transexuals and their desires to transition.

Generally I see a lot of support for these individuals, which is welcome, but I am disturbed by what I see as the political correctness of it all.

It seems ok for people to encourage an M2F to transition as fully as possible without any regard to whether they are currently in a happy, heterosexual relationship with a woman.

I am convinced that in order to feminise as much as possible, such people are encouraged by the orthodoxy to go for GRS, as much by peer pressure as anything else.

I don't believe enough support is given (in this country, the UK at least, possibly the US as well) to partial transition; in order to give the appearance as much as possible of feminity but with the physical continuation of an established heterosexual relationship.

I have been accused in another post of possessing a "bias" against "late transitioning M2F transsexuals", because I believe that the mind-altering effects and reduced erection capability caused by estrogen encourages such people to go for full, rather than partial transition, and warning them of this.

I make no apologies for this.

I am fully aware of the enormous effects on my mental state of PM.

I have personal experience of the effect of PM on someone I choose to think of as a friend, Beverley Rose. She herself stated that before taking PM, she only wished to feminise externally, and after she wanted to go for full transition. This is curated fact. Not bias.

I will continue to warn people on this board that they will imperil their marital relationships unless they go carefully with PM; indeed, I feel it is my duty.

I actually care about the wives.

I make no apologies for this.

If people are cynical or p.c. enough to criticise me for this then they can go forth and multiply.



I am just starting and only desire growth that I myself can enjoy. Will want to disguise at work but still have the ability to be around those that don't know me and have them wondering (bra less in a T-shirt etc). I am not sure of what I am being warned.

Sorry for my lack of understanding. I truly do want to have feminine breasts, but have no desire to be a woman.

Can you enlighten me?

Best wishes,



Beverly's change of goals is a perfectly natural activity. We all change our goals as our lives proceed. I don't believe PM "made her do it". I don't believe anyone here knows the whole story, except Beverly. We only know what Beverly chose to share, and it is not some kind of bad thing if there are things not shared. Zoe, I don't think you are in danger from this. Byrony does. As opposed to starting another debate, please just search for Byrony's recent posts. The enlightenment you are requesting has already been posted in great detail.

(29-12-2011, 04:15 PM)sfem Wrote:  Beverly's change of goals is a perfectly natural activity. We all change our goals as our lives proceed. I don't believe PM "made her do it". I don't believe anyone here knows the whole story, except Beverly. We only know what Beverly chose to share, and it is not some kind of bad thing if there are things not shared. Zoe, I don't think you are in danger from this. Byrony does. As opposed to starting another debate, please just search for Byrony's recent posts. The enlightenment you are requesting has already been posted in great detail.

Hi Zoe,

what sfem means is that sfem "believes" that "Beverly's change of goals is a perfectly natural activity".

While searching through all my previous posts, please also search through the postings of beverley.rose which sfem neglected to mention.

Beverley started as someone content to living as a female part-time with her wife and enjoying a heterosexual relationship. She started taking PM to grow breasts and gradually found male clothing distasteful and went to living full time as a female, though still finding the idea of losing her penis frightening.

Later she started to enjoy sexual relations in a more feminine way, and started to say that she did not worry about GRS so much, but her wife insisted that she keep at least that one male part.

Later she said she felt compelled to move forward to full transition and blamed it all on PM.

So there you have two cases supporting alternate views. Beverley for my contention, sfem against.

Take your pick. My advice, which seems to upset people is : be careful.

I have never advised anyone to stop taking PM - I have to take it for my mental well-being, and have to admit that I like the breasts that I have grown so far.

I will be offline for the next few days, but search for "heretical approach" to see how I deal with taking PM.


(29-12-2011, 04:15 PM)sfem Wrote:  Beverly's change of goals is a perfectly natural activity. We all change our goals as our lives proceed. I don't believe PM "made her do it". I don't believe anyone here knows the whole story, except Beverly. We only know what Beverly chose to share, and it is not some kind of bad thing if there are things not shared. Zoe, I don't think you are in danger from this. Byrony does. As opposed to starting another debate, please just search for Byrony's recent posts. The enlightenment you are requesting has already been posted in great detail.


you are entitled to your opinion, as am I. I would appreciate it if you did not allow your opinion to reply on my behalf and attempt to close down my response to posters. Much as you seem to dislike my opinion, people come here asking for advice from everyone, and regardless of longevity on this forum, I don't think it entitles you to close down debate that you disagree with.

I think my approach to dealing with the transsexual condition is interesting enough to share, possibly unique, I don't know, but if people ask me for advice and experience I will give it in as courteous a manner as possible.

I don't wish to get into any further arguments in a public forum (but am prepared to). If you want to take this further into private messaging please do so.

I will be offline now until Tuesday.


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