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Possibility of fake PM


So I have been on 3000 PM, 2440 FG, and 1280 SP for a little over a week now and feel for the most part exactly the same. I don't know if I am just being too eager or what, but I expected to feel a little something by now. After I hit 2 weeks I am going to reduce PM to 2000. Could someone please lay out in weeks and months what I could possibly expect. I know that we are all different but I am really starting to question if my PM is fake or not. Thanks in advance.

Much Love,


I haven't received my PM yet, so I can't really help with an answer. But I'd love to know where you got your PM so that I can avoid that place until you update in here that the PM seems real.

(07-02-2012, 07:10 AM)EricaB Wrote:  I haven't received my PM yet, so I can't really help with an answer. But I'd love to know where you got your PM so that I can avoid that place until you update in here that the PM seems real.

I got my PM from amazon.

It is the Ainterol brand so I thought it seemed legit. I have never had bad experiences with amazon in the past. Like I said maybe I am not giving it enough time.

Much Love,


Don't sweat it. I used a bottle of 1500MG of PM on and off and didn't feel the mystical calmness and femininity that some clam to have had. I also took 6 Evanescene ES a day which is supposed to be more powerful then PM and I still didn't feel any different. So, I wouldn't worry about it.

You should start noticing some fat redistribution soon though but I'm guessing the mental changes will take longer.

You should see the beginning of fat distribution in a few weeks. You will be looking at anything up to at least 3 MONTHS for the earliest beginnings of real growth, so if nothing has happened in 4months, you may have a problem.

You may or may not get mental changes - some claim it to be significant, personally I've never noticed anything at all.

I've been using Ainterol.

With this stuff you need patience followed by patience followed by patience.

3000PM a day as a starting dose is way too high in my opinion. If you tried to prime an engine that way, you'd just flood it and it still wouldn't start. Taking 18 aspirins at once doesn't make your headache go away fast. Also it has been said many times by people who know from experience, this takes a lot longer than 1 week. I'd suggest knocking down to 1000mg/day of PM, drop the rest, and give it at least a month before you start worrying about whether it works for you. By the end of a month, you should start feeling things, even if nothing is very visible.

Sorry to say Britni but your expecting to much to soon ,pluss your way over the dose to start off with ,,it takes time time time you dont realy thing that you would have breasts after a week ,,patance my dear girl ,,,Sam,,,

I agree with samray. Please don't OD (overdose). As they jokingly say, "You can't have a baby in 1 month by getting 9 women pregnant."

Interesting analogy. I wonder if much field work has been done to verify the truth of the proposal. Rolleyes

As usual, I'm the different one. I took 3g / day pretty much from day one (beginning September). At that time (not now) I felt a desperate need to grow breasts. I'm one of the (lucky? unlucky?) types who loses the urge to cross-dress or want breasts when on a high dose of PM.

I did have a problem with (suspected) kidney stress - I experienced painful cramps after a few weeks. However, I was taking 2 pills 3 times a day. I later discovered that I could tolerate 1 pill every 3 hours without problems.

The reason for my high dose is that I quickly found that it cured my long-term low-level depression (dysthmia) that was making my life a "mild" hell. (Not bad enough to want to end it all, but bad enough not to be enjoyable.)

If I have less than 3g/day, I start to get gloomy and do weird stuff, but now I'm fine, and can actually indulge in hobbies!

Getting to the point, 3g/day certainly had a potent effect on breast growth for me.

There is a picture of before and after up to about 4 months on the picture pages. I need to put an update up because I am significantly bigger now. I've started to wear compression t-shirts under my regular t-shirts at home because I'm putting off the conversation with my son...


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