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Can somebody critique my routine?


Hello girls,

I'm 27 years old and been having Ainterol PM for about 1 month and definitely noticed some growth. My nipples are sometimes sensitive, but mostly tender and firm. I can definitely see the breast buds forming. But I still wanted your opinion to see if I'm doing it right.

PM 1000mg three times a day - 8 hourly
SP 1100mg three times a day - 8 hourly
PM cream twice a day
Progesterone cream alternate 2 weekly

I try to massage my breasts as much as I can but I forget it sometimes.

My CDing desire has definitely gone down, which I think is desirable. I still CD from time to time. My desire to grow breasts is still alive however and I am ever so determined to grow boobies! ..

Anything anybody could think of?

Hello sarahcsc.

I think probably the best way for others to critique your routine is to post pictures of your breasts in the picture forum every now and then.

Seeing as you're getting results I don't think there's a need to fine-tune your plan right now. I think it's when your growth has stalled for a while or you start getting unpleasant side-effects would you need to make a change.

When I started taking PM I also was taking 3,000 mg daily. I got good results after doing this for about 7 weeks, but then I started getting bad headaches so I cut down to 2,000 mg and started using progesterone cream. The headaches went away and I don't think I lost any of the growth I attained while on the 3,000 mg. You might not have this problem because you're using progesterone cream, while I didn't when starting on the PM.

I have never used PM cream and I haven't taken SP with PM so I don't have any critique on that, but I am sure others will have an opinion to share.Smile

Oh wow, I didn't know it could cause headaches. I mean, I'm used to having headaches anyway so maybe it could make it worse. Thanks for the tip...

I will try posting up some pictures next time. Smile

Another member here named bryony reported headaches when taking 3,000 mg PM daily, 1,500 in morning and 1,500 in evening. After changing the timing to taking 500 mg every 3 hours the headaches went away even though the total taken each day remained at 3,000.

The fact that you're spacing your 3,000 over the day taking 1,000 every 8 hours may let you avoid the headaches altogether.

I experienced some mild headaches when increasing from 1,500 to 2,000 daily but cannot attribute them to the PM.

For whatever it's worth, I've read lots of places that you should be taking the PM with warm milk. I think it's the calcium in the milk that is desirable, not the protein or the fat. I never drank milk, but popped a 500 mg calcium pill at the same time as the PM.

(20-07-2012, 06:37 AM)EricaB Wrote:  Another member here named bryony reported headaches when taking 3,000 mg PM daily, 1,500 in morning and 1,500 in evening. After changing the timing to taking 500 mg every 3 hours the headaches went away even though the total taken each day remained at 3,000.

The fact that you're spacing your 3,000 over the day taking 1,000 every 8 hours may let you avoid the headaches altogether.

I experienced some mild headaches when increasing from 1,500 to 2,000 daily but cannot attribute them to the PM.

For whatever it's worth, I've read lots of places that you should be taking the PM with warm milk. I think it's the calcium in the milk that is desirable, not the protein or the fat. I never drank milk, but popped a 500 mg calcium pill at the same time as the PM.

Hi Erica,

not sure that was me - I did have a problem with kidney cramps at 1g (2x500mg) 3 times daily. I found that if I spaced 6x500mg out by at least 3 hours between pills, my body would cope with that.

I honestly cannot remember a real problem with headaches though, but I do know that others have reported them.


Ok, so now do I have to attribute memory loss to NBE or can I just say it's normal old age and approaching dementia? Tongue I was so proud that along with the 3,000 mg spaced throughout the day that I remembered your name, bryony. Sorry I got the wrong side effect.

Hopefully, this will now stick in my mind.

Aren't the unexpected side effects just lovely? Huh

(21-07-2012, 02:44 PM)EricaB Wrote:  Ok, so now do I have to attribute memory loss to NBE or can I just say it's normal old age and approaching dementia? Tongue I was so proud that along with the 3,000 mg spaced throughout the day that I remembered your name, bryony. Sorry I got the wrong side effect.

Hopefully, this will now stick in my mind.

Aren't the unexpected side effects just lovely? Huh

did you take the PM-blonde or PM-brune ? Big Grin


(21-07-2012, 02:44 PM)EricaB Wrote:  Ok, so now do I have to attribute memory loss to NBE or can I just say it's normal old age and approaching dementia? Tongue I was so proud that along with the 3,000 mg spaced throughout the day that I remembered your name, bryony. Sorry I got the wrong side effect.

Hopefully, this will now stick in my mind.

Aren't the unexpected side effects just lovely? Huh

I'm not sure why, but I've heard males typically develop dementia at an earlier age than females. I think it has something to do with how female/male brains develop differently in the womb. Depending on why this is, I would expect NBE to be more of a help than a hindrance.

I am one of the ones who got headaches. Lower doses more spaced out fixed it. I have also been a lifelong headache sufferer. Your routine looks fine, although most literature and knowledgeable posts I have read suggest that progesterone is more appropriate after you have some growth, like at tanner stage 3, because it is part of the breast maturation process where they slow or stop growing and develop the mature shape for the boob and nipple. But this isn't an exact science so you may find you get great effect from it now. Congrats on getting some effects this early and happy growing!

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