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Responding very quickly to PM


Hi everyone,

I'd like to describe what happened to me just a few weeks ago. Earlier
this year I started taking PM (see my previous posts), but then stopped
to figure out whether I really want to grow breasts. Note that during
this period (of several weeks, I'd say) I never took more than 2000mg/day.
No changes were observed during those weeks. I made a pause with PM
and went to a professional for a consultation about my issuses (it helped
a bit, am planning to continue with it).

Then I felt the need to start taking PM again. And so I did.
And within a week of taking just 1000mg/day I got "the lump"
under my right nipple. Felt scared as hell. Stopped taking PM right away.
Threw my bra and my 5-month PM reserve out into the trash. A week
passed and the lump got slightly bigger. It's pretty big and I can feel
it under (and around) the nipple. The nipple seems to have retracted
a fair bit into the breast. Note that the only change is on the
right nipple/breast, the left one is as before.

I don't think the lump will grow any further. It's already pretty big
as it is. And this is only from 1(!) week of taking 1000mg/day.
I was very shocked that this happened so fast. (It's still possible
that the lump was not caused by PM, but I highly doubt it.)

All the posts on this forum suggest that the budding starts
after several months of (continuous) PM consumation. For me,
it happened after several weeks of dosage no greater than 2000mg/day,
several weeks off of PM, and then a week on 1000mg/day.
All in all, it couldn't have been more than month and a half
since I got PM in the mail until the lump. Has anyone else had
such rapid changes? Also, has anyone had changes only on one

I'm also concerned about the hardness of the lump. It feels
pretty hard, should it really be like that? Does it soften given

In any case, I've given up on PM (for the foreseeable future)
and am planning to see a doctor about the lump.

All i can say is I wish i was posting on here about having a breast bud! i am starting my 6th week on PM,SP.i do have,some fat redistribution my nipples are more pointy and seem to be a little bigger according to my wife.i have noticed it to though.I hope i will start getting true growth soon! hope everything works out for you.good luck in your future with NBE. Let us know what the doctor says about the Lump.I am thinking it is a breast bud. Diva Chick 32....

The old saying "be careful what you wish for" comes to mind.

What you have is a breast bud, the start of true breast growth. I was on SP/FG for 4 months and only had fat redistribution. Then I took PM, and started budding at about a week. That was 4 months ago and the tissue is a lot softer now. PM is powerful stuff.

If you really wanted breasts and to continue down this path, you shouldn't have thrown out your PM. I don't know if you'll get a bud in the other breast and they may stay uneven if you don't continue.

Your body was just doing what you told it you wanted it to do.

Having something start after several weeks isn't strange. It just isn't guaranteed. As far as whether you should be concerned about what the lump is, it wouldn't be unusual for it to be a breast bud. People on a forum cannot tell you for sure if you're okay. Only your doctor can do that. But what you are describing doesn't sound unusual. You may even find that what you have developed is permanent female breast tissues. Congratulations, I think? You seem very unsure about what you want. I hope you are able to sort out your desires before you do anything you regret to your body. Continuing with the professional sounds like a better plan than taking more PM at this point. You can always resume the PM in the future if you decide it is what you want.

(10-04-2012, 09:15 PM)sfem Wrote:  Having something start after several weeks isn't strange. It just isn't guaranteed. As far as whether you should be concerned about what the lump is, it wouldn't be unusual for it to be a breast bud. People on a forum cannot tell you for sure if you're okay. Only your doctor can do that. But what you are describing doesn't sound unusual. You may even find that what you have developed is permanent female breast tissues. Congratulations, I think? You seem very unsure about what you want. I hope you are able to sort out your desires before you do anything you regret to your body. Continuing with the professional sounds like a better plan than taking more PM at this point. You can always resume the PM in the future if you decide it is what you want.

Right, these are exactly my thoughts. A month ago I would have been
very lucky to notice any change, let alone a bud. Right now, even as I write
this, I can't really make up my mind... (these "cycles" and mood changes
are not too frequent but also not too rare for me not to notice them)

I admit I was very scared and that's why I threw out all the PM and the
bra. I figured I had the time for PM to set in while I decide where I
really want to go. So PM gave a big surprise. Relative to experiences of
others on this forum, I seem to react to PM very quickly and the effects
seem to last longer. Oh well...


(10-04-2012, 10:00 PM)confused Wrote:  .... I can't really make up my mind... (these "cycles" and mood changes
are not too frequent but also not too rare for me not to notice them)

That also isn't uncommon, particularly at the beginning. It isn't until you start to get what you've wanted but never really believed possible, that you are faced with dealing with the results, for real. Much the same happened to me: take them, stop, take them, stop, take them....Big Grin Eventually, I decided I did really want to go for it...and for much of the time since, I've been moaning that they seem to have stopped growing!

Only you can decide what you want, but take your time in doing so, it's a one-way street.

(11-04-2012, 07:38 AM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  That also isn't uncommon, particularly at the beginning. It isn't until you start to get what you've wanted but never really believed possible, that you are faced with dealing with the results, for real. Much the same happened to me: take them, stop, take them, stop, take them....Big Grin Eventually, I decided I did really want to go for it...and for much of the time since, I've been moaning that they seem to have stopped growing!

Only you can decide what you want, but take your time in doing so, it's a one-way street.

Yes, I agree with that.

The thing that bothers me about the option of continuing with PM
is whether the breasts will develop symetrically. Right now I have a
not-very-small bud on the right side, but nothing on the left side (aside
from the results of fat redistribution). Has anyone experienced growth
on only one side while being on PM?

Also, is there any way one can influence the final shape of the breast
(I've read about massage, but I'm not sure how well that actually works)?


There is hardly a woman in the world with exactly symetrical breasts, its one of the things they always complain aboutBig Grin

On that basis it is entirely possible that yours won't be even, either, but that's life and there is no way of predicting the outcome. FWIW, mine are a little uneven, have been right from the start. My right side is slightly larger than the left. The size and tenderness/sensitivity of the the bud is also different, although that does swap about with time and I just think that means that sometimes one side grows faster than the other.

As for final shape, I'm not aware that there is anything that you can do before you start that will have any influence. As you say massage is said to help, but I'm not sure that anyone can really be certain and on a similar basis, one sided noogling might help. Again, many of the female members of the forum are here exactly because of unevenness of one kind or another.

Bottom line are the 2 questions,(A) " Do I wants boobs even if they are imperfect?" and, (B) " Do I want boobs but ONLY if they ARE perfect?"

If the answer is "A", then go for it. If the answer is "B" then drop the whole thing and walk away right now.

(12-04-2012, 06:49 AM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  There is hardly a woman in the world with exactly symetrical breasts, its one of the things they always complain aboutBig Grin

On that basis it is entirely possible that yours won't be even, either, but that's life and there is no way of predicting the outcome. FWIW, mine are a little uneven, have been right from the start. My right side is slightly larger than the left. The size and tenderness/sensitivity of the the bud is also different, although that does swap about with time and I just think that means that sometimes one side grows faster than the other.

As for final shape, I'm not aware that there is anything that you can do before you start that will have any influence. As you say massage is said to help, but I'm not sure that anyone can really be certain and on a similar basis, one sided noogling might help. Again, many of the female members of the forum are here exactly because of unevenness of one kind or another.

Thanks for the information.

Quote:Bottom line are the 2 questions,(A) " Do I wants boobs even if they are imperfect?" and, (B) " Do I want boobs but ONLY if they ARE perfect?"

If the answer is "A", then go for it. If the answer is "B" then drop the whole thing and walk away right now.

I don't think there exists "perfect" anything. You make it sound as though
there are only "perfect" boobs and "imperfect" boobs, when in fact there
exists a whole scale of "imperfectness". Different people perceive the scale
differently. Someone might even like having a boob on the right side and
nothing on the left side (to illustrate the extreme). So I'd put your question
more like "How much imperfection are you willing to accept?".


I don't know about scales of perfection, but I do know that it is very much normal to have different development from east to west as it were.

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