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bumps on areola?


Hola fellow forumers got a quick possibly odd question, I understand montgomery glands but unsure how to truly know if they are them...
Got out the shower a few moments ago and noticed my nipples had been burning not literally but a sensation and incredibly sensitive all day as much as even touching them felt like a razor blade, i feel there is more fullness but not much shape but what i did notice is that there are bumps now within my aereola (sp) and never had them before they were very very noticeable when i got out and examined but faded slowly a little although still present, perhaps hot water made them more surfaced? unsure... curious if this is anything to foreshadow or if its nothing at all and just me imagining things.

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Hello Tiffany.

In regards to the burning sensation, did you recently shave any chest hair or apply any type of topical NBE herb to your areolas?

Yes, the montgomery glands are temperature sensitive, much like how the skin develops goose bumps when you're cold. It probably was the sudden change in temperature: taking a hot shower to being naked in a room that's cold compared to the hot shower that caused your montgomery glands to surface.

My areolas right now are puffy and at a relaxed state. I can see the outlines of the montgomery glands but they're barely protruding. If I was to go outside where it's cold out, it's very likely my areolas will harden, shrink in diameter and my montgomery glands will become much more distinct.

If you're really curious about this and don't mind experiencing some pain, put an ice cube on your areolas and watch them change. Big Grin

I actually never really noticed my montgomery glands before NBE. When my areolas were cold and shrunken, I would see them slightly, but at this point in my NBE they're becoming much more prominent, and I can actually see them when my areolas are soft. Is this common for NBE? I know my breasts are still at Tanner Stage 4, so is this maybe them starting to develop more?

They kind of freak me out now, I guess because I could never really see them before.

(27-11-2012, 07:36 PM)Doll Wrote:  I actually never really noticed my montgomery glands before NBE. When my areolas were cold and shrunken, I would see them slightly, but at this point in my NBE they're becoming much more prominent, and I can actually see them when my areolas are soft. Is this common for NBE? I know my breasts are still at Tanner Stage 4, so is this maybe them starting to develop more?

They kind of freak me out now, I guess because I could never really see them before.

I hate them, they're so unattractive! They are meant to lubricate the areola and nipple so they don't crack and dry up!

(27-11-2012, 07:36 PM)Doll Wrote:  I actually never really noticed my montgomery glands before NBE. When my areolas were cold and shrunken, I would see them slightly, but at this point in my NBE they're becoming much more prominent, and I can actually see them when my areolas are soft. Is this common for NBE? I know my breasts are still at Tanner Stage 4, so is this maybe them starting to develop more?

I would say that is common for NBE. I think the further along one gets with NBE, the more prominent and distinct the various parts of your breasts become.

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