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my asian bf wants to grow breasts


thanks to you all, especially Tiffany for her wonderfully detailed response and good advice.

i have discussed with my bf that changes are not restricted to the breast area.... i also chatted to our family GP who was all for the prescribed medication route.

My feelings so far are that the side effects of the medication route are just too dangerous... and the herbs seem, from what you all say, to be gentler on the liver etc....

i think i will try to source the herbs you mention, and he can experiment with the first weeks without too drastic an effect. That time should however, from what you say, allow him to assess the side effects... and changed emotions....

that will help with an informed decision

please keep the answers coming as i still feel the need for information....

questions which come to mind are.... do the breasts grown this way seem to be pert? or saggy?

does he need to stay on the herbs once he reaches the size he desires?

cheers all

(11-01-2013, 02:15 PM)Gregrk Wrote:  questions which come to mind are.... do the breasts grown this way seem to be pert? or saggy?

does he need to stay on the herbs once he reaches the size he desires?

cheers all

Depends on both. Pert/Saggy seems to be more genetic no matter whether you're male or female. As for staying on once he's got the size he desires: He might want to go for a cup size more than desired to retain the desired cup size.

he is flat now..... on a 'usual' dosage how long til he might get to B cup?

(11-01-2013, 02:41 PM)Gregrk Wrote:  he is flat now..... on a 'usual' dosage how long til he might get to B cup?

Again, this can vary... Generally he'd be looking at at least a couple to a few years.

Be careful with the experimenting with the first few weeks. this stuff seems to be a bit addicting, meaning you get the little bit of breasts you started out after, but then just have to go for that little bit more, then that little bit more, etc. I think it has to do with rewiring of the brain to a female desire to have larger breasts. Not sure how soon this rewiring takes place, probably like everything else here it varies by the inidividual. So it may start out as an experiment for a few weeks but end up with D cups over time!!

(13-01-2013, 02:36 PM)Wishful Wrote:  Be careful with the experimenting with the first few weeks. this stuff seems to be a bit addicting, meaning you get the little bit of breasts you started out after, but then just have to go for that little bit more, then that little bit more, etc. I think it has to do with rewiring of the brain to a female desire to have larger breasts. Not sure how soon this rewiring takes place, probably like everything else here it varies by the inidividual. So it may start out as an experiment for a few weeks but end up with D cups over time!!

I think this would be a good thread to review in regards to the idea of NBE herbs being addicting:

I think NBE herbs can only be construed as 'addicting' to those who already have a feminine brain/gender dysphoria prior to taking NBE herbs. In cases like that, I see NBE herbs as being instrumental in restoring a balance. I highly doubt NBE herbs like pm have some sort of mind controlling properties that changes biological males who are happy having male parts and a masculine body to wanting to have feminine physical traits like breasts. Furthermore, not all members who take pm experience brain rewiring.

I imagine while it's not unheard of for biological males who don't have gender dysphoria to fantasize about what it would be like to have their own pair of breasts to fondle, the vast majority would never desire to actually grow their own breasts.

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