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Stopping NBE, but is my body stopping?


Hi MonikaT,

Metformin I know very well, as I am a Type 2 Diabetic. But it's not something you want to take a lot of. You don't want your blood sugar to plummet. Sad It may also be part of why my tits started growing in the first place. Blush


(25-02-2013, 03:27 AM)s67bigdave Wrote:  Hi MonikaT,

Metformin I know very well, as I am a Type 2 Diabetic. But it's not something you want to take a lot of. You don't want your blood sugar to plummet. Sad It may also be part of why my tits started growing in the first place. Blush


I'm type 2, also. I'm on the maximum dose of 850 mg 3x/day. My blood sugar needs more help than that. Low blood sugar is generally very rare with metformin alone since it only makes the cells more responsive to the insulin that is already present. Unless something else is causing the production of more insulin, is also increasing sensitivity, or one is injecting extra insulin, there should not be issues with hypoglycemia.

Given humans really aren't designed to eat grains, I'm guessing most of us can use a little extra help with blood sugar.

I believe metformin is sometimes used when women are having trouble producing enough milk when nursing. I know it is also used to treat PCOS since insulin resistance is part of that condition even if it doesn't rise to the level of diabetes.

The doctor has me on metformin, glyburide and actos for my diabetes. I have to watch that my blood sugar doesn't drop too low, which it does on occasion. Then I must eat!


Lets let this thread get back to where it belongs.

I'm so grateful for all of the awesome comments on this thread!
At the moment I'm only taking 1 each of PM/FG/SP per day, an using my PM cream only 1 time per day. However, starting on march 1st I'm ramping it up to 2 each of PM/FG/SP, while using the PM cream 2 times a day. I'm also re-adding progesterone, which I will be using twice a day (I've been doing a constant routine for the last 6 months so i figure the Progesterone is necessary now).
I'm also going to order the domperidone just to try it. I've always been my own favorite guinea pig, and from what I've researched it won't hurt and if it does, that will be squarely on me at least. Nobody ever achieved anything by not taking a risk.
Hopefully I'll be able to set up an appointment with an endo soon, I very much desire to get on more powerful hormones.
To all of you, it is so wonderful having breasts and seeing my body change.
I have had so many days where I want to give up, but then I'll look in the mirror and see how much different my body looks! Believe it or not I actually ripped my pants yesterday while sitting down, lol. Thankfully, PM has made my butt a lot bigger (squats help too!). I just wish that I could lose 10
Last thing- I found this pic the other day, and I think it's great inspiration for all of us.

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Hey I just wanted to update everyone about my current program.
I've been taking 2 SP and 2 FG per day, as well as 1-2 PM depending on the day, as well as PM cream 1-2 times a day and progesterone cream 1-2 times a day.
I've added a lavender oil based lotion as well, since I have read that exposure to lavender oil causes men to develop breasts. I have to admit, the very next day after using the lotion my breasts definitely felt more swollen and full. I also feel incredibly calm. Still not getting erections (which I love). My body looks and feels overall more feminine and soft. I'm so excited to see where things go for me.
I'm attaching a nice pic I found for inspiration.

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I probably took this pic about a month ago or so.
I've dropped my daily PM dosage to 500mg per day, but have added a PM soap that I use when I shower in the morning.
No longer using FG, but my progesterone cream is made from wild yam and is infused with a TON of great herbs like FG, RC, vitex, dong quai etc.
I'm also taking RC once a day as well as 1620mg of SP per day.
Finally, I use a Noogleberry and nipple suckers once a day for an hour each to stimulate growth.

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