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My routine / results / thoughts on PM/SP/etc


(30-03-2013, 03:13 PM)sfem Wrote:  That's awesome! Congrats!
Your boyfriend sounds like an amazing person too.

Awwwww, thanQ, he is the BEST thing that has happened to me in years. WE have been together for almost 3 years --- which is really good. Usually guys see us "types" as curious flings or target us as one-off oddities. My guy, however, sees me as a whole person and we have come to know each other deeply and intimately on emotional and intellectual levels as well as physical and sexual (grrrrrrr....Smile
Anyway --- I read him your note tonight, he gave YOU a big thumbs up and a "THANK YOU FOR NOTICING"!!!!

We girls need more guys like him ---- who see us a full people with feelings, not just some interesting side-fling for titillation. (I love titillation, btw, just not using people for it!! LOL) Wink
OK --- I am off my proverbial soapbox!! ThanQ xoxoxox

(30-03-2013, 05:33 PM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  You're outwardly very attractive Robin and from what I can tell in your posts, you seem like a nice person on the inside as well. Your diligence has paid off! I wish it were possible for me to do what you've done so please don't ever take it for granted and take time to enjoy it everyday as I'm sure you do. Best wishes.

Thank you very much for the compliments --- like all girls here and elsewhere, it is WORK trying to look cute and pretty, all the while looking like we just do it in stride!!! If you had ANY idea how much time we spend in front of mirrors w make-up, or how many times we try on different dresses or jeans, or --- and this is ME every day --- how many different pairs of heels we try on before we leave the HOUSE!!! --- well, as I was saying, if you had any idea how much we OBSESS with little stuff you'd get us a shrink --- immediately!!! LOL

Anyway, on a serious note, it does TAKE TIME and you hit on it --- DILIGENCE --- to pursue ones own goals. Patience and hope and a positive attitude really pay off.

I wish you were able to pursue your own goals and needs in a more open world and a more open society. Your words are well put --- and well taken --- I do not nor will I ever take for granted the blessings I have in my life, and the opportunity I have had to live the life I have needed to live --- as a woman, a lover, a friend, and a "cute chick" when the mood hits Wink

In a few years, perhaps I can be the spouse of the man that loves me. Then the USA will indeed be where "all are created equal."

Thank you. GOD BLESS YOU.

(31-03-2013, 01:35 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  Congratulations Robin!

It's good to hear everything is working out for you. Smile

Hey Girlie!! Thanks for the quick note --- and yes, THANKS, all is going really well. Hope you are good.

So here is me (April 2 2013) with slightly under TWO years of PM and SP primarily. This is a padded-pushup bra I am wearing BUT you can see a very definitive figure. I am REALLY convinced that the secret to effective PM usage is keeping the SP going ALL the time, and cycling the PM as if it were my girl cycle --- three weeks on, one week off, repeat.
I wonder if anyone else has had the same opinion --- while I think PM is a miracle herb, I think the SP augments the body chemistry in a way to allow the PM to be most effective.
Anyways....I was hesitant to post BUT pls keep comments clean and NO LURKERS sending me private messages --- this is an herbal forum. Thx in advance. Smile xoxoxo

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Beautiful as always Robin. I love the striped top, great with your skin tone.

You're looking very nice Robin. SmileSmile

Simply beautiful Robin! Inside and out. You have made such a huge progress and I love reading your posts. I'm so glad I read your thread. I LOVE how simple your program is and mine is so close to it! I think I will definitely do 3 on 1 off with the PM ( starting next Tuesday when Aunt Flo is done torturing me) and take my SP and EPO all month. I also will taking Maca to increase my curves- looking like Olive Oil sucks- a d wanted to see if you cycle that as well?


(03-04-2013, 08:59 AM)robin_beales Wrote:  I am REALLY convinced that the secret to effective PM usage is keeping the SP going ALL the time, and cycling the PM as if it were my girl cycle --- three weeks on, one week off, repeat.
I wonder if anyone else has had the same opinion --- while I think PM is a miracle herb, I think the SP augments the body chemistry in a way to allow the PM to be most effective.

Lovely pic, Robin, well done!Smile

I'm not sure about cycling as such but I am pretty convinced that varying the dose up and down adds something, I've said several times that I think my body responds to the change in dose rather than the actual amount ingested.

As for SP, that did absolutely nothing for me one way or the other, but I think that the older you are the less it is needed.

(03-04-2013, 03:46 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  You're looking very nice Robin. SmileSmile



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