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Boobie Fairy


How gripping is she ?
Mine have just started too redistribute fat , no budding again as yet ,
but yesterday the nipples started puffing out and not going down much and the aerolas darkened almost overnight,

Getting quite attatched already,

How many people are going for major growth ?
How many keeping at a delicate size ?

Some on here are very stable in their aims and comments so can fight the Fairy ,

Are there signs too watch for so we can slow down and not let her get a grip or do we just roll on cautiously ?

I ask the question as I am looking for growth and most of all mental benefits , but realise pm works and is strong so do not want too wake up one day and find I am rewired and gone too far,

Thoughtful insights welcome



and the reason I ask this is

One girl on here and I will not name her I think she has wandered over too the transition side when for months she has been saying

small growth and mental benefits,

so I believe the Fairy may have caught her and whisked her off and am a little concerned,

Hopefully I am incorrect in my assumption but since she was a very strong advocate that she could control PM , its a word of warning if pm has rewired her ???


Hi Julie,

I have no plans of micromanaging my growth. I'll take whatever I can get.

I don't see pm as a mind control agent. I think the boobie fairy certainly can open up new possibilities for to you choose from, but I don't think there's any deception or loss of volition with brain rewiring. If transitioning is the typical destination for rewiring, I think there would be a lot more of us on this forum transitioning. I think NBE may help some realize how much happier they'll be if they go further and transition. Others I think find NBE is the end of the journey. They like having breasts, but have no desire to transition or see the consequences of transitioning outweighing the benefits.

If you have no desire to transition, I doubt pm is going to change your mind on this. If though you feel uncertain about such a prospect, than maybe as you progress on your NBE journey you may discover transitioning may be very beneficial for you. Ultimately, I doubt the boobie fairy is going to fool you into doing something you don't genuinely want to do.

If it is true pm rewires individual to want to transition, I would probably be a prime candidate. I've been taking pm for over a year, most of which has been on a fairly high dosage. I have no significant other, no kids, and I'm fairly young. However, transitioning hasn't been on my mind. I'm happy with how things have been progressing for me.

Thank you Flamesabres
excellent answer,

We will look forward too you updating us on your superb physical growth and also too warn us if there is a pm switch somewhere,

At present I am inclined too very much agree with your answer, but am being very wary in case there is a switch after watching my friend move or rather jump a few pegs across the spectrum,

Boobies crossed



Obviously, I cannot speak for others... but for me, well I would like a nice set of breasts.. nothing more. My mindset I think is pretty good.. and I have noticed a more calming effect while on PM..

However, I have only been on PM for a month or so... so that might be my imagination. But my wife has noticed so physical changes and is very happy

JulieTG, after more than 4 years of NBE, I can report I have no desire to transition. I am happy with what I have grown, and although they are a bit bigger than what I was originally vaguely imagining, I am fine with what I have changed in myself and have no desire to change anything else.

Excellent sfem
Think you are a true


Its almost a like a new and exciting species as according too most

TS trollop data , we dont exist ?



Seeing it on the internet doesn't make it true, as many have come to understand. The corollary is also applicable, not seeing it on the internet doesn't make it imaginary. Although it often seems that it just means you haven't searched enough, or the search engines don't index in a useful way to find it. Hmm. Makes me wonder if the popular search engines exclude results based on things like gender discrimination. I know google has been caught more than once pushing results they prefer you to find. And of course, all the "targeted marketing" people driving so much of what actually shows up in your browser have seriously distorted most people's perception of what the internet offers. I doubt very many even understand the impact of the big providers' rewriting of dns.



(03-07-2013, 11:58 AM)julieTG Wrote:  How gripping is she ?
Mine have just started too redistribute fat , no budding again as yet ,
but yesterday the nipples started puffing out and not going down much and the aerolas darkened almost overnight,

Getting quite attatched already,

How many people are going for major growth ?
How many keeping at a delicate size ?

Some on here are very stable in their aims and comments so can fight the Fairy ,

Are there signs too watch for so we can slow down and not let her get a grip or do we just roll on cautiously ?

I ask the question as I am looking for growth and most of all mental benefits , but realise pm works and is strong so do not want too wake up one day and find I am rewired and gone too far,

Thoughtful insights welcome


You're like an obsessive-compulsive on meth or something. You have all these racing thoughts which you often post as riddles or barely coherent streams of consciousness. It seems PM is causing you a lot of anxiety. Maybe NBE is not for you since it is causing such anxiety. Maybe you need psych meds (though I would never wish that on most people). Perhaps you should find a good therapist.

Since you have been on the NBE path before, it seems things happen faster the next time around. I suspect what is really happening in most cases is that whatever was lost during the hiatus returns relatively quickly, then progress slows to whatever pace it would have taken had there never been a first time.

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