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Random Thoughts


Hello everyone.

As the title states, this is the random thoughts thread I said I'll create.

So, what's on everyone's mind?

OK, a while back, a few people here asked about ginseng. I'm wondering if anyone has decided to add it to the variety of things they take. Granted, it's probably of little or no NBE use. I'm just curious if anyone took it for other reasons, and what, if any, effects they've seen form it?

I discovered that combined capsules of Maca and Ginseng were considerably cheaper for the same content of Maca than the Maca on its own. But I can't say for certain that either has actually done anything for me, and may well drop them both when supplies run out. Bulk Maca is much cheaper, and can be used in cooking, for example thickening soups and stews and as an ingredient in breads, but after absorbing quite a lot of the stuff over an extended period, it doesn't seem to have done anything except contribute unwanted calories. Sorry if this doesn't help much.

Didn't know MACA ginseng combo existed. I was just wondering if anyone took ginseng for it's other "stated" benefits, such as cold tolerance, blood circulation, etc. (Unfortunately, as an aphrodisiac, it sure wouldn't be of much use to me anymore).
We drink ginseng tea, I have to add a little honey, because I can't stand any tea without a good dose of sweetener. It does seem to help with blood flow. An unscientific observation.

(05-03-2013, 10:33 PM)PattiJT Wrote:  Didn't know MACA ginseng combo existed. I was just wondering if anyone took ginseng for it's other "stated" benefits, such as cold tolerance, blood circulation, etc. (Unfortunately, as an aphrodisiac, it sure wouldn't be of much use to me anymore).
We drink ginseng tea, I have to add a little honey, because I can't stand any tea without a good dose of sweetener. It does seem to help with blood flow. An unscientific observation.

I only knew of ginseng as an aphrodisiac and a stimulant. Until now, I'd never heard of it helping with circulation and cold tolerance; I could actually use that. It never did much for me as an aphrodisiac. Maca doesn't seem to do much for me either.

Am I the only on who thinks ginseng tea tastes like mud?

Even a clean ginseng root smells like dirt! 1/2 of our house smells that way every time she puts a batch in the slow cooker. (Ever make tea that way)? And...., that's why I have to have a healthy shot of honey mixed in. The only thing I've found that smells stronger was one day I woke up in the back bedroom and couldn't breathe. My lovely wife was frying sliced korean peppers in the kitchen. I was out of the house for 6 hours. Fortunately, with advancing years, she can't eat them anymore. Thank God for small favors.

(06-03-2013, 07:53 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  Even a clean ginseng root smells like dirt! 1/2 of our house smells that way every time she puts a batch in the slow cooker. (Ever make tea that way)? And...., that's why I have to have a healthy shot of honey mixed in. The only thing I've found that smells stronger was one day I woke up in the back bedroom and couldn't breathe. My lovely wife was frying sliced korean peppers in the kitchen. I was out of the house for 6 hours. Fortunately, with advancing years, she can't eat them anymore. Thank God for small favors.

And here I was expecting you to say she was making kimchee. I used to work with a bunch of folks, all Anglos, who loved the stuff and kept a gallon jar in the fridge in their building. It was rough having to go to their building and fix computers as they sat around snacking on the stuff. All of the ingredients sound good to me, depending on the recipe (forget those with seafood), but the smell repels me.

I've never made tea in a slow cooker, but it seems reasonable to me.

I spent 29 days in Korea in the military and one of the memories I have is smelling Kimchee cooking from blocks away.

Uh-huh. I was there for 3 separate full tours. When we went for the morning runs, we had to run through the villages. You know their motto is "land of the morning calm"? Sure enough, at 6 AM it's all hanging there, so thick you can taste it! Sure does bring back memories, though.

Hey, bryony, if you haven't read the report on British otters, don't! You'll only get depressed and leave again. Big Grin Something about changes to some very personal body parts.

(07-03-2013, 09:05 AM)PattiJT Wrote:  ....
Hey, bryony, if you haven't read the report on British otters, don't! You'll only get depressed and leave again. Big Grin Something about changes to some very personal body parts.

Don't try to kid me that you don't know basic psychology Patti! I had to go to Google straight away! Smile

Now why would that report worry me? Size isn't everything! Big Grin
To be honest, my two new fun bits more than compensate (tmi).


PS Anyway, where would I go? Pollution is pretty rampant whereever humans overbreed, and we don't have colonies on Mars yet... Sad

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