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Has anyone seen this before?

And a few questions for the more educated people. Is it safe? will it work? Anything you might want to add?

The active ingredient they list on their website is spelled wrong and should be ethinyl estradiol. It is a synthetic estradiol and NOT all natural as they purport.

Ethinyl estradiol (you should google it and its side effects) will work. It also has SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER risk (than bio-identical estradiol) of causing embolic events (blood clots) which can result in DVT's if you are lucky, and stroke or pulmonary embolism if you are unlucky. A long time member of recently decided to give her transition a kick and self medicated with this and caused herself severe health problems which were life threatening.

Is it worth it? Only you can decide. If you really want to go the hormone route, stick to bio-identical estradiol and possibly micronized progesterone. That's just my personal opinion though.

(15-02-2013, 05:56 AM)jb454 Wrote:  Has anyone seen this before?

And a few questions for the more educated people. Is it safe? will it work? Anything you might want to add?

a) it's not natural, so you'd get better advice on a board that encourages self-med with pharmaceuticals.

b) my gut tells me that no, it is not safe. Putting real hormones into you without a doctor's advice is bad enough, but synthetics add another dimension of stupidity.

c) you still won't grow breasts any faster than the Tanner stages, i.e. 2-3 years. PM is growing mine to schedule.

d) PM is known to be safe. The Thai people have been using it for centuries; an LD50 is unknown at 20,000 the recommended dose. That's about 3 kilogrammes per day at my weight!!

( See this FDA paper for safety discussion )

Finally and most importantly, once you are taking enough PM, your mind will straighten out and you will develop patience. I think the reason people like Diva and co get fed up and go off onto HRT is because they weren't taking a high enough dose of PM... I am an example of someone who needs an average of 3g/day.. this means 6g/day at times.

Good luck,



Considering that we're talking about synthetic hormones here (as already has been pointed out they are way more risky than any herb could be), I wouldn't trust in a website that looks like it is designed by a 13 year old girl. I'd expect a serious company to let a professional design their website. This page doesn't look trustworthy to me at all.

Just my thoughts.


Setting aside the fact that this is indeed a "website-on-a shoestring", which is an indication that it's simply an endeavor to make money, The product itself is HIGHLY suspicious.

A tube of "something", unlabelled, which was probably filled from a larger container of "something?? As soon as the tube is opened to withdraw a few drops, it would be considered to have "exposed" and possibly contaminated the remaining product. Not safe by any standards, other than the standards of the seller. Having tried my share of "pharmas", this is definitely one I wouldn't touch, even if it was free. Looks to be just another scheme, perhaps perpetrated by someone who's run around in a number of forums such as this one, and is simply playing on the anxieties, fears, confusion and desires of folks such as us. And, I also suspect there will be some takers.

As well, the "droppers" shown are simply plastic droppers available at any hobby store. I have the same ones, I use them to take paint from bottles to mix with other colors for use in model-building. They are never in a "sealed" state, are a one-time-use item, and are extremely hard to get only one or two drops out of. (I have found one other good use for them other than paint. I cut the bulb end off, insert the remaining large-diameter end into the tube attached to my hand vacuum pump, and the small end works great to suck out blackheads)!!

I would advise all to stay away from this "product". At the least, it seems a waste of money that could be put to better use. At the worst, (and most probable) it could be a danger to your health. As I mentioned, as a pharma user, this one scares the bejeebers out of me. If it wasn't so dangerous, it would be laugable. Patti

Thanks, you guys confirmed what I thought. I have used and still use pm, but for a whole different reason, I worked up to 3000mg a day 2, 3 times a day for a few month's and got the sore nipples, but since I started the pm my problems with gallbladder disease have went to about nothing. And if there is a 0.001% chance it was the pm I will keep taking them till the day I die. I was just kind of looking for a kick start till I can save up to get a reserve to start hrt the proper way.

I'm a little late to the party here, but I would never do business with a company that does not have any kind of address or phone number on their website. Accepting payment only by money order is also highly suspicious. Assuming they really are selling ethinyl estradiol, I believe they are selling illegal pharmaceuticals. Hopefully, they get shut down soon.


(Would 454 be a rat motor reference)? Anyway, on to my reply.

Having seen nothing in your profile, your posts, or any kind of bio, just why is it you've determined you need HRT? Perhaps some kind of background info might clarify that. What was the reason you took PM? I get the notion that the Gallbladder improvement was a happy side effect. You said you used PM for a "whole different reason". I'm interested to know what that reason was.

If you wouldn't mind letting us know a little more, it would enable people here to be more helpful in the future. As I've said before, Even the fact that so many here leave out their age,(no-one is asking for a birthdate) can be an impediment to giving proper advice.

Without knowing more of your situation, and goals, it becomes very hard to attempt to offer assistance. There are a lot of folks here ready to lend a hand. Take advantage of it. Patti

Ahhhh, well fist off I'm not so great at writing so please forgive me in advance. Ok I guess if I'm really going to go down this route I have to start opening up. My story is kind of like most others, it started at a young age, with snatching moms clothing that she didn't wear anymore. Then she caught me one day and it kind of stopped for awhile. Then a few years later my grandpa had health problems and we moved in with him so mom could take care of him, and it was great for me, cause I chose to live in the big basement and be all by myself, and I raided the house for as many of grandmas old things as I could find, till he passed a year later. Then several years on down the road, I had a girlfriend, and she had problems with her mother, and my parents were the kind that wouldn't turn anyone away so she came to stay with us, and it started again, she had the most beautiful party and dance dresses, and I kept it well hidden, but eventually we just kind of drifted apart, which was ok cause we were not really compatible, she liked to be in charge and I'm the kind of person that won't be bossed around by anyone. Then jump forward in time several years, I meet a woman and had a child at a pretty young age, she was with a woman before me, and as I found out latter was just looking for someone to get her pregnant and a child support check I believe. But the deep feelings really started to come out with her, one night she asked me to wear her underwear, then it just grew from there, it evolved into a bedroom thing, to every thing she bought she got two of so we could match when no one was home, along with full make overs and all that good stuff, but one day I was tired of her wasting my money faster then I could make it on things like $400 cell phone bills and expensive dinners for her sister on my credit cards so I quit my job and told her to earn our living, and one day when I went to work for a job in another state, when I got home a few days later she had taken my son and everything I owned. Then 2 years down the road, she found out that not everyone would put up with her and asked for another chance, and me being the idiot I am that is to quick to forgive, plus the fact I missed my son, and she was doing everything dirty, possible to keep me from my kid she could I gave her another chance. And it evolved even more from there, to her wishing I had breasts and more, basically being treated like the girl I felt was inside me. But again I got tired of her a few years later, cause she had not changed a bit. Now as for my current situation, I'm 32, I am a care giver, so I don't have to worry about the being accepted at my job part, my mother...... well....... she's had a bunch of strokes, I been in front of her in everything but a wig and she hasn't said one word, I don't think she even notices, my dad though he has mentioned my crossdressing before when we argue so I know he knows. Lately I've been testing the water, using excuses about all my clothing being dirty and having to rummage in the ex's/my things to find something till they get washed, and he hasn't said anything, he has seen me in my favorite ankle length skirt. so if he didn't out right just accept it, I know my dad, he might not be happy at first but he'll get over it. As for friends, I don't keep many, the ones that I do have, either have no problem with gay people, or have gay relatives so I don't see why they would have a problem with a transgendered friend, if they do I don't care anyway I have no problem cutting tie's. And my son, well first off I suspect, he might be in some of the early feelings myself, sometimes he acts like a girly girl, he loves singing along to Miranda Lambert and Kelli Pickler, and the girls in his life can talk him into playing dress up at the drop of a hat. His mother expressed that her son "might be a fag" to me ( I know it's messed up that his lesbian mother would have a problem with his sexuality) but I just told her I'd talk to him about it. Now I didn't tell him about me, but anyway I had a chat with my son and made sure he knew I don't care what he is or does as long as he is happy, he expressed a interest so, I bought him a dress and a short set and put them in the closet and told him they were there if he wanted them. He hasn't touched them but I don't know if it was just a phase or if he is trying to do something to make myself or his mom happy, because he is the kind of kid that will tell you he likes something or want's to do something because he thinks it will make the person happy, he tries to hard to please others. But all that aside I don't think he would care either as long as we still have our strong relationship and I still take him hunting and fishing and to amusement parks and stuff. Then there is my best friends, my internet gaming buddys I've known for years, I know if I told them I'd probably get jokes about what color my panties are tonight and "send us a pic of your boob's" for a few weeks but they would accept it. But I'm 32 years old and It's time to make a choice in my life either keep in the rough know all do all mountain man life I've been trying to live or take the step and become the woman I've been dreaming about for years, I done it all just like you guys, had the moments were I throw out all my thing, then went back to it, and I'm at a point in my life were if I were to go threw with it I would not care if anyone had something to bad about it and I can get the money to follow threw if I stop wasting it on all the stupid stuff I buy, I love the shooting sports and If I see a old rifle or something for $100 I can't pass up on it, then I look at the bad finish and think I need to refinish it so I run out and Buy $500 worth of sand blasting and parkerizeing gear. But I would like to say I've never been suicidal over my feelings, I love life to much to even think about that, even if I do feel I'm in the wrong body, I'm just not happy, and sometimes I get a little stressed out thinking about it. As for the pm, I'm sorry I didn't word it right, I started taking it for the feminizing effects, but got the gall bladder as a bonus, I was taking 3000mg a day then as I got low on my last order tapered it down to 2000 a day my last measurements if I did it right show I have gained about 1/2 to 1 inch in the chest and my butt feels a bit bigger, but I've came to realize that it's not the miracle transformation pill I was thinking it was, but I'm still taking it hoping for more feminizing effects but mainly because it has stopped my gall bladder pains. And now Like I said I feel it's time in life to make a choice, there are only 4 things holding me back, 1. If I can't make a some what passable woman, I've though about getting the virtual ffs and see what that comes back like and base my decision off that, I don't have to be a beauty queen, but I don't want to look like a 60 year old drill sargent in a dress. 2. I love the gun range out in redneck country, I like the people, I like the place, but heee hillbillys and transgenderd people don't mix, but there are other places to start over. 3. money I've got it in my head that $5000 would be a good starting point to get the therapy, endo and hrt going, from there I would be able work off of a budget of maby at most $5000 a year from there. Then my father is at the age were in a couple years he will have to start taking money out of his 401k yearly and I'm pretty sure I could talk him into helping me out with srs, ffs, etc. 4.Then there is my son and how he would deal with having a lesbian mother and a transgender father. Sorry for the wall of text but you asked Tongue

Btw yep 454 is for the motor, I love vintage cars as well.


I have only taken PM, but from what I've read your breasts will only grow as fast as a real girl's breasts. They are estrogen factories, and it still takes them about 3 years to get to full size. (Google Tanner Stages)

Pharm hormones are unlikely to get there any faster. Another thing you need to remember is that your breasts will only get to the same size as they would if your rib cage development had not been affected by testosterone. Unless the women in your family had massive jugs, they are going to look a lot smaller.

I've been taking an ave. 3000mg/day for 1 year and 7 months and grown about 2 inches; but you'd never know to look at me because the structure of the male ribcage pushes them sideways and they are proportionally smaller to a 36inch ribcage than they would to a 30inch ribcage, when they would look quite respectable!

If you carry on with the PM at a decent dosage, (a) it will be cheaper, (b) it will be safer, ( c) if you can bring yourself to stop buying guns, it gives you a chance to save money towards what you are likely to need, and maybe leave your father some 401k money.

If I were in your position, my priorities would be to build up as much money as possible and focus on the two key procedures that you are likely to need: facial surgery, possibly tracheal shave, and breast implants if needed. If you start trying to get the pharm hormones now, you may be required to live as a real woman now which could affect your employment if you have to do it before you are "passable". They might cause health problems that prevent you getting the rest of the money you need.

That's my analysis for what it's worth. Smile

Good luck,


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