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Abi Drew's plan

I've also had definite measurable changes recently!

My Vital Statistics:

Age: 27
Sex: Genetically Male
Gender: Mentally Female
Height: 5'4"

Starting Weight: 140 lbs
Starting Sizes:
35" above bust
37" over bust
33" under bust
29" waist
37" hips

Last Recorded Weight: 143 lbs
Last Recorded Sizes:
36" above bust
38" over bust
33" under bust
30" waist
32" hip "wings"
38" hips

Current Weight: 140 lbs
Current Sizes:
35" above bust
37.5" over bust
33" under bust
29" waist
32.5" hip "wings"
37.5" hips

I've lost 3 pounds and dropped an inch from my waist... I've also lost half an inch each from my bust and hips, but it seems to have all been "chest fat" rather than boob fat above, and the hips seems to be more a smoothing out, I'm getting a smoother gradation between my waist and my hips with a half inch gain at the wings of my pelvic/hip bones

Compared to when I started and was last 140 pounds I've gained a half inch in all the right places but haven't actually lost anything in the waist... Oh well. I'm trying...

As far as LOOKS go it's amazing, except when I'm wearing that shapeless school smock you can't mistake my body shape for being anything but female anymore. A lanky female that could stand to put on quite a bit more curves, but a female. I've still got quite a ways to go for the smooth tummy I'm after, but it does seem like I might get there now.

I don't know why but I don't seem to be craving nearly as much ice cream as usual this time of month either.

I seem to have some sort of scar tissue in my muscle under my left breast... I'm taking a break from noogling hoping that it'll go away with the bath of antioxidants I'm washing my body with between PM and many of my supplements.

I know it's in the muscle and NOT any sort of lumps in my breasts themselves, I've been keeping a very careful vigil on it for a while now because when I first noticed it I was almost worried it MIGHT have been.

But it's not. With massage and NOT noogling it HAS eased a little. It's still a little knotted up though. So, taking a break from the noogle monster and hoping it'll go away completely on it's own eventually. I can tell you it's NOT comfortable, and at one point it was downright painful.

I have to assume that I over stretched that muscle somehow and tore it. Possibly from too much pressure during a noogling session. So, nooglers beware. Be VERY VERY careful not to use too much pressure! I don't know if it's a risk for those with decent sized girls already, but if you're only an A cup or less there's definitely a pretty good risk of getting some of your muscle pulled up into the domes too. Which ain't pretty.

Today was day three... I've not been having the really horrid symptoms from last time, but I have been having some cramping and other physical discomforts. My breasts are VERY swollen and tender this month, which is a first for me. And lastly I've been having terrible insomnia... I get tired and "rest", sometimes even EXTREMELY tired and "crash", but I can't seem to actually SLEEP. For basically the last couple days. Maybe even the last few. Its hard to keep track really when I'm like this.

I don't know if the insomnia is completely random, or related to my supplements in some way, something I'm just going to put up with every now and then from hormone fluctuations, or even related to my current set of subliminal programs. Its honestly hard to think clearly at all right now, and I'm not sure I'd be able to decide what's going on even if I were more lucid.

Despite all this however, I did manage to do 3 complete roller sets at school today and had a client in the middle of the day interrupting me. And the third one was a "crazy thing" as per one of my instructors lol.

The first two were just fairly conventional brick lays, with two spiral curls framing the front of the face. I did both of those in the morning before my client. The third one I did as an entirely spiral set. Used almost two entire sets of large rollers. I decided to try something different, lol. I had my instructor put the mannikin I did that one on in the office to dry overnight cuz the crazy thing wouldn't fit under the hood dryer! And I want to see how it turns out.

Uhm yeah... so that last was totally unrelated, but I thought it was cool and felt like sharing, so meh!

Finally got some sleep last night! After three days straight of not being able to sleep, mainly due to just plain being horridly uncomfortable all night I fall asleep about an hour after getting home, then about an hour later our boarder pounds on my damned door and pounds and pounds until I finally scream at him to get lost and he screams at me to give my mom her bathroom scale back... which never left the basement, it was just moved to the other side of the tv stand.

Needless to say I was pissed. And fired off a rather mean text to my mom that honestly wasn't deserved by her... But like. Seriously. Who the hell wakes up a bloody sleeping insomniac? B's lucky to still be alive, stupid fool. If I'd woke up more fully any faster I'd probably have slammed my door open with my box cutter/utility knife in hand ready to do serious violence. It was the first thought to come into my addled brain.

After about two hours I fell back asleep... It wasn't nearly as restful and I was still grumpy in the morning, and was feeling pretty lousy all day still with some cramping and bloating, but then some time towards the afternoon I was all chipper as can be. Seriously. Wow.

LOL. Anyways... today was day 5. And I was 144 fully clothed and fed and watered... Normally I weigh myself on total empty in the buff first thing in the morning, so I was curious what I weighed more "typically".

Today was day 15... I don't understand it, but I've been achy all over, and especially my hips and breasts, all weekend. That's not normally something you'd associate with experiencing mid-cycle I don't think.

I've also been super drained. During a time that I'd normally be having my worst insomnia.

It could be because I simply don't have as much estrogen this month... The PM just isn't as strong as the EV, even taking twice as much PM and using it both internal and external.

On another note related to the pharma hormones... One of my friends in the area who is also MtF told me she's been going to a place in Michigan, doctors visits about $150 and only twice a year with about $50 labs. So $200 twice a year for the doctor visits... And I already know the hormones are a LOT cheaper with a prescription.

They do have her taking it on a conventional schedule though... twice a day, same dose every single day...

I hope I could convince them to try out my schedule instead, but if not, I'll just be racking up lots of extra pills, cuz they'd more than likely be giving me more than I need.

Oh, and I've gone ahead and ordered some AmiLean... My waist is just being too freaking stubborn and I've GOT to stop starving myself!

Well damn. My AmiLean is being shipped USPS from NH... And is supposed to be here in only TWO business days according to the Snail! Since when is the Snail ever THAT FAST!?

So it's supposed to get here on Wednesday... but we're still looking at rain on Wednesday, so I won't really get to start to use it till Thursday... Going to paste it on, cover it in saran wrap and then go bicycling with it on my midsection in order to try to convince that midsection fat to GO AWAY.

I'm thinking about making another change to my diet... And the entire way I'm doing things. Trying to come up with a protein "bar" recipe that packs some serious nutrition and that I can completely balance ALL my nutritional needs.

To make it easier on myself I'll probably just crush up, powderize, and mix many of my supplements straight into the recipe.

It'll probably take me a while to formulate before my first test run.

I put "bar" in quotes because I'm not entirely convinced that a bar is going to be the easiest way for me to split this powerful meal replacement into, well, meal replacements. I want to split it evenly, and have about 20g protein per serving, so that it's something I can just devour quickly whenever I have a minute. Cuz that's all I have a lot of the time. And I want to be able to eat it often throughout the day. At least 5 times a day.

Anyways, when I figure out how I'm gunna do this I'll probably post it in here and maybe in its own thread in the foods for NBE area.

I intend to make this recipe very much dominantly protein based. VERY VERY low carb and fat.

It'll probably have a flavor combination of mostly chocolate, vanilla, and hazelnut, with a few other sweet nutty flavors. The primary flour will likely be rye. It was between that or buckwheat and buckwheat sounds just too chancy. I KNOW I like rye, but I've never knowingly had buckwheat. Danged healthy as heck but...

(09-07-2013, 01:32 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Well damn. My AmiLean is being shipped USPS from NH... And is supposed to be here in only TWO business days according to the Snail! Since when is the Snail ever THAT FAST!?

So it's supposed to get here on Wednesday... but we're still looking at rain on Wednesday, so I won't really get to start to use it till Thursday... Going to paste it on, cover it in saran wrap and then go bicycling with it on my midsection in order to try to convince that midsection fat to GO AWAY.

My AmiLean did indeed arrive today, as promised. That's a first for the USPS.

And it rained again late this afternoon. The grounds still wet. I don't have anything I can go bicycling in that I don't mind getting muddy. Which is why I haven't been out bicycling.

The AmiLean bottle says to use it twice a day for the first two months... But I can't see the point when I won't be working out in the morning. I ain't hardly got time in the morning most of the time as it is!

OH! And I think I know what my goal size is: 41", at a 34 band that'd be what, about a D cup!

I really do think that 32 bands are going to be slightly too tight on me overall. I'm pretty much a 33 under, and yeah...

How I arrived at my goal inches is by measuring my shoulder + arms skeleton circumference... which is 41"! If my bust matches that, I should look proportional for my shoulders vs breasts... And if my hips match that as welll... Hi2u perfect hourglass!

So....... with a goal hip and bust measurement of 41", my goal waist would be AT LEAST 28"!

I might still try for 27" though... 28" would be a 0.68 WHR while 27" would be 0.66 either way I'd be "above average" in curviness. But where I am now, 29", would be 0.707... just a SMIDGE below average...

A waist smaller than 27" was always going to be impossible for me, and honestly I think I'd be happy at 28" as long as I can get my hips and boobs to 41".

Oh! And I also found an AWESOME bra sizing chart that MOSTLY works. Though it does the whole add inches/cm thing to the band size, the rest of the measurements add up.

[Image: Konrad%20bra%20size%20cm.jpg]

Switching to CM, my underbust is EXACTLY 83. That's literally my skeletal underbust.

My bust right now is 94.5 cm, which means I very slightly overflow a 32A but don't QUITE fit a 34A... Which is TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So right now I'm squeezing into 32A, driving my skin horribly nuts, but my goal size is 34D!

And I'm getting really damned close to my first bra upgrade. Oh yeah!

A brief note about the AmiLean situation... I think the main reason the AmiLean says twice a day to begin with is that it's assuming a much worse starting point than where I am. I mean. I'm already 29". And my goal, at most, is to lose only 2" to get to 27"... That's hardly the kind of "toning" the product is being mainly targetted for. Especially since I really don't mind if I don't get this in only a couple months. It'd be NICE... But, heck, I've got patience enough. I'm not killing myself over this.

So yeah... I'll go ahead and only do once a day... In the evening. And only on days I can get on my bike...

I'm sure it'll still do more for me than not using it at all.

OK, I lied. The pavement dried enough that I could avoid the wet spots, so I did a half hour riding a circuit around the house. 5 laps. 4 burn laps and the final a cool down lap.

The AmiLean felt fine when I massaged it in... But once I went out on the pavement and got a burn going, it was a BURN by lap 3. By the time I was doing my "cool down" my torso felt like I was on fire!

Oh... the things we'll do for beauty... Let's just hope this stuff is all it's been hyped up to be.

I bought 8 ounces of it. No idea how long that'll last me. With any luck just as long as I need it to get my weight down to around 125... at which point it'll be time to start building those hips!

My FINAL goal weight is going to be 135. That's supposed to be the ideal weight for my frame size and height. Male OR female. I think the deal with the whole conception that guys should weigh more than girls at a given height is actually based on the difference between their "average" frame sizes. As a guy my frame would be dropping right off the bottom of the charts small. So I'm actually using the "small" frame size to base my assertion that male ideal weight is the same... As a female I'm right smack on a medium frame size.

If we consider "medium" as the average, then a male medium is actually much larger than a female medium.

Just an interesting observation...

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