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One week after stopping hops...


Its been a week since i started my break from hops and let me tell you that i'm feeling like my old self again... not too much fun.

I think my best bet would be to mirror the female hormone cycle from now on.
which means i should start Hops pretty soon. but im thinking about going on PM instead.

(25-01-2012, 09:24 AM)Alexis Wrote:  Its been a week since i started my break from hops and let me tell you that i'm feeling like my old self again... not too much fun.

I think my best bet would be to mirror the female hormone cycle from now on.
which means i should start Hops pretty soon. but im thinking about going on PM instead.

Hi Alexis,

Looks like everyone has disappeared! I've never used a female hormone cycle method, and so far I've grown 1.5" in 5 months (by tape measure - although the roundness has been increasing more than that... I think as they get heavier and move downwards the tape measure doesn't show it as much). I don't know if hops would do that, but PM seems to be very effective. I use 3g/day (6 pills) from Ainterol.

Speaking of "old self" the main reason I'm taking that high a dose is because it seems to be what is required to cancel out all my symptoms of gender dysphoria (including the desire to grow breasts, ironically!)

Good luck!


(26-01-2012, 03:53 PM)bryony Wrote:  and so far I've grown 1.5" in 5 months (by tape measure - although the roundness has been increasing more than that... I think as they get heavier and move downwards the tape measure doesn't show it as much).

I grew about that much in that time.....then just stopped!Sad

However I've said the same thing about increasing downwards. I've said several times that I wish I had a measurement from, say, shoulder blade to nipples, from when I started.

It comes to something when you start sagging before you've even grown them!Huh

(26-01-2012, 07:35 PM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  I grew about that much in that time.....then just stopped!Sad

However I've said the same thing about increasing downwards. I've said several times that I wish I had a measurement from, say, shoulder blade to nipples, from when I started.

It comes to something when you start sagging before you've even grown them!Huh

Sagging! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Back to the point though, I think there's something to it. The male ribcage doesn't taper as much as a female, but the upper measurement is markedly affected by the group of large muscles under the shoulder (deltoid? or lower?). So, as the weight increases, and the breast becomes rounder and fuller, it does drop down a bit to where the ribcage measurement is smaller. Hence, the tape measure "lies".

I know something like that must have happened, because they are a lot more noticeable under a t-shirt now than they used to be, even though the tape measure doesn't indicate it. (And I'm a lot more self-conscious about it too!)

I think it would be tricky measuring from shoulder to nipple, because of the 3-dimensional problem... it grows out as well as down. You'd need a high resolution frontal photo and measure the distance vertically that way, I reckon.

Have you considered the noogleberry? I'm sure I would have got one before I started this if both of the kids had moved out. ( I wouldn't now, of course! Big Grin ) Some people get all of their development that way. I know it would be a nuisance, but I suppose how desperate/disappointed you would be to stay put.


did PM gave you a different hair texture, or growth rate. it seems like hops made my hair grow a bit faster then usual. saw palmetto seems to do the same lol.


(27-01-2012, 01:06 AM)bryony Wrote:  I know something like that must have happened, because they are a lot more noticeable under a t-shirt now than they used to be, even though the tape measure doesn't indicate it. (And I'm a lot more self-conscious about it too!)

Yes, thats exactly how I feel too.

(27-01-2012, 01:06 AM)bryony Wrote:  Have you considered the noogleberry? I'm sure I would have got one before I started this if both of the kids had moved out. ( I wouldn't now, of course! Big Grin )

Been there, done that, and got one laying on the floor somewhere in the spare bedroom!

I really didn't get on with it in my early days of NBE. I could never get it to seal properly so had to keep re-pumping every couple of minutes. It hurt round under the armpits and I hate the red edge marks, even for a few hours.

Then again, I have my doubts as to the long term permanence, despite what everyone says. It always seems to me that although the stretched tissue may be permanent eventually, the liquid/fat/whatever that fills the space isn't - what keeps it there? If the fat deposits caused by PM disappear when you stop taking it, why wouldn't the Noogle generated fat disappear if you stop using it?

(27-01-2012, 06:28 AM)Alexis Wrote:  did PM gave you a different hair texture, or growth rate. it seems like hops made my hair grow a bit faster then usual. saw palmetto seems to do the same lol.

I think the answer to that is yes, as far as i am concerned - but qualified!

On PM, I'm sure my leg hair growth rate definitely slowed down and possibly got either sparser or finer (or perhaps both). I never had huge amounts of back hair but that also seems less, but is difficult to see of course.

As for my head hair, that's a bit more difficult. I don't have a lot of that any more, it started to disappear when I was in my early 20's and and has been in slow decline for the succeding 40 years!
Now, I've been on Finasteride for the past 4 months and I read a paper recently which said that 1mg daily has a significant effect on MPB regrowth over a 6 months period, but I'm on 5mg daily.
Then, about three weeks ago I switched over from PM to FG/GR/hops/flax/oats, in-line with Isabelle's programme.
The point of all this lot is that for years I've gone 3 months between haircuts. I had my last one only in mid-Dec but last weekend I had to trim it round my ears because it was tickling, and then just yesterday my wife said, "Your hair is growing a lot faster these days" ( there is no sign of it regrowing yet thoughSad ). Whether that is the Finasteride, the herbs rather than PM or simply the cumulative effect of the length of time I've been bunging phyto-hormones into my body, I can't tell, unfortunately.

(27-01-2012, 08:02 AM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  Then again, I have my doubts as to the long term permanence, despite what everyone says. It always seems to me that although the stretched tissue may be permanent eventually, the liquid/fat/whatever that fills the space isn't - what keeps it there? If the fat deposits caused by PM disappear when you stop taking it, why wouldn't the Noogle generated fat disappear if you stop using it?

I can only assume that it isn't fat that takes up the space... perhaps it encourages cellular tissue to develop? The body does change shape to accommodate stresses... e.g. professional snooker players develop longer arms.


(27-01-2012, 06:28 AM)Alexis Wrote:  did PM gave you a different hair texture, or growth rate. it seems like hops made my hair grow a bit faster then usual. saw palmetto seems to do the same lol.

Biggest change for me was the drying out of the oiliness of my scalp. I now need to use conditioner! It's a bit early to see growth, but I have started using minoxidil.


(27-01-2012, 08:18 AM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  Now, I've been on Finasteride for the past 4 months and I read a paper recently which said that 1mg daily has a significant effect on MPB regrowth over a 6 months period, but I'm on 5mg daily.

Gosh, you're brave! Finasteride can have lots of unpleasant side effects....
" The PPI also states that patients have reported persisting erectile dysfunction despite discontinuing the drug. In December 2010, Merck added depression as a side effect of finasteride. ... ..... For a period of time there was a discrepancy between European and North American warning labels regarding the risks of developing persistent sexual side effects from taking Propecia but after two years Merck revised the United States' warning in consumer and medical leaflets to include erectile dysfunction that may persist after stopping finasteride."

You didn't mention Minoxidil... I assume because of the unpleasant oiliness of it? The new foam application method comes off patent in March, and that's supposed to dry very quickly.

If you do get e.d. problems, I can recommend Butea Superba. Has no negative effect at all on breast growth, but does appear to make the equipment work better (for me).


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