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Breast Tissue


Hi all
I was under the impression that if we came off PM

Fat went but breast tissue remained,

I thought I had grown some tissue last time round as definitely budded and then the large volcano like lumps sort of melted away,

When I dug into the breasts I could feel like a fibrous sort of knotted stringy tissue , was this breast tissue ?

Its not there any more ?



Hey Julie, I am no expert but having had natural breasts from puberty I would say I think breast tissue it's self is softer than the muscle under you breast, but more rigid than the fat you develop over it. The stringy stuff you describe is probably the glands inside the breast they tend to swell up when receiving estrogen then once the estrogen slows down or stops they go back into hiding. The glands do grow and contract but breast tissue can be lost also. If you go on a diet and exercise routine and lose weight. A good example of what can happen to breasts is Lindsay Lohan she had great breasts then when she started her partying and lost a lot of weight they disappeared. It happens to a lot of people for various reasons. I hope this helps.

Kind of why I've been using mechanical means for growth..... I've gotten growth consistently, small amounts at a time, but it didn't he away when I quit.... What ever kind of tissue grew... it stays put.... that's what Brava touts.... growth from inside created by negative pressure applied to the outside....

I may have to try this at a later date I am still waiting for my pm liquid. I have some nipple cups that you twist and they put serious suction on the nipple not sure I want that over the entire breast. Especially since my skin seems to want to get little purple not quite blisters just spots on my nipple. They go away after a few days but definitely don't want them on whole breast either. Good luck Julie I am watching you also! I have found myself on this forum so much since I found it a few days ago.

When you breast pump you really have to watch the amount of pressure you apply.... you can do a lot of damage real quick..... key is lower pressure over a longer time leads to permanent growth and lactating not just a bunch of swelling that goes away....

Thanks David,
Hope too post some pics again soon

"if something happens"

It always goes too my butt first ?

Wife treated me too a lovely smooth satin night robe so I can keep my new growth covered around the house

Cool huh,



Sounds great! I on the other hand have a hard time keeping my hands off of mine let alone keeping them covered. I drive forklift at my current job and when I hit bumps they bounce and jiggle and I can't help but love the feeling.
The worst part is I am 27 and have had them since like 15 you'd think I'd used to them but not yet. I just can't wait until they are bigger. I have started college classes and I plan on getting my associates in network systems administration. My first class was critical thinking and I think it has helped me come to the point I am at right now. I told my professor that I am starting a new life one where I am going to do everything in my power to be happy. I have started dieting and exercising heavily. Haven't started running yet. Been doing core and butt workouts to try and tone up and get rid of some of my belly fat. Last october I was 295lbs today I am 265lbs. I am trying to get down to at least 220lbs by the end of the year, which is fast approaching.
I will post pictures of my breast progress as well of any bodily progress I make. I am down 1 inch in my stomach in less than a week of doing my situps and crunches. For my butt exercises I started with mule kicks but changed them to something that seems to work much better!

I am on hands and knees then kick out one leg and do rotations without letting you leg touch the ground. My rotations are towards my butt. After doing 50 circles I switch legs. I will say the second 50 with the other leg sucks! Some of the muscles you work are for both and that makes the second set of fifty tough. The key is to keep leg as straight as possible while doing the rotations.

Goodstuff well done you , impressive

Are you going full time female or just getting healthy and growing attributes ?


To be honest im not sure how far I want to go. I know I am going to be losing a lot of weight and getting healthy. In the process of growing my breasts bigger than they are and that will probably feminize myself quite a bit. I still love women, not men, I just happen to envy women more than anything else. To put it best I guess "I'm Complicated" too.
The good news or bad news I guess is that other than you all I have no one to share myself with. I have stayed away from girlfriends for the last 7 years, too much drama. The good part of that is no one to answer to but myself. The bad part is you all have found some very rare women to understand and support you, maybe one day I'll be so lucky?

(26-06-2013, 02:32 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Hi all
I was under the impression that if we came off PM

Fat went but breast tissue remained,

I thought I had grown some tissue last time round as definitely budded and then the large volcano like lumps sort of melted away,

When I dug into the breasts I could feel like a fibrous sort of knotted stringy tissue , was this breast tissue ?

Its not there any more ?


I have had a similar experience, significant reduction after months off, more so than I expected. I have found that it does come back quickly after the first time, however. I suppose the breast tissue is still there, it has just shrank.

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