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Such a quick effect of PM...?


Hi all,

so I have finally received the results from my endocrinologists. Everything was within normal male levels, except slightly elevated prolactin and progesteron.

So there was nothing to help explain the quick reaction to 500 mg PM/day I have had. Recently, I started taking PM in this amount again, and the story is the same... After 3 weeks, hard buds below nipples 3-4 cm in diameter, runny sperm, slightly shrinking testes. But my GID therapist was not much surprised, saying that she has seen a lot of things, as if sometimes the effects were almost due to wishing strongly enough (psychosomatic) Smile I wonder what will happen when (if...) I start HRT... I guess I will negotiate starting on a very low dose.

So, we have been discussing having a very quick effect of PM. Now, how about having the effect at all while on a very low dose such as 500 mg / day? Any experiences?

(23-07-2013, 08:42 PM)Apple Wrote:  Hi all,

so I have finally received the results from my endocrinologists. Everything was within normal male levels, except slightly elevated prolactin and progesteron.

So there was nothing to help explain the quick reaction to 500 mg PM/day I have had. Recently, I started taking PM in this amount again, and the story is the same... After 3 weeks, hard buds below nipples 3-4 cm in diameter, runny sperm, slightly shrinking testes. But my GID therapist was not much surprised, saying that she has seen a lot of things, as if sometimes the effects were almost due to wishing strongly enough (psychosomatic) Smile I wonder what will happen when (if...) I start HRT... I guess I will negotiate starting on a very low dose.

So, we have been discussing having a very quick effect of PM. Now, how about having the effect at all while on a very low dose such as 500 mg / day? Any experiences?

Actually that's EXACTLY the explanation. Elevated prolactin and progesterone == uber breast growth baby.

Lucky dog. Some of us have to work to elevate those.

I have had a very similar reaction when taking Ainterol PM. I started off taking 500mg for about 1 week. After that, I increased to 1000mg for the next few days. By the end of 2 weeks, my testicles were so sore (borderline painful) and my penis started to shrink. At this point, I stopped taking PM and the pains stopped after a week or so. However, my penis has remained small when flaccid and my scrotum seems to have thinned out.

I wonder if my estrogen receptors are really sensitive just like you. I haven't had my hormone levels checked. I notice that I randomly still get sore breasts from time to time. I wonder if that is an indication that I have low T levels because I haven't taken herbs in 4 months.

Does anyone know if free T levels affect penis size when flaccid? When it is erect, it is normal (same as before taking PM).

I might try going back to FG and SP and see how things go. I didn't have any serious side effects when taking them.


(24-07-2013, 01:29 AM)christin14 Wrote:  Hi.
I have had a very similar reaction when taking Ainterol PM. I started off taking 500mg for about 1 week. After that, I increased to 1000mg for the next few days. By the end of 2 weeks, my testicles were so sore (borderline painful) and my penis started to shrink. At this point, I stopped taking PM and the pains stopped after a week or so. However, my penis has remained small when flaccid and my scrotum seems to have thinned out.

I wonder if my estrogen receptors are really sensitive just like you. I haven't had my hormone levels checked. I notice that I randomly still get sore breasts from time to time. I wonder if that is an indication that I have low T levels because I haven't taken herbs in 4 months.

Does anyone know if free T levels affect penis size when flaccid? When it is erect, it is normal (same as before taking PM).

I might try going back to FG and SP and see how things go. I didn't have any serious side effects when taking them.


So, you have a shrunken penis, thin scrotum and occasionally sore breasts yet you haven't taken any estrogenic herbs in 4 weeks and you're worried? I think the most significant symptom is the worry - your subconscious may be trying to tell you something. I'm no doctor but I just finished watching 2 episodes of "House" and I think you should stop taking ANY and ALL NBE herbs until things go back to normal. If they don't go back to normal, I'd seriously go see a doctor and tell him you where pretending to be an endocrine system (no judgement - that's what we're all doing) by giving yourself "hormones" and now things aren't aren't like they used to be even though you stopped.

If it were me personally, I wouldn't be worried about the genitalia - it might simply be perception and even if it isn't, I think it could easily recover with time. As for the breasts, taking PM is supposed to cause breast tenderness. I know... the breast sensations should have gone away by now but I'd still give it more time. ...But that's just me and I'm one of those types that never have health issues, you on the other hand may have goofed up your endocrine system or coincidentally happened upon a genuine health condition.

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