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Pueraria mirifica hmmm


I hadn't heard of pueraria mirifica doing much other than being a very slight aromatase inhibitor but digging a little deeper it seems to do something very interesting.

According to this:
it suppresses (does not block) 3β-HSD, 17β-HSD1, and CYP17 (17-alpha-hydroxylase) and CYP19 (aromatase) very slightly decreased but increases 17β-HSD2 to the same extent as estradiol.

What's interesting about that is that if taken in combination with DHEA it will force testosterone back to andrestenedione pathway which is more likely to give rise to estrone. It also appears to boost progesterone too which definitely helps breast growth.

If you take this along with aromatase boosters and 5-a-r blockers it looks like it's going to be very effective.

pueraria mirifica by its self is fine

(17-02-2012, 01:26 PM)luk Wrote:  pueraria mirifica by its self is fine

I'm only looking at the research I can find. It does look very good.
Up till this point though it looks to me like you need an extra aromatase booster at the least unless you already have a lot of aromatase. The easiest aromatase booster is alcohol then genistein and peony root.

Revisiting, however, it does look like it also does inhibit 5-a-r in addition to converting testesterone back to andrestenedione so at the very least it's not going to masculinize you (because it will be eliminating DHT).

I'd say from it's effects on enzymes that (aromatase notwithstanding) it probably does work better than other so called feminizing herbs.

It sure is nice to have someone around who understands the science behind this. Of course, all of it is way over my head, but the confirmation sure helps. Wish I could morph my photo the way you have. Thanks xxd.

(17-02-2012, 06:03 PM)xxd Wrote:  
(17-02-2012, 01:26 PM)luk Wrote:  pueraria mirifica by its self is fine

I'm only looking at the research I can find. It does look very good.
Up till this point though it looks to me like you need an extra aromatase booster at the least unless you already have a lot of aromatase. The easiest aromatase booster is alcohol then genistein and peony root.

Revisiting, however, it does look like it also does inhibit 5-a-r in addition to converting testesterone back to andrestenedione so at the very least it's not going to masculinize you (because it will be eliminating DHT).

I'd say from it's effects on enzymes that (aromatase notwithstanding) it probably does work better than other so called feminizing herbs.

Follow up: after doing some research on how spironolactone works on the body's steroid system it looks like PM in part acts like a slightly weaker version of spiro and spiro can allegedly feminize all by itself too.

What research are you looking at, and why on earth have you not "discovered" the most obvious benefit of PM: its potent estrogenic action via deoxymiroestrol, miroestrol and other phytoestrogens it contains?

I have suspected from my own experience using PM that it also has an antiandrogenic action as well, so it would be nice if you could provide sources for where you are getting this information.

Thanks a bunch in advance.

xxd, you said that in combination with DHEA, it works better? Does fish oil have DHEA, or help with production of DHEA?? And do you know anything about the combination of maca with it? Thanks, it is really awesome that you understand how this all works! Big Grin

are you just a scamer trying to sell your product

I guess I'll chime in here,

I read on another forum a woman who had taken PM with Grapeseed extract to increase estroil while decreasing the estradoil.

I guess for most women, when diagnosed with estrogen dominance, its most often estradiol that causes the bloating, weight gain, flashes etc. So taking these two together gave her healthy estrogen balance while effectively decreasing the dangerous, cancerous estradoil levels.


(21-02-2012, 02:36 PM)luk Wrote:  are you just a scamer trying to sell your product

And what product would that be? What have I offered for sale?

I'm tempted to call you names. Instead I will just roll my eyes.

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