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Intro and question about how to control the shape of existing breasts


Hey everyone. Very cool forums here. Wish I'd found them sooner. I've had gynecomastia since a little kid. Growing up I hated them, until I started having fantasies about wearing bras and other clothing. Then I realized how fun they are to play with. I still don't like them in public, but I've learned to wear under armor spandex-ish shirts all the time. I'm a big guy, which I think contributes a bit to my size, but also means they kinda just look like a big man chest under a shirt.

When I was living by myself I took about 3 months of breast success, and I believe it really did start to change them, but I didn't stick with it long enough. They seemed a little fuller and I could feel other areas of my body changing. I also have an electronic stimulator from eBay that I've started using again recently. I think I'm about a C cup, but they're kinda odd shaped. Like I said above, I'm a big guy. About 330lb (age 23) currently, and I know that probably affects the shape of them. I've been trying to lose weight for most of my life, but it just isn't happening. I've had recent luck on a keto diet, but after I moved back home I fell off of it. Hoping to get back on it soon.

I think I just want to make them a little rounder and better shaped. Fantasy wise, I'd love to have the biggest tits I could (and a girl who loves them). But right now I think I just want to make them a little better looking. Rounder and maybe a bit fuller, and get rid of the fat around the side of my chest. I could probably accept a tiny bit of growth, but I'm trying to lose weight, so I don't want to grow them huge, then lose weight and have them be gigantic.

What are my best options for doing this? I've already started massage with sesame seed oil, I use the stimulator when I can, and I have some binaural hypnotic tracks I bought from Amazon that I listen to at work, and sometimes while I'm sleeping (anyone used these before?). Are there any herbs that are good at making boobs a little bit fuller or rounder?


Jester welcome, I am just beginning myself so I am not much help on the matter. I am using PM and SP with good results. I am big too at 6ft 5in and 300lbs. My program has made quite a difference. Good luck. Search the site too there is alot of info here.

this is just my opinion, but hypnosis, obvioulsy only those wanting to be can, but to me is a serious waste of money, while the mind may say you are growing or doing something, the body itself is not, you believing estrogen levels are rising to grow breasts are not going to make the body chemically alter its levels to do so. i may be wrong im no scientist just my two cents.
Far as what to do to grow, you can never go wrong with pueraria mirifica from its cheap i believe after shipping costs its about 20-22 bucks, arrives within days. be careful its very powerful i'd suggest starting at 500mg (one capsule) a day or two, and working your way up slowly. Estrogen in men though also packs on weight, many people with hormonal issues or elevating their estrogen levels will say they typically have gained weight, the beneficial thing here with that though, while the weight is gained, i believe the body is packing it on to redistribute it elsewhere over time you will gain the weight in your hips, butt and breasts and thighes and have seen many men who over time have a slim waist and wide hips from it, quite attractive and envious of that am i.
Weaker herbs like hops, red clover and fenugreek is a great herbal regimen as well as saw palmetto all which are available at gnc, vitamin shoppe, vitamin world, walgreens, cvs. saw palmetto take about 6x a day is a fairly good testosterone blocker as well red clover and hops are great phytoestrogenic herbs in a combination of those three i have had success in the filling of my breasts portion. while the fenugreek is recommended also as a great phytoestrogen. usually recommended to pregnant women for milk production so i'd assume fenugreek helps with the building of milk ducts and quality of breast tissue.

Far as shaping, the age old method of wearing a bra is said to help shape, also massaging techniques i have noticed helped shape my small developed breasts. theres a youtuber, called URMWHYNOT who shows a short massaging technique in a video called BOOBS something i use that its quick its short do it multiple times a day her variety and technique i love it.
sorry if this doesnt help much im still learning myself just throwing my knowledge out there

ps your breasts look absolutely phenomenal, the black top really shows off the curve of them, beautiful....question for a hopeful bustier boy, how do you hide them

Those aren't odd shaped!

That's a pretty danged typical shape for somewhat obese girls, actually. They definitely are NOT moobish.

PM is great stuff as has been mentioned...

(04-12-2012, 06:50 AM)Tiffany314 Wrote:  ps your breasts look absolutely phenomenal, the black top really shows off the curve of them, beautiful....question for a hopeful bustier boy, how do you hide them
It helps that I'm a big guy, with a decent sized gut. But I also wear under armor spandexish compression shirts which make them just look like a big guy's chest. I've always wanted to lose weight, but I kinda like my boobs (at least in private), and the weight makes it a little easier to hide.

Both of you, thanks for the kind words. I've made a profile on a free dating site with the hopes of finding a girl who enjoys this kind of thing. There's been a few bites, but nothing real serious. Its a little confidence boost that at least they kinda look good as far as moobs go. haha

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