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Muscle pain and fatigue


Ohh ouch

While my mind loves being on pm, my body is not so keen which is frustrating

Mental benefits superb ,

My body however is

In pain,
Back ache,

I suffer from inflammation and cluster head aches and it seems too have brought these pains back , I thought it did last time but was not so sure?

Now on week 7 I seem to be experiencing pain flashes

Am I the only one ?

Suggestions welcome ?

The one thing I have noticed is the moment I have something too eat the pain level drops significantly



Doing stretching can help the muscle pain, I had headaches and backaches and I think Progesterone cream might have been the solution for the headaches. My back still hurts sometimes though. Make sure you drink enough water also.
I remember first time I tried PM I got a whole bunch of pains but somehow I don't anymore. If your pains are severe maybe you should see a doctor.

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. Sad

Other than my bouts with estrogen dominance, I haven't had problems with pm causing physical ailments.

If it's feasible I suggest getting a massage from a massage parlor. I find a good massage can work wonders with relieving my tense muscles and overall improving my well-being.

Well I am blessed to have a Hot Tub which I use every evenings and it has worked miracles literally,

But this pain is def related too PM or low levels of t now, its like a dull ache in nearly all the body,

Just feel washed out if that makes sense ?



(29-07-2013, 10:10 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Ohh ouch

While my mind loves being on pm, my body is not so keen which is frustrating

Mental benefits superb ,

My body however is

In pain,
Back ache,

I suffer from inflammation and cluster head aches and it seems too have brought these pains back , I thought it did last time but was not so sure?

Now on week 7 I seem to be experiencing pain flashes

Am I the only one ?

Suggestions welcome ?

The one thing I have noticed is the moment I have something too eat the pain level drops significantly


most plant material has non water soluble material within its structure-
(toxins ) which the plant evolved to stop animals from eating them.
those toxins build up in the animals body and stop the animal from eating the plant.
when we consume coffee or tea we only consume the water solvable part of the plant.

If one puts the dried plant thru say a coffee machine.
one level tablespoon per 8 ounces and only drink the liquid- you would not have the physical distress.

You also would notice breast soreness after 30 hours and rapid growth.
you would have large tits in a few weeks


LOL... Non water soluble parts of plants are now toxins? Damn. Better stop all those old people getting all that Metamucil then.

On a more serious note... This sounds suspiciously like the loverly little side effect of PM known as a major insulin response but no sugar for that insulin to be attacking. Thus your insulin spike attacks your necessary blood sugar and takes you to a dangerously low point...

The answer? Simply just eat stuff when you take your PM. Doesn't need to be much. Just something with a gram or two of sugar is plenty. Heck, if you want to simply just take a "spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down" ... to quoth a very wise character in a super awesome classic musical.

Really doesn't need to be a spoonful though. A teaspoon is about 5 grams typically. So a quarter teaspoon should be plenty. Wouldn't even need to be particularly full. Or a heaping eighth might be sufficient.

Honestly though, whenever you're taking a bunch of pills. ANY pills. You really should be eating at the same time. You just need to make sure it contains a little bit of sugar if you happen to be taking PM... Or FG... AFAIK those are the only common NBE herbs you MIGHT use that has that insulin response.

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