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My OIL PULLING Diary Day 1


Today I started oil pulling. I have always wanted to try it and see how it can benefit my health. For those who have never heard of it, in a nutshell, it is based on aryuvedic principles and helps remove the toxins around the teeth and gums. It aids the mouth in healing and hygiene and has a positive effect on the entire body after a while. Some reported benefits include whiter teeth, pinker gums, eradication of bad breath, softening of tartar, strengthening of enamel, allergy and sinus relief amongst other benefits.

For me just dealing with teeth is beneficial as this last year alone I have had over £4000k worth of private dental treatment, including an implant. I do not want to undo all the good work. If it helps my allergies, and allows for glowing skin then even better.

I take 1 tbsp of cold pressed organic sunflower oil and swish it around my mouth for 20 minutes, just after I wake up.

[undefined=undefined]There are a few simple rules to make it easier:[/undefined]

1. It is best to do on an empty stomach, in case you feel sick, some people want to gag.
2. Do after waking to combine with a deep clean.
3. Use sesame, sunflower or virgin coconut oil although some people experiment with other oils.
4 Do not swallow and if you feel the need to gag and spit, spit into the toilet then start again.
5. Build up to 20 minutes if you can (I did this whilst I was showering and preparing myself for the day).
6. Spit into the loo so the toxins go down there instead of your sink.
7. Be gentle no furious gargling is required, I used my tongue also.
8. If you want to do it 2 x a day do so 4 hours after food when the stomach is empty.
9. Oil of oregano can be added to kill extra bacteria.
10. Essential oils need to be edible and non-toxic, if you wish to add a drop or two.
11.You can rinse the mouth with salt water after, optional.
12. Brush the teeth and scrape the tongue with your usual toothpaste.
13. Steep the toothbrush in boiling water afterwards to ensure all germies are dead.

[undefined=undefined]What to expect:[/undefined]

I had the subtle taste of the sunflower oil in my mouth, 1tbsp sounds a lot but it was okay. I have zero gag reflex so it felt okay. The minute it mixed with my saliva it emulsified and changed in texture.

After the allotted time had passed when I spat it out it was creamy in colour and runnier in consistency. This is normal. You do not always need for the result to be creamy so do not think you are doing it wrong, mouths and oils are different depending on the person.

The first thing I noticed was seriously sparkly teeth, I mean dentist polished glistening and smooth. Even hours later.

My breath was lovely.

I will do this once a day before work and see how I get on. I want glowing skin, no allergies and strong teeth and gums!

[undefined=undefined]Things to watch out for:[/undefined]

If you are using virgin coconut oil you may have a strong detox reaction as coconut oil kills yeasts. So if you have candida or other yeast related infections you may have a strong reaction. Usually the detox symptoms pass but then can be harsh.

As this is an oral detox it will detox you and you can get headaches etc etc. I have not read too many people feeling this with oils other than coconut however.

Some people feel bits of amalgam fillings popping out. This is because the underlying infections are surfacing, but they report no ill effects after they come out. I have fillings and I have been okay.

If you have root canals then these are germ factories so oil pulling is useful. If you have implants they are not affected by oil pulling (this was my main concern as I have one).

For more info as I am not the expert on this subject(just someone who has read up about it and is fascinated). Search oil pulling and you will be stunned about how much information there is.

I will keep you posted as I notice benefits.

Happy pulling, but as always be careful, do your own research too, do not assume you will have similar results and use your common sense!

Good luck.

I would be interested to see how your progress goes. What do you mean by the coconut oil having strong detox reactions? in a good or bad way?

Sometimes the coconut oil causes people with candida to have a die-off, where the candida tries to fight in a last stand! As a result they stay in the gut and can cause symptoms like hypoglycemia, low energy, fuzzy head. But I got all of this sort of stuff when I first ever had a colon cleanse years ago.

Coconut oil is pretty powerful stuff and people who also eat it to attack candida say that it can overwhelm them a bit, but it depends on what state your body is in to start with. Some people don't notice any difference and some do.

Since I don't think I have candida issues I am using the sunflower oil.

Thanks for that reply. Ive read about this recently but i have a pretty bad gag reflex. its the only thing stopping me Rolleyes

Let us know what changes you see. Ill be curious to see what it does for your teeth! ATM im still reading through all the info before starting NBE and i started the NEL but have been interrupted by a nasty flu.... so i can't be bothered trying anything right now Tongue

Well research and reading is always the best way before starting anything!

I did the OP this morning and it was still fine and my teeth feel fine, smooth, clean and my tongue is furless Smile

I was actually reading up about it again and read a blog by a girl who said she did it for a few weeks and although she didn't notice huge benefits her breast grew a cup size! Maybe it's the detox effect?

I actually hadn't thought that this could even be a possibility, so I am sticking to it as I need all the help I can get. Ironically just after my shower this evening I noticed my boobs look slightly swollen, I have just finished my period too and I never get this effect.

Hi Babs!!

Great to hear that you have started oil pulling. i am a firm believer of OP and i am now into my 5th month of doing it religiously everyday...

it has done wonders for my skin. my face was covered with acne...i dont know what exactly to call them but very very tiny spot like things all over the face. so tiny that you could not see them inside the room.but as soon as i step out into daylight, my gawd my face looked scary...not a tiny space was left uncovered.....i had gone thru a lot of emotional stress....and probably it was a result of life was getting back to normal and these spots had also started to become lesser......
and then i started OP and in a weeks time, my face was clearer than it had ever been.was getting comments for it too...

fresher breath, cleaner doubt about that....

bigger boobs!!!! i dont know ...but i really do hope so....oh my god that would be just so great!!!! Yay!!!!

oh by the way i started with sunflower oil...after a month switched to sesame oil.....found greater benefits with sesame oil on acne......but feel that sunflower gives a glow....but i cant leave sesame bcos if i dont do it with sesame even for a single day, i can feel the small spots start to appear again.....what i think is that sesame has a drying effect (as i can feel the skin on the edges of my mouth just slightly to tear on cold days while using sesame)....i have tried both the oils and i like them both....

anyways bigger boobs is what is exciting!!!please keep us updated....good luckSmile

Yay Virgina, that sounds amazing, what great results you have had well done for making it a routine.

I love oil pulling, my mouth feels so good afterwards. So I did it twice today and I have to say in just 3 days my gums are very pink indeed and where I have my implant is lighter, the gum was still a bit red before. I am off to the dentist tomorrow and wonder if he will notice anything.

I have had a few teeeny weeny detox spots on my face but better out than in. I will keep this up for sure. I think I will stick to sunflower oil for a few months to see how I get on before I start experimenting with oils.

Well if my boobs change as a result I will be gobsmacked but who knows it might have the same effect as a cleanse.

So, I have been doing this for a week now. The results are as follows:

Teeth shiny, 1 shade lighter, smooth when I run my tongue over them - the first few days they felt slightly sensitive like after a dental polish, but that stopped and now they feel normal. No fillings have popped out as reported by some people.

Gums pink, hard, tight to tooth margins, glistening.

Tartar, soft and crumbles off when I use my home scraper tool or if I floss.

Skin, bright, pink, and slightly more radiant than previously. I did have a few tiny pimples popping up in various areas but these have gone completely.

Boobs, still looking slightly more plump waaay after my period has ended.

So far I really like this and am trying to do it twice a day. I find the time it takes is manageable as I do all my other bath time, grooming routines first then spit and clean mouth. I think my skin and teeth are really going to glow. Can't wait to see what else happens to my body.

I also don't know why people think they will gag, I find it really quite pleasant. I say try it to give it a go.

hmmmmm.... I do constantly get yeast infections, and I happen to have some virgin coconut oil so I think I am going to try this!

I completely overlooked your thread when I made mine, Babakins. I stumbled upon OP a few days ago and want to give it a go myself. I'm glad this is working out so well for you. And my god, bigger breasts as a result of oil pulling? Sounds almost too good to be true (but I pray it is).

I'm looking into natural tooth pastes now, and it seems they have aryuvedic equivalents that work quite well. You should check them out if you haven't already.

Hope you keep us posted on this!

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