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Random Thoughts


(16-04-2013, 12:07 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  Grrrr! Where are the rest of you getting your Ainterol brand PM? I ordered my first bottle from Amazon and it took 5-6 weeks to arrive. I wasn't going to do that again so this time I ordered from right before Easter and it still hasn't arrived. Is that normal for the rest of you? I reduced my dose JUST to extend my supply for another 5 days but now I'm afraid I'm going to run out before it arrives. Is there a faster place to order from or do I just need to order that far in advance?

I order my pm from I haven't ordered from so I don't know what their typical delivery service is. Do you have a tracking number for your pm shipment?

I've ordered lots of stuff from Amazon (not pm though) and I have had very little trouble with them.

(16-04-2013, 12:30 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  :O No... When I was using Ainterol I'd buy it from the Amazon store and it'd be here within a week, 2 at the outset. Where do you live? EDIT: NVM... It's in your profile... Minnesota... Maybe Minnesota's Postal Service just sucks? I'm in Ohio...

I also live in Minnesota and I don't think the Postal Service is that bad, at least in the urban areas. I never had any trouble getting my pm in a timely manner from


I live in a rural part of the Pacific Northwest. I ordered mine from shortly before Christmas. Because of the time of year and the quantity I ordered, they shipped directly from NY. I can't remember how long it took, perhaps a week. I have a PO box, and when I went to retrieve the package, someone at the post office had given my package to another box holder or someone who'd had their mail held while on vacation. I missed my package by about 4 hours. It took another week for the package to mysteriously be found without explanation. Fortunately, it was my first shipment, and I was still using weaker herbs so it was no big deal, but I would probably allow a month because even ships from Thailand.

Oh there it is! It never showed up by it's tracking number until tonight. ...Last seen in GERMANY on the 9th! What the heck? Well, the next order will be from Third time's the charm.

(16-04-2013, 04:04 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  Oh there it is! It never showed up by it's tracking number until tonight. ...Last seen in GERMANY on the 9th! What the heck? Well, the next order will be from Third time's the charm.

If you haven't already, I suggest getting in contact with the carrier to find out what the heck is going on with your shipment. Huh

I've found sometimes it's just the tracking information hasn't been updated. Hopefully you get your pm soon. Smile

(16-04-2013, 04:04 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  Oh there it is! It never showed up by it's tracking number until tonight. ...Last seen in GERMANY on the 9th! What the heck? Well, the next order will be from Third time's the charm.

When ordering from be sure to go into the area that is listed US shipped, all of the stuff in that section is shipped from New York. I live in Texas and it always takes 3 days to get to me via US Postal Service. Btw, a note for when you donorder: USPS tracking rarely if ever gets any kind of updates while in transit until late the night before it arrives. Makes the whole thing mostly pointless if you ask me!

I have some questions for the "inbetweenies" in regards to the gender spectrum. How do you feel during a conversation when someone refers to you as a man or when you check off the male box when filling out a form? Has brain rewiring and/or taking NBE herbs changed your feelings on this? Do you feel more or less self-conscious about this now that your'e pursing NBE?

When I recently had this happen to me it got me really thinking about my reaction to it. It's always felt odd to be labeled as a male or identify myself on a form as male. Judging strictly from a biological perspective, I'm a male no doubt. However, I feel that's where my maleness end. I think this is why in another thread I said I don't personally understand why males would consider it to be so distressing to have breast development. Ultimately I consider being labeled a male as archaic, however it's a reminder that despite my NBE progress or gender identity, people still see me as a male.

(21-04-2013, 03:47 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  I have some questions for the "inbetweenies" in regards to the gender spectrum. How do you feel during a conversation when someone refers to you as a man or when you check off the male box when filling out a form? Has brain rewiring and/or taking NBE herbs changed your feelings on this? Do you feel more or less self-conscious about this now that your'e pursing NBE?

Personally, I have no issue with being identified as a "male". I recognize that the vast majority of the world, whether you're talking about other people, governments, or organizations do *not* recognize even the existence of "inbetweenies". In the world's eyes I best fit the "male" category.

The only other person (outside of this forum) who even has an inkling of my "inbetweenness" is my wife, and she is still quite uncomfortable with the concept. Even the hard-core TG/TS community doesn't want to acknowledge that you can be "inbetween". I think that's because they are struggling for acceptance and the idea that someone can be inbetween muddles the issue considerably.

I believe that someday the concept will be out in the open and the use of "gender" may largely disappear (or perhaps an "inbetween" or "other" choice will be accepted on forms, etc.). I also believe that discussion probably won't happen in my lifetime. I am not a social activist and not trying to advance this cause. Also, using PM calms me to the point where I don't feel I need social acceptance outside my close circle. To everyone else, I am "male", and at least for now that is OK.



It irks me no end and always has that so many organizations ask for gender and insist you give it and insist you specify male or female. Mostly because it's none of their business. Unless it for a piece of identification, my physical or mental gender is none of their business. I have no problem supplying my physical gender for the purposes of identification documents. Of course, my physical gender no longer fits in their nice little male/female tick boxes.

(16-04-2013, 12:07 AM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  Grrrr! Where are the rest of you getting your Ainterol brand PM? I ordered my first bottle from Amazon and it took 5-6 weeks to arrive. I wasn't going to do that again so this time I ordered from right before Easter and it still hasn't arrived. Is that normal for the rest of you? I reduced my dose JUST to extend my supply for another 5 days but now I'm afraid I'm going to run out before it arrives. Is there a faster place to order from or do I just need to order that far in advance?

Hi Doodlebug,

Both times I've ordered PM, I've ordered from the same seller on eBay, mas2wxf. Both times my order came in about a week or less. The seller is in NY and I'm in southern CA. See my post: for more info.

Apparently, this seller pre-orders their PM from Thailand, due to customs delays, so they have it on hand.


It bothers me more than it used to. I used to try really hard to be the male society wanted me to be because of my junk. Now that I've accepted myself as an in-betweener, it bothers me when I see only two choices, male and female and I know I don't fit into either one but I know which one I'm supposed to check.

BTW, My order came in last Thursday almost 3 weeks after I ordered it from Still, I needed to sign for it so it took a couple days longer to get to the post office. Nervous that I was going to run out, I ordered from last Wednesday night. According to the shipper, it's scheduled to be at my door tomorrow. I should be set for a while now. I've got 600 caps Smile should be enough for 150-200 days.

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