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Estrogen/Progesterone imbalance in men


With all my reading on several different forums and multitudinous numbers of threads, I don't remember reading anything about an hormone (Estrogen/Progesterone) imbalance affecting men on NBE. It always seems to be relevant to women; but its effects, if any, on men never seem to be mentioned. Am I missing something? Please excuse my ignorance and help enlighten me.

I recommend doing a search on this board for more information. When males are taking feminizing herbs for NBE, I think it's logical to assume such individuals become more susceptible to developing a estrogen/progesterone imbalance. I use progesterone cream to help prevent a hormonal imbalance that could otherwise be created by the pm I'm taking.

Further, it's not just males pursuing NBE that can experience this imbalance:

Quote:Although estrogen dominance in men is most commonly caused by factors such as obesity, alcoholism, or exposure to a form of environmental estrogen called xenoestrogens, it can be caused by a number of serious medical problems, including pituitary diseases and testicular tumors. If you suspect you may have estrogen dominance, consult your doctor immediately.


I was having headaches and feeling kinda punny. About two weeks ago I started using progesterone cream twice a day and I am now feeling normal and think I have finally started budding. I use 2000mg of PM daily and around 640 of SP extract. I think I needed the progesterone to balance me out.



I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I know how bothersome those types of headaches and other ailments can be. Something else I found helpful with eliminating the estrogen dominant symptoms is spacing out my pm intake every few hours, as opposed to only taking pm in the morning and at night.

Congratulations on your budding breasts!

I've noticed that any mention of "Hormone Imbalance" quite often is viewed as some sort of Taboo/Topic of Extreme Embarrassment/Shame among a lot of men.

Dunno why.

(29-11-2012, 04:20 AM)Lenneth Wrote:  I've noticed that any mention of "Hormone Imbalance" quite often is viewed as some sort of Taboo/Topic of Extreme Embarrassment/Shame among a lot of men.

Dunno why.

Perhaps a lot of men associate "hormone imbalance" as being a problem more common with women and that somehow makes them feel like less of a man? Or maybe it's because men equate "hormone imbalance" with being sterile or impotent?


I also recently started breaking my PM doses up. I take it every 6 hours now starting from when I wake up. Sometimes a dose can get cut off at night but generally I'm taking ~2000mg PM and ~640 sp extract as well.

I haven't had the frequency of headaches that I once had, but I am getting a sore throat -- could just be the cold weather and winter though!!

As for the progesterone cream I need to get better at remembering to use it! Do you do a rotation when you apply it, or usually in the same location?

I'm not sure where I read that PC works most effectively for the breasts when applied to the breasts, so I always apply directly to my breasts. I may break it up to twice a day on higher dose days, but always to my chest.
I am beginning a regimen similar to AbiDrew's (pg. 10 on his plan) in that I mimic the monthly hormone cycle of a woman with regards to E & P using PM & PC.


(29-11-2012, 03:54 PM)dargona Wrote:  As for the progesterone cream I need to get better at remembering to use it! Do you do a rotation when you apply it, or usually in the same location?

Setting up a routine is what helps me to remember to use PC. I apply it in the morning after I've taken a shower, and I apply it again at night after I've brushed my teeth.

I've been applying PC on the same location: my lower back. When I was experiencing back aches I decided to apply it to where my back was aching to see if that helped, and I think it did.

I think the most common spots to apply PC is the inner thighs and inner wrists because that's where the body absorbs it at the fastest rate. I believe SarahSchilling is one who rotates the application of PC.

i am weary about applying it to my breasts as I've heard this may reduce growth. also when I lie down i like to do some massaging and the thought of PC still being on my hand ruins my nightly pc dose =\ Are you using PC every day or during certain days?

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