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Hi everyone! I've been lurking this forum for a couple of days, and I figured I'd make a thread. I'm really curious as to how many men have success in breast growth, and through what methods they attain it. I've always wanted to have a feminine body ever since I was about six or seven. I am male, and I'm actually only seventeen at the moment. I am very tall, and have a slender build. I have an extremely understanding girlfriend, whom I had a really tough time telling about this. She wound up being totally fine with it, which is really awesome. I know next to nothing about natural breast enhancement, and I would love to know the different ways to go about it, because I'd never dream of going in for a breast augmentation. (Seems like the cowards way out. Wink Y'know?) Here are some things I'm wondering about:
1. Am I too young?

2. What are the different methods of growing breasts? Do pumps and massage actually work?

3. Are there supplements that won't effect my ability to have intercourse, and still produce results?

4. Are they female looking, or are they more man-boob like? XD

If anyone could shoot me a reply, that would be awesome, as I am really curious about this topic, as is my girlfriend. If I'm too young, it never hurts to be informed for later! Thanks a ton you guys!


(01-06-2012, 07:35 AM)CandC27 Wrote:  Hi everyone! I've been lurking this forum for a couple of days, and I figured I'd make a thread. I'm really curious as to how many men have success in breast growth, and through what methods they attain it. I've always wanted to have a feminine body ever since I was about six or seven. I am male, and I'm actually only seventeen at the moment. I am very tall, and have a slender build. I have an extremely understanding girlfriend, whom I had a really tough time telling about this. She wound up being totally fine with it, which is really awesome. I know next to nothing about natural breast enhancement, and I would love to know the different ways to go about it, because I'd never dream of going in for a breast augmentation. (Seems like the cowards way out. Wink Y'know?) Here are some things I'm wondering about:
1. Am I too young?

2. What are the different methods of growing breasts? Do pumps and massage actually work?

3. Are there supplements that won't effect my ability to have intercourse, and still produce results?

4. Are they female looking, or are they more man-boob like? XD

If anyone could shoot me a reply, that would be awesome, as I am really curious about this topic, as is my girlfriend. If I'm too young, it never hurts to be informed for later! Thanks a ton you guys!


If you were interested in guys, with a burning desire to become as real a woman as possible, I would encourage you to see a gender counsellor with a view to transitioning, because the earlier the better. I might even be prepared to give you wary advice with caveats about kickstarting the process with herbs.

As you are not, and want to keep functioning genitalia, I think you have a lot more research to do, particularly to find out if you really have gender dysphoria which would make you suicidal in future years.

The reason is because the amount of drugs required to produce a fully feminine body would probably render you impotent or commit you to SRS.

As you are currently heterosexual, you would then have to live as a transwoman lesbian - which might be hard to deal with.

I strongly recommend doing a lot of research to find out exactly what your feelings are and what you want to be doing in 10 years time.

Do you want a family? How will you contribute to home finances?
What are the current employment prospects for men with breasts?

How committed is your partner? How does she see your relationship in 10 years time with full sized breasts? What if you split up? How easy will it be to find another female partner?

How will it affect college life (if you intend to qualify)?

This is not something to rush into - if you feel desperate, you really should see a counsellor. If you don't, you should wait.

Despite what young people think about older people, we're quite capable of remembering (with embarrassment) how we acted and felt when young. Seventeen is old enough for you to be pretty sure you know what you want, and young enough for you to have plenty of time to regret it!


Hello CandC27 .

Welcome to the board.

I think bryony offers a lot of good advice to consider.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume at your age you're going to high school and living with your parents or legal guardians.

Unless you live in a tolerant community, it's quite possible you will be teased by your fellow classmates or worse once your breast growth becomes noticeable, especially if you have gym class. And if you're living with family, have you talked to you them about your desires to have a feminine body?

Something else to consider is paying for the herbs or whatever else you use to grow breasts. If you plan on living on your own and/or go to college, it probably won't be easy to pay for that and have money left over to buy your breast growth supplies.

And how far do you want to go with transitioning to a feminine body? Is it just breasts? Or do you also want to redistribute your body fat to a more feminine shape? And if you have a lot of facial/body hair, do you have any plans for permanently removing or reducing that type of hair?


(01-06-2012, 11:22 AM)bryony Wrote:  
(01-06-2012, 07:35 AM)CandC27 Wrote:  Hi everyone! I've been lurking this forum for a couple of days, and I figured I'd make a thread. I'm really curious as to how many men have success in breast growth, and through what methods they attain it. I've always wanted to have a feminine body ever since I was about six or seven. I am male, and I'm actually only seventeen at the moment. I am very tall, and have a slender build. I have an extremely understanding girlfriend, whom I had a really tough time telling about this. She wound up being totally fine with it, which is really awesome. I know next to nothing about natural breast enhancement, and I would love to know the different ways to go about it, because I'd never dream of going in for a breast augmentation. (Seems like the cowards way out. Wink Y'know?) Here are some things I'm wondering about:
1. Am I too young?

2. What are the different methods of growing breasts? Do pumps and massage actually work?

3. Are there supplements that won't effect my ability to have intercourse, and still produce results?

4. Are they female looking, or are they more man-boob like? XD

If anyone could shoot me a reply, that would be awesome, as I am really curious about this topic, as is my girlfriend. If I'm too young, it never hurts to be informed for later! Thanks a ton you guys!


If you were interested in guys, with a burning desire to become as real a woman as possible, I would encourage you to see a gender counsellor with a view to transitioning, because the earlier the better. I might even be prepared to give you wary advice with caveats about kickstarting the process with herbs.

As you are not, and want to keep functioning genitalia, I think you have a lot more research to do, particularly to find out if you really have gender dysphoria which would make you suicidal in future years.

The reason is because the amount of drugs required to produce a fully feminine body would probably render you impotent or commit you to SRS.

As you are currently heterosexual, you would then have to live as a transwoman lesbian - which might be hard to deal with.

I strongly recommend doing a lot of research to find out exactly what your feelings are and what you want to be doing in 10 years time.

Do you want a family? How will you contribute to home finances?
What are the current employment prospects for men with breasts?

How committed is your partner? How does she see your relationship in 10 years time with full sized breasts? What if you split up? How easy will it be to find another female partner?

How will it affect college life (if you intend to qualify)?

This is not something to rush into - if you feel desperate, you really should see a counsellor. If you don't, you should wait.

Despite what young people think about older people, we're quite capable of remembering (with embarrassment) how we acted and felt when young. Seventeen is old enough for you to be pretty sure you know what you want, and young enough for you to have plenty of time to regret it!


Thanks for replying Bryony. I know exactly what you mean, and I've thought about many of these issues myself. I don't really intend on doing anything at the moment. I'm just curious is all. But I totally understand what you mean, and I'm really not entirely committed. In the past few years I kind of went through a phase where I wanted to be a woman completely, and where I was more into men, but my feelings have changed in the past year or so. But anyways, thanks a ton for giving me some things to think about! I'm going to really think on this.

(01-06-2012, 04:40 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Hello CandC27 .

Welcome to the board.

I think bryony offers a lot of good advice to consider.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume at your age you're going to high school and living with your parents or legal guardians.

Unless you live in a tolerant community, it's quite possible you will be teased by your fellow classmates or worse once your breast growth becomes noticeable, especially if you have gym class. And if you're living with family, have you talked to you them about your desires to have a feminine body?

Something else to consider is paying for the herbs or whatever else you use to grow breasts. If you plan on living on your own and/or go to college, it probably won't be easy to pay for that and have money left over to buy your breast growth supplies.

And how far do you want to go with transitioning to a feminine body? Is it just breasts? Or do you also want to redistribute your body fat to a more feminine shape? And if you have a lot of facial/body hair, do you have any plans for permanently removing or reducing that type of hair?

Flamesabers, thank you for replying! I'm not really planning on doing it right now. And a big reason is, as you stated, I'm not exactly in the right environment for it. High school can be, and is, an unforgiving ruthless thing.

I would really like breasts, but if I could redistribute some of my body fat to my hips, that would be really nice too. Also, I have next to nothing for body hair, and I shave what little I have. Thanks!


Hi CandC27,

I'm almost in the exact same position as you, except I don't have a girlfriend Sad and I've never seriously been into men at any point in my life. I've start NBE, and have done so for a few weeks. I think my growth is typical of how long I have been doing it for, so there haven't been a whole lot of effects, but there have been some.

1. No, since there are others (other than me) who are doing it that young. However you might want to wait for a few years, or take some doses slowly. Herbs aren't strong enough that they can render you impotent soon after you try them. If you try a regimen (or part of a regimen) for a month or two, you can see how you like the physical and mental effects.

2. There are tons of herbs you can take. I have a short list, and can tell you if you want, but it's easy to find names of various herbs here. You can take herbs as pills, put the powder into tea, use creams, oils, etc. Massage helps when you are taking herbs/hormones because it basically channels the hormones to that part of the body. It's the same way midwives can breastfeed. BUT, massage itself won't help grow breasts. I've heard that pumps do work, but I'm not sure if what I said about massage applies to pumps.

3. If you are talking about impotence, I'm not sure that's very likely (but don't quote me on that). I know that many people have said they have a decreased libido, but I'm not sure if many people have had full impotence because of the herbs. But some herbs used in NBE are actually used to cure impotence.

4. It varies. Just look at the Picture page to see some examples. I think the closest user on there that's closest to our age is dargona, who's 24 I think, and he has very feminine breasts.

(01-06-2012, 11:22 AM)bryony Wrote:  The reason is because the amount of drugs required to produce a fully feminine body would probably render you impotent or commit you to SRS.

I'm not sure what you mean by that? How can NBE commit one to SRS? There are people who obtain feminine bodies that are completely content without SRS.

(03-06-2012, 07:43 AM)waeg123 Wrote:  
(01-06-2012, 11:22 AM)bryony Wrote:  The reason is because the amount of drugs required to produce a fully feminine body would probably render you impotent or commit you to SRS.

I'm not sure what you mean by that? How can NBE commit one to SRS? There are people who obtain feminine bodies that are completely content without SRS.

I think byrony was referring to HRT and the related "Gender Counseling" thing, that is the direction they tend to steer people in.

(03-06-2012, 08:26 AM)Lenneth Wrote:  
(03-06-2012, 07:43 AM)waeg123 Wrote:  
(01-06-2012, 11:22 AM)bryony Wrote:  The reason is because the amount of drugs required to produce a fully feminine body would probably render you impotent or commit you to SRS.

I'm not sure what you mean by that? How can NBE commit one to SRS? There are people who obtain feminine bodies that are completely content without SRS.

I think byrony was referring to HRT and the related "Gender Counseling" thing, that is the direction they tend to steer people in.
Yes - the 'N' stands for 'natural'. Some people manage to completely feminize
using herbs but it is hard work + needs a lot of patience.
Quicker results by total suppression of androgens, but that is chemical castration.

The important things are age, mental maturity/stability,
thinking through the long term & counselling.


(03-06-2012, 07:43 AM)waeg123 Wrote:  2. There are tons of herbs you can take. I have a short list, and can tell you if you want, but it's easy to find names of various herbs here. You can take herbs as pills, put the powder into tea, use creams, oils, etc. Massage helps when you are taking herbs/hormones because it basically channels the hormones to that part of the body. It's the same way midwives can breastfeed. BUT, massage itself won't help grow breasts. I've heard that pumps do work, but I'm not sure if what I said about massage applies to pumps.

Hi Waeg123! If you could tell me your list, that would be awesome. Thanks a ton!

Among the most commonly used herbs...

Red Clover
Saw Palmetto
Pueraria Mirifica

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