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my progress on nature day


im new here been reading alot i have been useing all nature day products for 7 weeks have had good results was pretty much flat let me know what you think and any suggestion that will help was thinking on switching to pm not sure thanks

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(11-04-2013, 11:13 PM)sexless6969 Wrote:  im new here been reading alot i have been useing all nature day products for 7 weeks have had good results was pretty much flat let me know what you think and any suggestion that will help was thinking on switching to pm not sure thanks

That's amazing progress from flat in just 7 weeks. I would think you should stick with what's working, and maybe consider switching if your program stalls (assuming more growth is what you want, of course)!


thanks any input would help

Impressive Progress.

What is Nature Day anyway? I havn't heard of it...

(13-04-2013, 07:17 PM)Lenneth Wrote:  What is Nature Day anyway? I havn't heard of it...

Nature Day is a breast enlargement product that is available in various forms like pills, soap, extract, cream, etc. The site has a rather significant number of testimonies from males who have used the product.


Great progress! I am NW also and started with the same but at 5 weeks and seeing growth but not as dramatic as yours. I am also taking the pills at three a day. Are you using those or any other supplements? I am also doing the massage twice a day. Ill post some pics at 7 weeks also. Great site for support and great progress pics like yours. Thanks.

im on all there products pills soap cream and extract seems to be working well just wondering on pm or more would be better thanks

That's really impressive progress. Do you have any before pictures? I have been taking Natureday for 3 weeks now, but just the pills. Back when I tried the extract 8 years ago, I responded a little too intensely (sperm production ceased). This round I've only seen improvements in the firmness of my chest (my skin feels less loose).

sorry had first pics but got in a hurry one day and deleted them witch pissed me off so now have none

How long have you been on NBE now, your results are very impressive.

I started on Natureday for about 8 months before switching to my PM/SP/Calcium routine, my main developments only began after the pm regieme. The results after 18 months NBE are no way near what you have achieved/.

Well done by the way.

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