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Lasting Effects After Stopping?


Hi, I'm new to this just been lurking around. I was wondering what the possible long lasting effects that I could have if I take Fenugreek and Maca for between 1 to 3 months and then completely stopped. I'm just looking for small brest development and a nicer booty so nothing too drastic and life changing. I didnt know if once I stop if any or all of my gains would dissapear after a certain time. Thanks in advance.

Hi and welcome.

MACA is unlikely to do anything as far as breast development is concerned, if it does anything it may change the shape of fat deposits in the lower half of the body.
FG is not likely to do anything much apart from temporary swelling.
1-3 months of anything is unlikely to do anything much that is visible and almost certainly nothing permanent.

However the big question is why would you want to bother doing it for such a short length of time? My advice is that if you are not seriously committed to growing breasts, do not mess with this stuff.

Hello keirakeane21.

Welcome to the board. Smile

I'm in agreement with what Pansy-Mae has said. I think the task of biological males growing breasts is in and of itself challenging. Not only do you have to find the right combination and dosage of NBE herbs, it also takes a serious commitment of time and money to make it happen. I think trying to micromanage your breast grow makes this task all the more difficult. After all, there is no on/off switch you can easily utilize to control your breast growth. If you resume taking NBE herbs, you may end up with more breast growth than you originally wanted, not to mention a possible loss of sexual functioning and/or sex drive. As Pansy-Mae has said, if you're not serious about this than it's best to not take any NBE herbs.

Thanks for the quick and helpful response. As of the moment I'm not taking anything just trying to get as much information that I possibly can. It takes alot for me to commit to anything so I just wanted to get as much of a detailed vision before deciding on anything. But for now still got some more soul searching to do. Thanks again and I have to say it actually feels nice posting for once. Smile

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