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facial feminization


I'm a very big skeptic so I hesitate to even ask this but... I think I'm noticing some very subtle facial feminization - very subtle! I think it's in my cheeks or jaw line??? Has anyone else noticed the same on PM? I've been talking it for 3.5 months but it could easily be my hope that's influencing my perception.

I was in no way expecting it, but I have noticed a subtle rounding of my pointy face in the last few months. GF hasn't seen me in some weeks and commented in it as well, without me bringing it up. Still look very much like a dude, but there is some definite subtle softening of hard features going on. I was actually going to post about this, thanks for the reminder!

I usually notice my facial cheeks feeling more full when I return to taking something to help my breasts along. I feel it there and then just the feel of my skin seems to change, too. I tend to take PM or something for a month or several, then stop when things are becoming more noticeable. Which is odd, because that's the reason I was taking it in the first place. But this time I seem to be persisting. Anyway, I digress. I do agree that there can be some facial sensations or actual changes (soft tissue, not skeletal). Good observation, and I'm glad you brought it up.

I think my cheeks have become fuller since starting on pm, though I wonder if it's just my imagination. Nobody has commented on it. Sad

I have had bad scars from acne and pm has completly cleared it upwhich I found amazing.

(17-07-2013, 11:46 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  I think my cheeks have become fuller since starting on pm, though I wonder if it's just my imagination. Nobody has commented on it. Sad

I've noticed this myself....and also a friend mentioned that my face looks rounder. She knows what I've been taking, but the observation was unprompted, so idk.

I don't believe bone structure will change, but seems possible to me that fat redistribution in the face could happen.

You guys are experiencing the opposite of me. I think I'm noticing some slimming around my chin and possibly cheeks. I really like what I'm seeing and hope it continues - more rounding would not be welcomed by me. Since my OP however, I wonder if it might have something to do with facial hair. About a month ago, there was a big change in the growth rate of hair on my face and legs and it seems easier to shave now. Maybe finer and perhaps lighter hair is causing a slightly more feminine appearance for me.

I sure envy those who are taking pharma HRT and the obvious changes they experience to their face and figure over time. Oh to be so lucky that PM would do that too if even to a lesser extent.

ah Doodle bug

You and I alike,

Yes my face went thinner last time and this time,


Mine gets fatter. Weird lol

(18-07-2013, 05:10 PM)doodlebug2055 Wrote:  You guys are experiencing the opposite of me. I think I'm noticing some slimming around my chin and possibly cheeks. I really like what I'm seeing and hope it continues - more rounding would not be welcomed by me. Since my OP however, I wonder if it might have something to do with facial hair. About a month ago, there was a big change in the growth rate of hair on my face and legs and it seems easier to shave now. Maybe finer and perhaps lighter hair is causing a slightly more feminine appearance for me.

I sure envy those who are taking pharma HRT and the obvious changes they experience to their face and figure over time. Oh to be so lucky that PM would do that too if even to a lesser extent.

Similar with me, Facial Slimming & oddly my chin has been narrowing slightly...

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