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Anyone tried these?


only reason i'm posting this is because its sold by Ainterol and i'm wondering if any have tried it and if so does it do what it claims?


(30-12-2012, 01:20 AM)Lenneth Wrote:  only reason i'm posting this is because its sold by Ainterol and i'm wondering if any have tried it and if so does it do what it claims?

I haven't used this, but I'm also curious if not skeptical about this product. My question is how likely will you regain the weight you lose from using this product as soon as you stop using it? Dodgy

Over in the "Other Body Enhancements" section of this forum is a thread about corsets. Since this is a milder version of a corset, I would presume that the results would be similar and temporary at best.


(30-12-2012, 01:40 AM)JTX Wrote:  Over in the "Other Body Enhancements" section of this forum is a thread about corsets. Since this is a milder version of a corset, I would presume that the results would be similar and temporary at best.


looks more like something to get rid of unwanted body fat via sweating crossed with a corset to me.

Doll has used one and reported dissatisfaction overall IIRC.

(30-12-2012, 02:52 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Doll has used one and reported dissatisfaction overall IIRC.

ok, thanks.

OK, I'll fess up. I tried one, (without the lining, rubber only). It did have some effect, but how much is hard to say, as I was (inconsistently) using corsets at the same time. I'd wear the rubber one when I was going to be doing something that I knew would work up a sweat. Stayed in place, even with a good layer of sweat behind it, but you had to wash it after every use. Just a good wipedown. Wore it enough to eventually start pulling the fasteners out, so tossed it. If you don't keep it clean, you're just forcibly pushing and rubbing all the prior sweat (and whatever else) right back into your dermis. And if you don't clean it, then overnight all sorts of wonderous little things will start to grow on it. Unfortunately, either due to my age, (or something, maybe, that I've started adding to my system), my skin has become too sensitive at the pressure points of these sort of devices, and my corsets are in storage. Have to even be sure bras don't fit too tightly. Results in small, itchy, terribly annoying patches at said pressure points. Can take a couple weeks to go away, so trust me, I'm quite aware of what I wrap any part of me in, anymore. I would have to say, overall, not worth the money, and mine at the time was only around $25. At $50 or so now, just an even larger waste of $.

Having said that, I know someone, (or someones), will just have to try it, so Good Luck, and let us know how it turns out! Patti


The first one I bought was a fake, and it lasted 3 weeks before it was completely unwearable. The damn steel bones came out of it, so it no longer held and shape and did not stay up on my body.

The second one was real, and lasted less than the fake one. I have some lower belly bloat, and that thing took on the shape of my bloat in less than a week. And because it's shaped with just 6 pieces of boning, the bones shaped into my pudge and made it stick out even more than my natural stomach does. I know my mind's kind of jumbled right now, don't know if I'm making coherent sentences or not. But basically, it made me look even fatter.

And the first time I wore it, it took my waist in two inches. After a few uses, it didn't even take it in an inch. VERY unflattering. It also didn't help me sweat any more than a regular neoprene workout belt would (for $5!!!). And, as was already said, they leave welts on your body where the boning is.

I'd recommend a corset over it any day. They cost the same, and even if you don't wear your corset for very long or even every day, the results (as well as corset) are much more permanent.

A Squeem lasts maybe a month, while a corset lasts a year or more. I'm pretty bad at math, but even I know which is the better investment.

(I won't try to persuade you into a corset without letting you know that it DOES involve minor lifestyle changes, and is not for everyone, so do look into it before actually going out and buying one. I researched them for a good few months before actually getting mine.)

no problem doll.

was only looking at it as a weight loss ab tightening aid.

on corsets I actually own 2 already, but rarely use them.

thanks for the info though.Cool

I prefer the Vedette body shapers, specifically the vest styles like Felice, Renee, and Belle. These have high backs and underarms but no breast coverage to help push everything down to the hips and up to the boobs. They should be ordered true to your size. They can add a full cup size while you are wearing them. My latest one is the Felice in a Medium and I wear it at least a few hours a day. Combine your massage session with one of those for maximum benefit.

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