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Lurking till now, my progress over 10 months



Hello everybody,

I have been a lurker here and have been implementing a lot of ideas from Breast Nexus. Now have mustered the courage to by posting on the forum and to thank all members who have been posting and giving out guidance to others (am me too) :-)

I am a male of 38 and have always had a flat chest. I started off on 15-10-2012 and measured: Above portion of the chest: 33", On Nipples:34" and Below:32" (on the ribcage).

Today I measure: Above: 36", On Nipples:38" and Below: 35".

I was never regular with my BE program, which is as mentioned below:
1) Massage: I made my own massage oil with and it was a blend of 30% virgin olive oil, 30% almond oil, 20% virgin coconut oil, 5% teatree essential oil, 3% lavender essential oil and 2% Aromamagic OOMPH (blended essential oils produced by Aromamagic brand). Massaged once a day 30 minutes prior to bathing. Once a week used to massage with Flax seed oil.
2) Hypno Therepy: Listen to Steve G Jones induction at bed time. And during the day listened to sub-neural beats whenever possible.
3) Oral: I have been taking Himalaya Drug Companys' Shatavari capsules (2xafternoons) and Organic India's Women's wellness capsules (2xmornings and 2xnights). I would take the caps for 60 days, stop and restart after 30 days.
4) Food: Initially included a lot of tofu for the phytoestrogens it contains. Have given up consuming tofu since Feb 2013.
5) Others: FG tea: 2 timesx2 teaspoons. Once in the morning and once at night. Had to give it up because of the strong maple syrup odour of my sweat.
5) Exercising: I am not a fitness freak and used to do bench presses and 3 more exercises that targeted my pectorals.

I am sorry, I do not have the before pictures as I did not take any when I started.

Need you inputs plus I cannot procure PM/ SP due to economic reasons. :-(

I am looking to increase the cup size only. It appears like it is a AA size. Any suggestions please?
Thank You All!

Hello CooLBluE.

I don't think it's possible to have a NBE regime specifically designed to only increase your cup size. Once your body gets the signal to grow breasts, it has the final say on the process. Depending on your age and genetics, some nipple/areola enlargement may be a precursor to gaining volume in your breasts.

I'm not sure the extent or type of growth you can expect with your NBE regime. The most tried and true method on the forum involves pm and possibly other herbs like sp and others. Unless you're getting some results with your current regime, I would suggest saving up your money and buy pm when it's feasible to do so.

nice progress

Thank you flamesabers for your inputs. I will definitely work towards procuring PM/ SP as the case may be sometime very soon.
Yes, the nipples have actually enlarges from what they were earlier. Any they are sensitive (not yet super sensitive) as experienced and shared by a few members on the forum.

I will try and keep the forum updated on the progress, in the coming few months.

God bless!

Thanks Lenneth for the comment ;-)

(24-06-2013, 05:13 AM)CooLBluE Wrote:  Thanks Lenneth for the comment ;-)

Hi, I am back again after a lull. Guess what, I was apprehensive the my wife will object to me growing feminine breast, but lo and behold, she seems be be loving it and is pretty supportive.

I continue to massage with a blend of flaxseed oil, almond oil, cod liver oil, a few drops of spearmint essential oil just before shower.

For the night, I massage with plain flax seed oil and lit it alone overnight,

Shatavari 500mg* twice a day
Fenugreek tea 1tsp* twice a day

My breasts have grown a bit from what they were months ago. I can now cup them, I was as flat as a carom board OMG, I just cannot express myself at the moment, sorry about that :-(

I will post a couple of pictures sometime this week.

Aim to fill a AA cup bra, after which I donno.............. :-P

Thanks to all the lovely ladies and men who did put in a lot of your time contributing to this forum. You guys are just awesome.

(16-12-2013, 07:38 PM)CooLBluE Wrote:  
(24-06-2013, 05:13 AM)CooLBluE Wrote:  Thanks Lenneth for the comment ;-)

Hi, I am back again after a lull. Guess what, I was apprehensive the my wife will object to me growing feminine breast, but lo and behold, she seems be be loving it and is pretty supportive.

I continue to massage with a blend of flaxseed oil, almond oil, cod liver oil, a few drops of spearmint essential oil just before shower.

For the night, I massage with plain flax seed oil and lit it alone overnight,

Shatavari 500mg* twice a day
Fenugreek tea 1tsp* twice a day

My breasts have grown a bit from what they were months ago. I can now cup them, I was as flat as a carom board OMG, I just cannot express myself at the moment, sorry about that :-(

I will post a couple of pictures sometime this week.

Aim to fill a AA cup bra, after which I donno.............. :-P

Thanks to all the lovely ladies and men who did put in a lot of your time contributing to this forum. You guys are just awesome.

One question: Are a set of breasts possible where nipples point forwards rather than downwards or sidewards? Sorry if I asked a wrong or awkward question.


Welcome back Cool,

Seems that you have tissue growth already!

L. Smile


Yes, they can point forward.     Unfortunately, due to physical differences between male and female, ours will usually point more outward than the average female. However, there are many many females with breasts that point sidewards as well. I don't mind sidewards, but I am happy when they are at least horizontal.

(17-12-2013, 02:18 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Welcome back Cool,

Seems that you have tissue growth already!

L. Smile
Thanks Lotus, those pictures are from sometime earlier this year. Its a shame that I do not have pictures when I started.

Here is a small table of measurements I did during the course of my NBE program earlier. 15-10-2012:
Above: 33
On Nips:34

Above: 34
On Nips:35
Below: 34

Above: 36
On Nips:36
Below: 34

Above: 36
On Nips:36
Below: 35

Above: 35
On Nips:36
Below: 34

Above: 34
On Nips:37
Below: 36

Above: 35
On Nips:38
Below: 34

Above: 36
On Nips:38.5
Below: 35

I have been busy with life with a new challenging job and could not do much with the twins growing :-). I have some free time now and will look at enhancing them further.

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