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Matter of time


I've been doing the NBE for about a year now, my best development has been with PM, especially the new stuff I got from Ainterol in December 2012.

Some real strong budding began in Feb, I can feel discs under both nipples, the left side is quite a bit larger, and the nipples are puffy (unless it is cold). However I was wandering having read it takes bio females 5 - 6 years to develop full breast from when the budding starts is that the same for us, or will it take longer, or be quicker?

What are the experiences of those who've been on regimes for 1.5 years plus?

3-5 years is the range I have seen most commonly. For myself, I am still growing and filling out more than 4 years into the process.

I think it takes genetic males just as long, if not longer to develop breasts as compared to genetic females. I'm getting fairly close to the 1.5 year mark on pm, and I still have a ways to go before reaching the finish line.

Yes it certainly seems to take a while, it sometimes makes me wander if all I'm experiencing is some middle aged spread, as my pecs move south, and my bodily retains fat more readily than it did in my 20's.

An interesting article I read seemd to point to and average max development for men purposley developing breast (male to female transexual), to be between 18 - 24 months, but then they are talking about hormone therapy rather than herbs, so I suppose that would be quicker. (although this will not be the same for everyone).

Interestingly, my nipples were itching yesterday, I rubbed and lightly squeezed them for relief and some clear liquid came trickled out. I was a little worried so hit the web for some answers. I found a wed site ( which had the question posed and was answered that it was natural and a way for the body to keep the nipple ducts open, and that it can happen to men as well as women. Has anyone else experienced this?

(24-05-2013, 07:52 PM)Holmes12 Wrote:  Has anyone else experienced this?

I have, in the beginning when starting pm, now I cant do it anymore

I have added a post to the faq site for this topic.

Hi Sfem, I had a look at the FAQ, very good, but I could not see the post about liquid squeezed from the nipple.

Yesterday I noticed a strange thing going on with the breast. Again through the web reading I saw lots of articles inwhich young girls going through puberty say their breast go hard when its cold. At the time I though yeah so what everyone's nipples go hard in the cold. Yesterday I realised after walking home in a cold strong wind, that they actually meant the whole breast goes hard, that was a weird sensation I can tell you, it did not last long once I was in the warmth of my house, but wow. Can anyone relate to this?

(27-05-2013, 05:53 AM)Holmes12 Wrote:  Hi Sfem, I had a look at the FAQ, very good, but I could not see the post about liquid squeezed from the nipple.

Yesterday I noticed a strange thing going on with the breast. Again through the web reading I saw lots of articles inwhich young girls going through puberty say their breast go hard when its cold. At the time I though yeah so what everyone's nipples go hard in the cold. Yesterday I realised after walking home in a cold strong wind, that they actually meant the whole breast goes hard, that was a weird sensation I can tell you, it did not last long once I was in the warmth of my house, but wow. Can anyone relate to this?

Yep... And while my nipples ALWAYS went hard in the cold... 'Twas nothing compared to just how danged hard and sensitive they get now... Yes, my entire breast does get hard and sensitive in the cold, but my nipples especially so, like, ROCK hard and soooooooooooo impossibly sensitive.

I did not do a post about liquid you can squeeze from your nipple. I did one about the topic of this thread, namely how long does it take to develop breasts.

Oh sorry Sfem, I misunderstood.

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