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A "WTF moment" that couldn't wait


So I was just taking a shower and I started to shave. I always shave in the shower. That's how I get the smooth face that keeps me out of trouble at work, but this time I didn't stop.

I started just touching up my chest. I've been keeping it bare for almost a year, and it had been a couple days. Then I went to my stomach... and my arms... and... and...

By the time I was done, other than my legs and head, I was totally shorn. It was a compulsion. I couldn't stop myself, because I didn't even really realize I was doing it. I even got in the really tight spots. Thankfully I've never hair on my back.

Quote:Thankfully I've never hair on my back.

You don't know how lucky you are!

Quote: I even got in the really tight spots.

Eek! My mind just boggled....


(16-06-2012, 01:00 AM)bryony Wrote:  
Quote: I even got in the really tight spots.

Eek! My mind just boggled....


I was thinking the same thing.

(15-06-2012, 10:25 PM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  By the time I was done, other than my legs and head, I was totally shorn.

So why not the legs as well? I mean, if you've already shaved everything else...

Well I'm not sure it was really a "choice" to not get my legs also. It just worked out that way, and thankfully so. I apprecialte the benefit of having hair on my legs when it gets really cold.

(16-06-2012, 01:00 AM)bryony Wrote:  
Quote:Thankfully I've never hair on my back.

You don't know how lucky you are!

No kidding, shaving your own back you almost have to be a contortionist, even when you tape a razor to a back scratcher....

(16-06-2012, 01:20 AM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  Well I'm not sure it was really a "choice" to not get my legs also. It just worked out that way, and thankfully so. I apprecialte the benefit of having hair on my legs when it gets really cold.

Never had any cold weather issues with shaved legs myself all the way down to -20, although at that temperature I wear Thermals usually.

So this thread has become a joke about my word choices instead of a discussion on the random compulsion to remove a large percentage of body hair, including those in the pubic region. I love when the train of thought jumps the tracks.

(16-06-2012, 06:04 AM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  So this thread has become a joke about my word choices instead of a discussion on the random compulsion to remove a large percentage of body hair, including those in the pubic region. I love when the train of thought jumps the tracks.

Sorry, didnt mean to.

(16-06-2012, 06:04 AM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  So this thread has become a joke about my word choices instead of a discussion on the random compulsion to remove a large percentage of body hair, including those in the pubic region. I love when the train of thought jumps the tracks.

I'm sorry the thread got derailed like that.Sad

Seeing as you only starting taking herbs last month I think it's premature to suspect your NBE regime is rewiring your brain so you prefer a more hairless look. Since you're striving to make a change with your body (growing breasts), it's not far-fetched I think to go on to make another change, however temporary it is. Perhaps shaving off your body hair doesn't seem like such a big deal now that you're trying to grow breasts. Maybe subconsciously you think a body that's growing breasts shouldn't have a lot of body hair?

I've been removing my body hair off and on before starting on NBE, so it's hard to say how much of an influence pm has had on me in that regard. The other day I had the random thought my eyebrows were too bushy. The reality is though my eyebrows have been the same as they always have been. I didn't start tweezing or shaving any of my eyebrow hair, but the thought just seemed to come out of nowhere.


I didn't mind the derailing. I thought it was funny, much like the situation that inspired this thread in the first place. It wasn't so much that is startled, scared, or confused me. I just thought it was a seriously weird thing and the folks here were the only ones I know that could appreciate it.

I dont know if it is your brain thats rewiering or just an automated though or curiousness.

it can be any thing.

though for me,it was just a simple fact that i hated the hair on my skin sins i started growing them. i hate shaving! it feels bad,sometimes even hurts.
the only place where shaving doesn't hurt are my legs,and it kinda feels good.
hell i hate seeing hair on other males. even on those online video's that you shouldnt see under 18 years old. just eww.(no im not under 18,nor under 20)

idk why you did it, but it might not just be related to the whole booby thing.

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