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Intresting Reaction, or lack of....


I was in the mall the other day and saw a lack of any reaction to a person I would not be surprised if they at least lurk here or on a similar site.

It was a man that hadn't shaved in about 2-3 days was wearing work clothes, and had what had to be a pair of DD's under his flannel shirt, and their were no odd stares, double-takes or anything.

I thought it was really cool given how many people in this area can be.Cool

Oh, wow, how surprising!

I admit, I tend to stare sometimes when I see someone like that, but I'm honestly just very intrigued about it, and wonder what they're doing that's working so well! Lol I hate to be so rude, I just can't stop my curiosity! ^^;

I guess it is somewhat refreshing and reassuring that nobody seemed to react to a guy with large breasts.

Once, when I was researching how to fit a bra for a man, I stumbled across a forum of men who wore bras because it was less painful than not wearing one. They were on therapies for hormone-related cancers and a side-effect was breast growth. Many of them reported very unkind reactions in public.

I suppose the person you saw could be one such individual. It is also possible he was a female-to-male transsexual in the earlier stages of transition who had not yet had top surgery or maybe it was a female with a really bad hormonal imbalance who now has facial hair, but has kind of given up on trying hard to conceal the problem. I suppose it could also have been a woman who wants to grow facial hair and such and remain female the way some of us want to grow breasts but remain male.

Either way, it's nice to hear there did not seem to be any reaction to someone whose outward appearance was incongruent with standard norms of gender presentation.

Just curious ... Was this person ... Oh, how do I put this? Was there weight proportional to height? I think that is the politically correct term. I can see if they were not that such a large "development", as it were, might not seem so unusual. On the other hand, if the person was thin, then that kind of bust would indeed be surprisingly noticable.

they were neither thin or fat or bodybuilder type, I guess you could call it a healthy "solid" build, the kind a man gets from eating well and working construction etc...

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