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red clover and wild yam


Hi I have cut off from pm to allow body adapt before reintroducing powerful pm back into regimen. Pm was just too powerful so going to take baby steps back into it. Till then I got red clover saw palmetto and wild yam capsules curious as to red clover and wild yam safety for effectiveness. Says 4 daily for wild ya and 2 for red clover curious as to should I stick with that or up it a bit to boost estrogen effects more sinnce I'm male. Don't want to damage liver so looking for recommended help for those who had success. Wanted fenugreekbut my local Walgreens pulled it some reason. Thanks for all who reply

Heard it was good to incorporate 3 herbs so I picked up flaxseed oil as well 1000mg capsules are these three together OK or should I get something else also how much daily of these should I take to expect any change. Ordered Natureday breast cream to help and plan on getting progesterone cream from

Wild Yam really won't do any thing for you in any way whatsoever. That's an old old old OLD myth that just refuses to die properly.

Red clover is fairly strong and fairly safe. I'm honestly not sure of dosages because I've never used it. I jumped straight to PM and ain't looking anywhere else for my estrogenic herb.

I heard wild yam was a myth even asked a herbologist at vitamin shopper she said it is a myth where it has estrogenic roots but the human body won't turn Otto estrogen by ingestion only a lab can pullthe estrogen from it but is helpful in a building block to assist in strengthening other herbs so ffigured why not lol

I love pm just shrank testes and penis too fast with no regrowth ad sperm is not white but more clear weened off it but gonna try smaller doses in awhile

(11-11-2012, 12:43 AM)Tiffany314 Wrote:  I heard wild yam was a myth even asked a herbologist at vitamin shopper she said it is a myth where it has estrogenic roots but the human body won't turn Otto estrogen by ingestion only a lab can pullthe estrogen from it but is helpful in a building block to assist in strengthening other herbs so ffigured why not lol

I love pm just shrank testes and penis too fast with no regrowth ad sperm is not white but more clear weened off it but gonna try smaller doses in awhile

Well... That's a myth too. Honestly. But, suit yourself I guess. When you notice it doesn't make a difference remember I said so.

Heh. Shinking male bits is a desired effect for me!

Was only 5 dollars not expecting much of anything if anything but it does have some good effects for males so if no breast growth hopefully something else happens I'm 26 loving girlfriend and would love to be a father someday so the shrinking bits I'd like to hold off for right now later on though would not mind shrinking 23 to 4 inches to hide in underwear better

(11-11-2012, 02:24 AM)Tiffany314 Wrote:  I'm 26 loving girlfriend and would love to be a father someday so the shrinking bits I'd like to hold off for right now later on though would not mind shrinking 23 to 4 inches to hide in underwear better

27 and single, but wishing I was pretty enough to catch a nice boyfriend.

I'm a girl, period. I don't want anything to do with my genetic abnormality and the sooner I get rid of it all completely the better.

i wish you all the best and a safe yet quick arrival to the destination in your destiny to become more feminine and the woman in which you were supposed to be, congratulations on being so certain and taking the measures safely to becoming who you are Smile

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