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My routine / results / thoughts on PM/SP/etc


I'm interested in your routine robin, I've got a few questions if you don't mind.

As I asked in the other thread but just wanted your opinion? Why do you cycle the PM?

Also how significant have the other feminizing effects been? Facial? Hair? Skin? Fat redistribution?


(30-09-2012, 02:09 PM)robin_beales Wrote:  Also, Doll, I am just lucky to have been born as skinny s humanely possible. When I was a guy I tried to lift weights --- with NO results (as you can see). My biceps are as thin as my wrists almost, and I now see it all as a blessing, not the curse it once felt like when I was a skinny boy. I love the thin-ness. I have been on a very regulated protein-diet for 5 years or so now, and it keeps my weight in check.
Anyway, THANK YOU so much for noticing and complimenting --- you made my whole week!!!! xoxoxo MUAHWink

Aw, so glad I could make your week with that comment! Lol That's great that butt exercises are working in your favour! Keep it up! And it probably works so much better since your man is willing to give you butt massages so often! (I must say, butt massage is probably my favourite! THE most relaxing type of massage Wink) I really, really, really envy your arms. I've always been skinny, and have never had thin upper arms. Even now I'm trying so desperately with fat burning creams to make my upper arms match my lower arms in thinness! You're so so lucky to have it naturally! As far as building muscle, if it's hard for you to do, are you getting a lot of protein in every day? (Good for muscle and breast growth, of course!) Also, I just started using a Glutamine supplement, and while I haven't been using it long enough to see a difference, maybe you'll want to look into it, too. It helps prevent your body from breaking down muscle to create Glutamine, so muscle stays in tact and you can continue to build up more and more booty muscle. ;P I actually think the short time I've been using it it's already started helping me build my butt back up to 40" after I started losing fat and muscle in that area from eating poorly.

Let us know how it goes! Sounds like your already getting even more results in your breasts and butt! You really do respond well to PM if your maca is helping to increase your booty so fast!

(04-10-2012, 06:32 PM)aleah Wrote:  I'm interested in your routine robin, I've got a few questions if you don't mind.

As I asked in the other thread but just wanted your opinion? Why do you cycle the PM?

Also how significant have the other feminizing effects been? Facial? Hair? Skin? Fat redistribution?


I cycle the PM for a few reasons --- first, I like matching the 21 days cycle of a real woman and second, and probably more important, to give my system (mostly my liver) a break from cleaning the bloodstream. Not sure if it is effective BUT I do it anyway. For me at least, the OM is so powerful that being off it for one week out of four seemingly makes no difference.
Other effects? Hair seems softer, skin is most definitely WAY WAY softer and creamy. I think the PM w Maca makes my booty bigger --- in fact I have had as much booty growth as breast growth and I am happy, very happy, with both.
Hope that helps Smile

(04-10-2012, 07:12 PM)Doll Wrote:  
(30-09-2012, 02:09 PM)robin_beales Wrote:  Also, Doll, I am just lucky to have been born as skinny s humanely possible. When I was a guy I tried to lift weights --- with NO results (as you can see). My biceps are as thin as my wrists almost, and I now see it all as a blessing, not the curse it once felt like when I was a skinny boy. I love the thin-ness. I have been on a very regulated protein-diet for 5 years or so now, and it keeps my weight in check.
Anyway, THANK YOU so much for noticing and complimenting --- you made my whole week!!!! xoxoxo MUAHWink

Aw, so glad I could make your week with that comment! Lol That's great that butt exercises are working in your favour! Keep it up! And it probably works so much better since your man is willing to give you butt massages so often! (I must say, butt massage is probably my favourite! THE most relaxing type of massage Wink) I really, really, really envy your arms. I've always been skinny, and have never had thin upper arms. Even now I'm trying so desperately with fat burning creams to make my upper arms match my lower arms in thinness! You're so so lucky to have it naturally! As far as building muscle, if it's hard for you to do, are you getting a lot of protein in every day? (Good for muscle and breast growth, of course!) Also, I just started using a Glutamine supplement, and while I haven't been using it long enough to see a difference, maybe you'll want to look into it, too. It helps prevent your body from breaking down muscle to create Glutamine, so muscle stays in tact and you can continue to build up more and more booty muscle. ;P I actually think the short time I've been using it it's already started helping me build my butt back up to 40" after I started losing fat and muscle in that area from eating poorly.

Let us know how it goes! Sounds like your already getting even more results in your breasts and butt! You really do respond well to PM if your maca is helping to increase your booty so fast!

OMG I wish I had 40" BOOTY!! Anyway, I will try the Glutamine -- that sounds like a smart and rational idea.
LOL on the massages!! YES, it is VERY rewarding for BOTH os us Wink

Hi Robin,

When you take your SP do you take it all in one dose? Or several doses spread across the day? Morning? Evening? or when?

I play with growing boobies as an erotice pastime ... but if there was every a chance of looking like you I'd "come on over" in an instant! WOW.

hugs ... Karen

(19-10-2012, 10:26 AM)karen Wrote:  Hi Robin,

When you take your SP do you take it all in one dose? Or several doses spread across the day? Morning? Evening? or when?

I play with growing boobies as an erotice pastime ... but if there was every a chance of looking like you I'd "come on over" in an instant! WOW.

hugs ... Karen

Hi Karen,
I take my SP and PM three times per day, morning, noon, and bedtime--- assuming that keeps a steady pulse of the "right stuff" coursing through my body. I do not want to overload my system.
The SP is really great. Like I had said in an earlier posting, it made my thingie/junk shrink, and I really like that. It removes my "urges", and the PM provides the happy flood of womanly chemicals that my body and brain enjoy.
You're sweet, btw, and thanks. Being born tiny and skinny was the luckiest thing -- I never appreciated it when I was a young boy but now I embrace it and feel blessed.
Lastly, playing w boobies in any way is a great hobby Smile

Hi Girls and Boyz,
Just thought I would check in --- it has been a while.
So I have been on PM, SP, and Maca for over a one and a half years now, almost 2 years!!! --- not varying my routine at all since I first posted.

I am now a full C-cup, 36. My hips and buttocks are really full as well. I am now taken to be a girl in boys clothes instead of the other way around, which is FANTASTIC!! (Even though I am now 99% full-time en femme, I wear guy clothes once every few months as warranted).

Biggest change is, I think, to my BRAIN. I think, feel, dream, emote, talk, and breathe as a full-on feminine creature -- not one bit of my boy-self left at all --- which is WONDERFUL.

My nipples and aureola have become larger and darker, and I lactate now when excited or when I or my boyfriend squeeze my nipples. I love my breasts, I am so proud of them.
I love my body, finally. It is very feminine --- not Marilyn Monroe BUT definitely NOT a guys body either ---

I am still skinny (now down to 122 lbs) and haven't noticed any weight gain at all on Maca.

Hugs and Kisses to you ALL.

That's awesome! Congrats!
Your boyfriend sounds like an amazing person too.

You're outwardly very attractive Robin and from what I can tell in your posts, you seem like a nice person on the inside as well. Your diligence has paid off! I wish it were possible for me to do what you've done so please don't ever take it for granted and take time to enjoy it everyday as I'm sure you do. Best wishes.

Congratulations Robin!

It's good to hear everything is working out for you. Smile

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