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questions once again


Hi all.

I just have a quick question, and it might be kind of a stupid one.

Since I am starting my nbe, I just got my ainterol yesterday. Can I decide how big I'm going to get, or is this going to cause my body to basically go through a second puberty, and go to a similar size compared to my female relatives and then slow?


You can decide to stop when you get as big as you want to be, and at that point you will need to go onto a low level maintenance dose to maintain things.
However you can't get bigger than your body will allow, which may or may not be as big as you wish.

The chances are that you will NOT reach the size of mother/sisters and getting bigger than that is very unlikely.

Either way its going to take probably 3 or 4 years to get there, so be prepared for a long haul.

Hope this helps.

Thank you.

I wasn't positive if it had the same effects as a true hrt regimen.

Is there a nbe regimen that could cause the same effects? If so, what could possibly cause it?

(05-04-2012, 05:44 PM)Salania Wrote:  Thank you.

I wasn't positive if it had the same effects as a true hrt regimen.

Is there a nbe regimen that could cause the same effects? If so, what could possibly cause it?

Sorry, I don't understand what effects you are actually asking for? What is it that you think synthetic drugs will do that NBE won't?

First off, since the term "HRT" was originally coined in reference to a process designed for women to replace hormone loss due to menopause or some other cause, perhaps we should create a new term that more accurately describes a program for males. NBE does fit, but also applies to women looking for body enhancement. HRT might fit if you look at it as MHRT, as in "male hormone rearrangement therapy"?? You could call use of synthetics SBE. Either way, natural or synthetic, you are trying to reprogram your bodily hormonal balance, which will ultimately result in consequences, both good and bad, large and small. Those all need to be factored in when you make the decision to begin your program (regimen) whether that be natural or synthetic.
From experience (not making any recommendations) synthetics will give you pretty much the same results most people here have gotten from herbals, only a good bit quicker. But, they also carry more possibilities for complications, as well as being somewhat more expensive. I guess you get what you pay for.
I have taken Premarin and an anti-androgen for a year and a half, and PM for the last 5 months. None have given side effects other than ED, which was expected. The ED is also not total, so it's doable.
Fortunately, either method you choose, should it produce any side effects, they will show up soon enough that you can choose to discontinue, or modify, and be OK. Speaking of modify, we could call it HMT, "hormone modification therapy"?? I'm probably just confusing the issue.
I have gotten breast, upper thigh, and butt growth, as well as filling out my legs somewhat. What did what? I would say mostly synthetics, but who's to say that the results wouldn't have been the same over a little longer time on herbs?? I won't call myself typical, and as great as Pansy Mae looks in a bikini, (Really nice!!), she probably won't label herself as a representative example as well.
Everybody here has got to take a hard look at what they are considering doing, and be responsible and sensible. There are so many variables, both in what you are doing to yourself, and what it is going to do to others. Be realistic, this is not a game!! If you go ahead, and it works, be prepared!!
If I sound a little fatalistic, forgive me. While I'm not an old-timer on this forum, by some of the questions I'm seeing here lately, I have some doubts as to the seriousness of some posters. Many of the things you are asking about have already been discussed at length, and are easily findable. Take some time and look. People here have put time and effort into providing information, so use it. And, if you are serious, accept that you must exercise some patience, do some research, and be realistic. Noone (male) is going to grow a set of breasts on 1000-1500 mg of PM a day!! Why kid yourself and frustrate the rest of those willing to help you?? Women have lots of (surprise!!) female hormones, so if their recommended dose is 1000mg a day, do you really believe you can get by on slightly more?? Some people here are taking 3000mg a day, and others (such as myself) may be taking more. If it doesn't give you headaches or some other side effect, ramp it up and embrace it. That is, if you're serious. Those of us who may not be able to handle PM have legitimate questions as to some other herbs, but most people here have coped just fine on PM, and it does work. IMO, piddling with minor herbs is wasting time. It may be cheaper, but I've seen more complaints about cheaper herbs like licorice and FG than PM, and let's face it, if you really want boobs, they won't do the job like PM, and $70-$80 for a 3 month supply of PM is a good deal. And that's for a 6000mg/day dose.
One last point for reinforcement, age is not a big bugaboo. It's been said numerous times, but, the fact is,estrogen will produce boobs at any age. I'll be 62 later this year, and the only thing I'm wondering about is, how much bigger will they get? But, that's another subject. PM works. If boobs are what you really want, give it your best shot. Please, just be honest with yourself that that's really your goal.
Well, I've had my rant. I should be good for a while. Thanks for listening, and I do apologize for going off-topic a bit.

I can't comment about the use of Premarin because I haven't tried it, but overall I think you are spot on with what you say in your post.

I know what you are saying about HRT or whatever, labels, but I think trying to invent new ones would just confuse things even more.

Thank you for the compliments. You're right again, of course, I know I'm fortunate with my body type, although I've never abused it too much which has given it a fighting chance as well, however I do know that my body is not typical of males of my age!


I'd have to disagree with Patti's post. Herbals do not compare to synthetics at all. Look at the pictures of the people on "natural" hrt and people on prescription hrt and you'll see a huge difference. Most of the people on a herbal plan have moobs and most the people on synthetics have natural looking breasts and overall feminized bodies. There are exceptions of course but for most it's night and day. Any who doubt this should join the yahoo group TsDoItYourselfHormones and browse the picture gallery there and then check out the picture gallery here. The difference is night and day.

Maybe PM is strong enough to maintain whatever results someone gets from using prescription meds with fewer health risks but it seldom yields the same results. Granted if you take prescription medication you are more likely to turn into a transwoman which is a bit extreme if your goal is just to grow boobs.

Thats strange, but then again 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'Wink... I am on the TS DIYhormones site and I've looked at the pics and although there are a few with beautiful breasts that I envy, I have said before and I'll say it again, I think mine, and others on here, compare favourably with many on there. I think the biggest differences are probably speed of growth, NBE is I'm sure, slower than synthetics, and the fact that they have many more members with many more pictures.

(06-04-2012, 09:18 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  First off, since the term "HRT" was originally coined in reference to a process designed for women to replace hormone loss due to menopause or some other cause, perhaps we should create a new term that more accurately describes a program for males. NBE does fit, but also applies to women looking for body enhancement. HRT might fit if you look at it as MHRT, as in "male hormone rearrangement therapy"?? You could call use of synthetics SBE. Either way, natural or synthetic, you are trying to reprogram your bodily hormonal balance, which will ultimately result in consequences, both good and bad, large and small. Those all need to be factored in when you make the decision to begin your program (regimen) whether that be natural or synthetic.
From experience (not making any recommendations) synthetics will give you pretty much the same results most people here have gotten from herbals, only a good bit quicker. But, they also carry more possibilities for complications, as well as being somewhat more expensive. I guess you get what you pay for.
I have taken Premarin and an anti-androgen for a year and a half, and PM for the last 5 months. None have given side effects other than ED, which was expected. The ED is also not total, so it's doable.
Fortunately, either method you choose, should it produce any side effects, they will show up soon enough that you can choose to discontinue, or modify, and be OK. Speaking of modify, we could call it HMT, "hormone modification therapy"?? I'm probably just confusing the issue.
I have gotten breast, upper thigh, and butt growth, as well as filling out my legs somewhat. What did what? I would say mostly synthetics, but who's to say that the results wouldn't have been the same over a little longer time on herbs?? I won't call myself typical, and as great as Pansy Mae looks in a bikini, (Really nice!!), she probably won't label herself as a representative example as well.
Everybody here has got to take a hard look at what they are considering doing, and be responsible and sensible. There are so many variables, both in what you are doing to yourself, and what it is going to do to others. Be realistic, this is not a game!! If you go ahead, and it works, be prepared!!
If I sound a little fatalistic, forgive me. While I'm not an old-timer on this forum, by some of the questions I'm seeing here lately, I have some doubts as to the seriousness of some posters. Many of the things you are asking about have already been discussed at length, and are easily findable. Take some time and look. People here have put time and effort into providing information, so use it. And, if you are serious, accept that you must exercise some patience, do some research, and be realistic. Noone (male) is going to grow a set of breasts on 1000-1500 mg of PM a day!! Why kid yourself and frustrate the rest of those willing to help you?? Women have lots of (surprise!!) female hormones, so if their recommended dose is 1000mg a day, do you really believe you can get by on slightly more?? Some people here are taking 3000mg a day, and others (such as myself) may be taking more. If it doesn't give you headaches or some other side effect, ramp it up and embrace it. That is, if you're serious. Those of us who may not be able to handle PM have legitimate questions as to some other herbs, but most people here have coped just fine on PM, and it does work. IMO, piddling with minor herbs is wasting time. It may be cheaper, but I've seen more complaints about cheaper herbs like licorice and FG than PM, and let's face it, if you really want boobs, they won't do the job like PM, and $70-$80 for a 3 month supply of PM is a good deal. And that's for a 6000mg/day dose.
One last point for reinforcement, age is not a big bugaboo. It's been said numerous times, but, the fact is,estrogen will produce boobs at any age. I'll be 62 later this year, and the only thing I'm wondering about is, how much bigger will they get? But, that's another subject. PM works. If boobs are what you really want, give it your best shot. Please, just be honest with yourself that that's really your goal.
Well, I've had my rant. I should be good for a while. Thanks for listening, and I do apologize for going off-topic a bit.
My body has been changing on me since May of 2007, That I know of. I believe big T has been dropping, and Bigger E has been growing in my body. I think it got the upper hand in late 2010. Because I started drop in weight. My weight has from between 200 and 210 to my weight today is 171. my pant size has gone from 40x30, About three weeks ago I got 38x30. I worn them Mar 31. And are to big. I now wear 36x29. In some Ladies jeans I can wear 16 and 14 I know I have GYNECOMASTIA. I also take SP,FG WT. My age is 74. Just a little history Thks C Pete


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